"run_event" by Unknown Mapper [Race]
DDNet 05/05/2023 10:32 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

imperius9110 05/05/2023 10:34 PM

I didn't find this map on the unique servers so I decided to upload it.

uronfire 05/05/2023 10:37 PM


DDNet 05/05/2023 10:38 PM
uronfire 05/05/2023 10:38 PM

$ready 1

anokys 05/10/2023 10:03 AM

how does a low quality (old?), map gets readied? i know race category is dry but shouldnt release just because there are none

anokys 05/10/2023 10:04 AM

the other map run_4fisico atleast well made and also looks nice(r) to the todays "standards"

texnonik 05/10/2023 10:22 AM

maybe it's oldschool ?

texnonik 05/10/2023 10:24 AM

missing hook

texnonik 05/10/2023 10:26 AM

ye i remember playing this map , was hard back than

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:34 PM

We are discussing the fate of race maps in internal channels for now

anokys 05/10/2023 12:35 PM

okok, also shouldnt release maps that are already on unique

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:36 PM

That's what we are discussing and the point of having a race category at all

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:36 PM

We are a DDRace server, yet our race maps have to follow the race settings and mapping rules

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:37 PM

If we were to have race maps, they should at least be DDRace-race maps

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:37 PM

Which would result in releasing them in solo anyway

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:38 PM

What I suggested is to remove the whole race category, ask unique to upload the maps they don't have and merge our times with theirs

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:39 PM

I also asked to add a "Race" tab, just like we have for KoG

uronfire 05/10/2023 12:39 PM

all my time on antibuguse wasted

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:40 PM

It's not wasted if your time doesn't get deleted

anokys 05/10/2023 12:40 PM

Thats just dumb to remove a whole category or merge it with solo. Without any shape of mind i wouldnt spend this much time with the category on another server.

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:40 PM

It would help increase the visibility of race servers

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:42 PM

It was good to have race maps (and gores maps) at the beginning of DDNet, to diversify our content a bit and to stand out.

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:42 PM

It's not needed anymore and race feels off

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:43 PM

The main problem you point out is people being point hungry

anokys 05/10/2023 12:43 PM

Im sure im not the only one like that who wont play any more race if there is none on ddnet

anokys 05/10/2023 12:43 PM

No i dont care about points

anokys 05/10/2023 12:43 PM

I just wont spend time on another server

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:43 PM

I don't understand why ?

anokys 05/10/2023 12:44 PM

I really dont get it why it needs to "change" now after all these years

anokys 05/10/2023 12:44 PM

its good as it is

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:45 PM

People go to KoG to play gores and don't complain, how would that be different ?

anokys 05/10/2023 12:45 PM

Also some maptimes wouldnt even be fair because on unique your rocket projectile stays after killing

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:46 PM

Because things were like that doesn't mean they can't be changed, they have to change at some point

anokys 05/10/2023 12:46 PM

Imo the gores maps currently available on ddnet is much more fun and creative than on Kog

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:46 PM

Because our gores maps are DDRace-gores maps

anokys 05/10/2023 12:48 PM

Yes and our race maps are ddrace-race maps in some way

unlucksmcgee 05/10/2023 12:48 PM

One advantage for having race maps on ddnet is that it is available to a more global number of players (at a lower latency), since ddnet has more servers spread throughout the world compared to unique.

anokys 05/10/2023 12:49 PM

i really see no reason for this to change

unlucksmcgee 05/10/2023 12:49 PM

Counterpoint, we wouldn't want ddnet to just be a massive collection of random maps though

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:50 PM

DDRace-race maps can be moved to solo, the others not

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:51 PM

That's unique's problem. I don't do server management. They could increase their locations or merge with DDNet ?

anokys 05/10/2023 12:52 PM

thats a really good point also

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:52 PM

Also, doesn't antiping help nonetheless ?

anokys 05/10/2023 12:52 PM

No it doesnt, i lag so much on every unique server

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:53 PM

Friendly reminder : Unique servers are the one blaming us for releasing new race maps (and existing ones)

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 12:54 PM


anokys 05/10/2023 12:54 PM

Ye i see no problem they are blaming us for releasing existing ones obviously 😂

anokys 05/10/2023 12:54 PM

its theirs

anokys 05/10/2023 12:58 PM

also they have no really rights to blame us for releasing new race maps, if people want a map released ONLY on ddnet and not on unique

anokys 05/10/2023 12:59 PM

i wouldnt even consider mapping for unique

anokys 05/10/2023 1:00 PM

ddnet seems so much more reliable (server life termwise)

iku123 05/10/2023 1:26 PM

thats the worst suggestion ive seen so far from any tester let alone from a tesing leader

iku123 05/10/2023 1:27 PM

why would you want to delete a 8year old category

iku123 05/10/2023 1:28 PM

also unique playerbase or race main playerbase is so small compared to kog you cant even compare the 2

imperius9110 05/10/2023 1:48 PM


anokys 05/10/2023 1:48 PM
pipou_tw 05/10/2023 1:55 PM

Read from the beginning, you'll find your answers

iku123 05/10/2023 2:06 PM

i referred to the beginnin

iku123 05/10/2023 2:06 PM


iku123 05/10/2023 2:06 PM


iku123 05/10/2023 2:07 PM

maybe you see text that i cant see ?

iku123 05/10/2023 2:09 PM

also just make a community poll so the people who actually play the race maps can decide if they want them on ddnet servers or not

iku123 05/10/2023 2:10 PM

5-10 people deciding the fate of an entire category

anokys 05/10/2023 2:11 PM
pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:15 PM

I explained all of our reasons to do it

anokys 05/10/2023 2:18 PM

well dont

texnonik 05/10/2023 2:19 PM

oldrace new category

texnonik 05/10/2023 2:20 PM

back when i played race maps , i thinked there is no freeze deathtiles or teles just swing and rocket to get faster time ... well it felt like that .

iku123 05/10/2023 2:25 PM

does anyone wanna merge race category with unique??

imperius9110 05/10/2023 2:32 PM


steinchen99 05/10/2023 2:35 PM

Why not ask


what he thinks of it? :D

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:41 PM

did already

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:41 PM

This is thanks to him we know what he thinks

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:42 PM

This is what I gathered so far :

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:42 PM

Should we keep the race category and release new race maps on DDNet ?

For: People keep their ranks and times (and points) on DDNet. Against : People will have their times transfered to Unique server (or a Race server hosted by DDNet, the same as for iCTF for example)

For: Unique isn't spread worldwide so having a few races can make it accessible to everyone (lag issues) Against : You can play with antiping

For : People don’t know about race servers Against : Adding a « Race Â» tab would help increase race visibility

Against : Race maps follow race mapping rules, it has nothing to do with DDRace.

For : We shouldn’t care what the owner of Unique has to say Against: The maps are already uploaded on unique server and some see it as a competition. The owner is against us having race maps

hopetez 05/10/2023 2:42 PM

No we are not blaming ddnet for releasing new race maps, existing maps on the other hand are not worth rereleasing if they are on unique for the majority of racers who actually play race and hunt for rank1s. also run_4Fisico was already on our servers and is a middle close to shortrace map, wasnt it the case that ddnet only accepts long race maps?

iku123 05/10/2023 2:42 PM

omg 1 race player said its fine → whole ddnet community will get the acces of race maps on ddnet SOUNDS GREAT

uronfire 05/10/2023 2:44 PM

playing race with antiping sucks

uronfire 05/10/2023 2:44 PM

movement, rocket just feels off

tearlessabyss46 05/10/2023 2:44 PM

i still love how they try to make every decision behind closed doors for no one to see and then they wonder why there is so much backlash when presenting the changes

uronfire 05/10/2023 2:44 PM

its not a pleasant experience to play with more than 40 ping on race

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:44 PM

If it was the case, I wouldn't be talking about it here

iku123 05/10/2023 2:45 PM

omg unique servers are thriving lets move all race maps to there!!!

iku123 05/10/2023 2:46 PM

just make a community poll since it will affect the community the most

iku123 05/10/2023 2:46 PM

but that would make too much reason so that wont be done

qtkqtqtkqkwtktqnwttwnwtntwnqtnwy 05/10/2023 2:46 PM

instead move more maps to ddnet please. I would do the same with ddrock. there's so many good maps frfr

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:47 PM

The thing is that people want new race maps here because DDNet has more visibility and it's widespread across the world compared to Unique. The target audience is not racers but DDRacers. We know barely nothing of race maps because it has nothing to do with DDRace that's why we don't want them

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:48 PM

You are clearly spamming the channels and trolling lately, keep going and I'll ban you from testing

iku123 05/10/2023 2:49 PM

you can see barely anyone plays on unique servers

iku123 05/10/2023 2:49 PM

ill fight against stupidity

hopetez 05/10/2023 2:49 PM

I have nothing against DDNet releasing race maps, neither the other Unique members. I am speaking about racers who actually care and play race, that they would have to play the same map twice, back then this decision was cleared with index, welf and i dont remember the other guys, that they don't take existing maps from our server bcs of that, the way u put the "For and Against" debate is concerning me and who made their voice for me, yes i am against rereleasing race maps that are on our server, but thats about it.

iku123 05/10/2023 2:49 PM

"DDRace that's why we don't want them" who doesnt want race maps?

iku123 05/10/2023 2:49 PM

there is nothing wrong with them being there

imperius9110 05/10/2023 2:49 PM

My path in this game started with racing, like most old school players, I don't think there are few racers in ddnet.

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:50 PM

Nothing forces them to come and play the maps on DDNet, this is not mandatory

hopetez 05/10/2023 2:50 PM

I never said it is, its just what was talked about in what year? 2015? 16?

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:51 PM

We aren't map hungry right now

anokys 05/10/2023 2:52 PM

as you can see noone really supports your suggestion, it is a bad idea

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:54 PM

It's about consistency. We are a DDRace mod, not a Race mod. I also suggested to host a Race server just like we do for ctf and fng. By hosting dedicated Race servers, we would avoid lag issues and people would still keep their ranks and times

iku123 05/10/2023 2:55 PM

fng and ictf are completely different gamemodes ofc they have their own servers

iku123 05/10/2023 2:55 PM

but having race maps doesnt change anything

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:56 PM

The problem I see with Unique servers and why they aren't more popular across the globe is that there aren't enough servers to play decently. Maybe a fusion could help both DDNet and Unique

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:57 PM

Yet, Race isn't DDRace

iku123 05/10/2023 2:57 PM


iku123 05/10/2023 2:57 PM

people dont want to play ONLY race maps

iku123 05/10/2023 2:58 PM

so it wouldnt matter if its a fusion or something

iku123 05/10/2023 2:58 PM

cuz race maps just dont get much attention

iku123 05/10/2023 2:58 PM

since that playerbase is barely alive atm

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 2:59 PM

That's why I asked for a tab. I wonder if most of the community knows about other servers than DDNet (and Kog which they often mix up)

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:02 PM

Also, I don't know if you are aware of it but to map a race map for DDNet (currently), you have to follow the race mapping rules so they are compatible on race servers. Do you agree with that ? As a DDRace server, shouldn't our race be DDRace-like ?

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:03 PM

That's why Race should be separated from DDRace and maybe have its own server (hosted by us)

iku123 05/10/2023 3:03 PM

we hace race category to have race maps that are not ddrace like

iku123 05/10/2023 3:03 PM

that is solo

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:03 PM

I agree

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:03 PM

As you say "not DDRace like"

iku123 05/10/2023 3:04 PM
iku123 05/10/2023 3:04 PM

that doesnt mean we should remove it

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:04 PM

Not remove, just move

iku123 05/10/2023 3:04 PM

no one would play it

iku123 05/10/2023 3:04 PM

it will be gone to the shitter

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:04 PM

Why that ?

anokys 05/10/2023 3:04 PM

you can still make race tab, with forced only race category ddnet servers

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:05 PM

That would make sense

iku123 05/10/2023 3:05 PM

the "race" community is barely alive

iku123 05/10/2023 3:05 PM

and by moving current race maps wouldnt fix it just make it worse imo

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:06 PM

Some paranoid people believe we are trying to hide things and do some secret wizardry while I'm here reading you all to find a good solution to satisfy everyone (if that's possible)

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:07 PM

If it's barely alive, why wouldn't DDNet just host it ? If it's meant to die

anokys 05/10/2023 3:07 PM

race tab with forced ddnet servers + unique servers

iku123 05/10/2023 3:07 PM

cuz people play it cuz of point/rank points thats the only point of having them rn

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:08 PM

The points hungry

iku123 05/10/2023 3:08 PM

and some of them are a really nice challange to players such as antibuguse unbelievable etc

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:09 PM

By hosting them I mean to import the data too

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:09 PM

So nothing gets lost

iku123 05/10/2023 3:09 PM


iku123 05/10/2023 3:09 PM

just allow new race maps to be less race like

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:10 PM

I already held that fight a year ago or so

iku123 05/10/2023 3:10 PM

its better than removing it

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:11 PM

But then, there is a thin line between solo and DDRace-race maps

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:11 PM

It's hard to define it

iku123 05/10/2023 3:11 PM

we COULD just more race to solo aswell

iku123 05/10/2023 3:11 PM

and have them rerated

iku123 05/10/2023 3:11 PM

and for 5* races you would get valid amount of points

iku123 05/10/2023 3:12 PM

"point hungry"

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:12 PM

I'll let them cogitate about it all for now 😄

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:43 PM

what yall think about this idea

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:43 PM

put all solo-like race maps from race into solo

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:44 PM

like run_birming or knux or antibuguse for example

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:44 PM

and change the rules for the actual race category

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:44 PM

basically turning it into smth like shortrace but for ddnet, like shortddnet 😼

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:45 PM

That would make sense

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:46 PM

But what about real race maps that are already on the servers ?

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:46 PM

that way we could finally add some new style of content to ddnet

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:46 PM

yeah i'm not sure how those would be treated

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:46 PM

i don't think any serious racers plays race on ddnet servers

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:46 PM

i assume that's true but not sure

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:46 PM

What about having that race tab ? To give unique a better visibility ?

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:46 PM

maybe except for the hard+long races

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:47 PM

idk about race tab

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:47 PM

maybe combine it with kog or something

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:47 PM

We already have one for KoG

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:47 PM

there could be a lot of improvements for tabs

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:47 PM

one for ddrace, one for pvp, kog, race, etc.

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:47 PM

i dont think it's a bad idea to add more tabs at least

pipou_tw 05/10/2023 3:47 PM

I agree

anokys 05/10/2023 3:53 PM

i disagree

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:54 PM

other than u and matrose xd

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:54 PM

i mean a bunch of pro racers have top ranks on ddnet maps

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:54 PM

but do they rly play on ddnet compared to on unique

anokys 05/10/2023 3:54 PM

just look lice E02 for example

anokys 05/10/2023 3:54 PM

great map

anokys 05/10/2023 3:54 PM

and a lot of race players came to play it

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:54 PM

oh well yeah

anokys 05/10/2023 3:55 PM

unique race players

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:55 PM

i mean i rly like the recent race maps made for race

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:55 PM

but the vast majority of race maps are like medium/long maps

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:55 PM

i'm not sure how much overlap with unique actually

anokys 05/10/2023 3:56 PM

best solution to leave race as it is

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:56 PM

but i'm fine with keeping old race maps, i just think it should be revamped

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:56 PM

cuz theres like 5 ppl who play it total

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:56 PM

at least revamp newer maps*

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:57 PM

i think e02 was a good map for race server

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:57 PM

things like run_jellyfish_fields just feels like solo but with a nade

anokys 05/10/2023 3:58 PM

every race map is a solo with a nade

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:59 PM

im talking abt the style

louis.place 05/10/2023 3:59 PM

idk i just think race category could be better in the future

murpi 05/10/2023 4:00 PM

IIRC the reason why there aren't more tabs is due to the lack of space for people playing on low res monitors. (Can't find source, sorry)

louis.place 05/10/2023 4:00 PM

theres not too many short maps on ddnet which i think is a shame

louis.place 05/10/2023 4:01 PM

we could start accepting them on race and since the points are so low anyways it won't inflate anyones points

anokys 05/10/2023 4:02 PM

i mean ye i never saw really the true reason behind not releasing short race maps, if its really well made

louis.place 05/10/2023 4:03 PM

i say keep all the old maps but allow new maps to not abide by the traditional rules 😼

louis.place 05/10/2023 4:03 PM

(so they can be short and use different features than just nade)

anokys 05/10/2023 4:05 PM

original version of jellyfish had ninja

steinchen99 05/10/2023 7:56 PM

Can we add custom tabs? tabs u can modify yourself and put in server ip's for ez access

gazebr 05/11/2023 5:50 AM

I dont get the point about race maps following race rules and not ddnets. For one I would imagine newly made races actually do follow ddnet rules and for the old ones - well they were made before the rules so thats why they are here. Same way oldschool maps with meh gameplay get released today

gazebr 05/11/2023 5:52 AM

And deleting races from ddnet is probably much worse than moving a map to fun category in terms of activity

gazebr 05/11/2023 5:56 AM

Also can you guys add a new forum channel for discussion or announce things like that cuz yet again an important decision is made in a random testing channel

pipou_tw 05/11/2023 7:35 AM

Newly made races are still made according to the race rules. Oldschool ddrace maps are ddrace maps, not race maps. This is not a random channel, we are discussing the fate of race maps in a race thread. Talking in another channel would get that discussion mixed up with others

cyberfighter 05/11/2023 9:05 AM
cyberfighter 05/11/2023 9:05 AM

this u pipou

uronfire 05/26/2023 3:07 PM

Are we gonna touch this or just decline it?

uronfire 05/26/2023 3:07 PM

More than 2 weeks no news or anything

anokys 05/26/2023 4:01 PM

decline the idea and the map aswell

anokys 05/26/2023 4:01 PM
iku123 05/26/2023 11:17 PM
imperius9110 06/08/2023 7:40 AM

So, almost a month has passed, there is silence around and there is no information. Someone from the

s can answer, can I start uploading to test race maps that I couldn't find on the Unique servers?

uronfire 06/08/2023 8:15 AM

imo maps from unique shouldnt be released here

uronfire 06/08/2023 8:16 AM

if a map is on unique server dont upload it here, ones that arent feel free to upload if gameplay is good etc. it might get released

steinchen99 06/08/2023 5:25 PM


coke1465 06/26/2023 6:30 PM

fixed all the bugs

coke1465 06/26/2023 6:32 PM


DDNet 06/26/2023 6:32 PM
coke1465 06/26/2023 6:32 PM

$ready 1 (oldschool)

coke1465 06/27/2023 4:59 PM