"a" by grandecasada [Solo]
DDNet 11/09/2023 2:27 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

347.86 KB
DDNet 11/09/2023 2:27 PM
DDNet 11/09/2023 2:27 PM
grandecasada 11/09/2023 2:27 PM


jestreamtheripper 11/09/2023 2:29 PM


ssor. 11/09/2023 2:30 PM


curseddd_ 11/09/2023 2:32 PM


roundflatcake 11/09/2023 3:02 PM


itom6176 11/09/2023 4:05 PM


fjp123 11/09/2023 4:10 PM


steinchen99 11/09/2023 4:36 PM


__tae__ 11/09/2023 4:40 PM


texnonik 11/09/2023 4:52 PM

i liked some original ideas with 0 jump tricks that you have to understand . but map looks like you sketched it and leave it as it is . at least you can complete the map . map is not hard but too tight . when you get item you immediately lose it ( 2 times in row ) , you can leave but it's kinda bad . you could make rocket with out tune would be better , shotgun just 3 shots and lose it , you could make somethink with hook and shotgun by trying to create and play , maybe you would find interesting idea , or with somethink else . some parts are to basic . that shortcut with jetpack is bad even


is not that punnishing as this part with skip . laser is teleporting too far hard to know where you gonna teleport to . all this 1 block ways are dum . i would try make parts more interesting or even delete them and creating new . start with switch kinda strange , almost like no point to go there , just like filter you need to go there to deactivate , if you would make part so you need to go there to complete the part with out switch would be cool .

for me it's decline or if a lot of rework . i liked some ideas that you used in map . good luck with next map !

sinecly 11/09/2023 4:58 PM


comebackplay 11/09/2023 5:10 PM

In general i like idea for parts. But map feels tight need more space.
simple this swing this annoying if u wanna scale difficult by annoying ppl this is wrong way.

comebackplay 11/09/2023 5:24 PM

Rule 1 Try avoid special tiles if it possible (non-special tiles : hookable, kill, unhookable, hooktrough, freeze, unfrezze) For what that rule : this tiles clear and predictable and basic, so ppl can find way just looking ur part.

comebackplay 11/09/2023 5:25 PM

here i sure u can avoid tune zone just be right hidh and distance , and same for most door on ur map.

comebackplay 11/09/2023 5:30 PM

1 tiles annoyng stoppers.

comebackplay 11/09/2023 5:30 PM

here u can avoid hook block by put hookable just higher.

comebackplay 11/09/2023 5:32 PM
comebackplay 11/09/2023 5:38 PM

so u need a lot rework on map. delete 60%-90% specials tiels , do bigger. rn it is decline.

cyberfighter 11/09/2023 5:41 PM

this sucks lol

cyberfighter 11/09/2023 5:47 PM

please remove the coinflip added to the map

vena6080 11/09/2023 10:17 PM

it's not random

vena6080 11/09/2023 10:18 PM

i agree with triki, i put the map in waiting, but if you want we can decline for now because it need a big rework, even if the part are interresting

vena6080 11/09/2023 10:18 PM


cyberfighter 11/09/2023 10:27 PM

i died there some times

grandecasada 11/10/2023 12:46 AM

ok, you can decline it, later i rework the map

vena6080 11/10/2023 12:47 AM


coke1465 11/14/2023 8:57 PM
