this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bx9wOpuJjo thats the oldest video of it i could find

not sure how old the map really is


what im concerned about is that it doesnt have sv_solo_server so people can just fly through the entire thing and/or abuse sg bug

is this the map you showed me



but its the original, not fixed version


maybe upload that version and let testers compare

nah but it has completely different design and shit


also i changed parts slightly

sorry i have a terrible memory lol

reduced map size

i actually played this map

i played this on a modded server where there was the VIP room

with 0 delay weapons

i think you should put a solo tile at start

and place unsolo at end

there are a lot of this kind of bug

its an reupload of a really old map that hasn't been part of the pool. these were common mistakes and I believe are accepted because the mapper isn't the person who uploaded it and to keep the oldschool vibe of common errors mistakes and style of old maps

sg bug abuse needs to be fixed somehow

ye i know about those and i could try fixing some but not all are possible since its using 0.6 grass

and as for the unsolo

it would still let people do insane t0 ranks

i think i will just do sv_solo_server 1 and remove the bonus area

which still doesnt fully work

fixed some stuff mentioned above and also changed it to solo

cuz i see no point in it being not solo

since people can chot it then

fixed some entities

or instant solo it cannot be chotted

max with ninja

the problem is that people can come back all the way down

and reset the timer

but there is non is start room so

while having unsolo/grenade

oh ye


i really didnt want to change much about the map but i see no point in leaving it as a non solo

cuz it could be interesting for speedruns

ye but you arent really supposed to see these blocks around

so not sure how to solve it


there was no zoom back then so there was no problem

so its less "buggy"

bringing it down to the finish line

oh wtf theres something behind it in the video

didnt saw that

seems like i had a different version of the map


the shotgun part was just a big bump

but went back down to the floor level

u think i should also make the start line design wider?

since now people can jump on top of that platform

its completly fine imo

a fuck wait

wrong file

this one

i acidentally send my old edit of this map lol

last design fix

i feel like its ready now


shouldnt this just be solo? there are older maps on solo category

that would make the map easier to find so would be nice

do we release this btw what are your thoughts

i guess if its oldschool solo we can release in solo?

I think sv_solo_server should work, but if it doesn't then put solo tiles on spawn and keep it for the whole map

already added the config

so release on oleschool or solo

oh i guess u mean oldschool

on solo people could maybe find the map by searching for chill let's climb

so it would be easier to find for people interested in these kins of maps

We don't have a single solo map in the oldschool category so I think it would be better to have a sub category in solos

Solo maps/New maps, selected maps, jetpack maps, ..., oldschool maps

If this map is old, why does it have red teles

when did i say it was "old" 😏

be smarter than a rat!

overcome yourself

u didnt im just referring to the pic

Also im monke

not sure what teles the original map had since it seems like version i had was edited

but i wouldnt say its some very old map when i look at it now

I found a map version from 2013 before DDNet existed. So its oldschool indeed. Seems like he used both red and blue teles

so at this point idk if i should remove solo or what

lets jnust make it solo category and add oldschool section to solo map votes



move that one ddmax nut to solo too

$change server solo

ill ready if someone checks for entity bogs

it can go in solo under an oldschool category

$ready 2

ok ill just hope theres no big bugs

i played this map many times and couldn't find any



map name is too similar to https://ddnet.tw/maps/Chill-32-Let-39-s-32-Climb

or are you the mapper?

this map is older than chill lets climb im p sure

u cant chill here so its not the same map

can u mention that this is an oldschool solo map in the announcement





there is just air

which one?


i checked the first 2

when I look with
activated it shows a tile there for me

250 4

ah you hid the game layer, no?

ah no

same with

I'm on the test server and loaded the latest version

ill try to set air there again

only last one was shown for me

very weird




new vers

not home

can u do it?

its for the map that releases in a week

for the other one idk if you wanna upload it or not since its just optimizations


maybe since we're doing timecps for new maps someone could add timecps to this before rls?

since no one doing it

i was asleep


for secret room maybe? forgot if it has that

if not then


the playable map doesnt contain extra jumps

well idk then