this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


great improvement


better design same problem as before way to narrow


Rls pls

its very un,balanced

and extremely short

it is insane xD

no balance , toxic design. some parts more than insane


if u pass first 2 parts

its low brutal

try this


this is rly shit

Everything is too tight, don't be afraid to map with more space. Also you shouldn't try to make "insane" or any other hard maps with your skill level.

Insane part

but ye

ur improving

Did Some Nerfing With The 2 Sections Near The End.

It's still hard but much easier.

just hh

its moderate now




Buffed 2 Easy Parts.

Fixed an area where there was freeze texture inside of a hook-through object.

Design doesnt look good imo. The colours dont go that well together

Changed the background behind the blocks

Actually no it looks worse now.

Better object background


problems with map

no sapce

bad difficult rating

design pretty bad aswell some too bright

colors dont fit

boring gameplay

not fun at all

and also extremly unbalanced

the glow around the map is pretty cool

winning room is hurting my eyes

also dont do invisible kill tiles (like at spawn, you probably got the idea from cobra1-4 but there is a reason only that map has thoose)

Audio Bug Fixed.

that wont save map from decline :x

is there a way the difficulty could be switched to brutal?

not insane

the glow around the map was made to hide the glitch where objects would copy themselves if they were on the map border.

No need to, this can't be released Way too tight and many things don't really work, as I imagine you can't properly play and test them. Make an easier map with more space and test it properly and make sure everything works smoothly. Also try to avoid clashing styles in design.


granpa_cave xD

Maybe look for a color palette and use these colors to make a map design also stay away from bright colors

in comparison to your older maps this one definitely had better gameplay and graphics. it's still not at the point where we could consider a release, but you are always improving.