"Chill Hills" by Kaniosek [Moderate]
DDNet 12/24/2023 11:37 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

warlytoz 12/25/2023 12:39 AM

TO is too far away. You should adjust the color of the tele to make him more visible

warlytoz 12/25/2023 12:40 AM

i think useless

warlytoz 12/25/2023 12:43 AM

I think your unfreeze needs to be changed to a different color, the white color is not noticeable on a high brightness background, or you could use a darker color for the unfreeze logo.

prezes3333 12/25/2023 1:07 AM

Make the changes right away and send them ?

warlytoz 12/25/2023 1:54 AM

Nah, when you have time, fix it and post it on this channel.

prezes3333 12/25/2023 1:56 AM
prezes3333 12/25/2023 1:56 AM

something like this ?

prezes3333 12/25/2023 1:57 AM

I can lower the teleport TO even further

prezes3333 12/25/2023 3:10 AM
DDNet 12/25/2023 3:10 AM

Map filename must match channel name.

texnonik 12/25/2023 4:37 AM


warlytoz 12/25/2023 8:09 AM


warlytoz 12/25/2023 8:10 AM

feel good

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:11 AM

solo weapon tele is same as start line

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:11 AM

almost can't see where too shoot

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:12 AM

tele 12 , 20 , 22 , 23 should be different color

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:14 AM

totele 2 , 3 should have unfreeze

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:16 AM

i think weap 19 not needet

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:18 AM

what's hook here for ?

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:21 AM
texnonik 12/25/2023 8:24 AM

different rules for corners

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:26 AM

different rules for tele and teleport

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:26 AM
texnonik 12/25/2023 8:26 AM
texnonik 12/25/2023 8:28 AM

this is hard for novice ( in my opinion )

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:28 AM
texnonik 12/25/2023 8:30 AM

some stoppers have freeze inside some not

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:31 AM

speedup no needet

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:31 AM

new freeze rule again ?

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:33 AM

no part for 2nd guy

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:34 AM
texnonik 12/25/2023 8:35 AM

2nd guy don't have part

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:37 AM

lights snow sun should be detail yes

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:37 AM

and all bg ellements

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:39 AM

after you will do all changes


upload map here with name Chill_Hills.map

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:46 AM

you can see trough this block , maybe it's not big deal no idea

texnonik 12/25/2023 8:46 AM

there is no time cp's

DDNet 12/25/2023 1:41 PM
DDNet 12/25/2023 1:43 PM
prezes3333 12/25/2023 1:44 PM


prezes3333 12/25/2023 1:55 PM
prezes3333 12/25/2023 1:55 PM

then u can skip whole part

prezes3333 12/25/2023 2:05 PM

i could do something like this

prezes3333 12/25/2023 2:05 PM
prezes3333 12/25/2023 2:07 PM

i replace whole part

prezes3333 12/25/2023 2:08 PM
prezes3333 12/25/2023 2:09 PM
prezes3333 12/25/2023 3:51 PM

I've fixed 5 skips and two Game Tiles issues in 2 parts

prezes3333 12/25/2023 3:53 PM

I can point out on the screenshots where

prezes3333 12/25/2023 3:59 PM

After removing the last skip. I don't think there should be any more

prezes3333 12/25/2023 4:01 PM

Sorry for the confusion, I had a lot of time today 😅

prezes3333 12/25/2023 4:13 PM

actually i found one more little skip. You can hook a player under stoppers, but I'm not sure if I remove it.

texnonik 12/25/2023 4:28 PM

Looks like no enough space on floor (4blocks) where you have to get up so other guy hooks you

prezes3333 12/25/2023 4:33 PM

u mean this ?

texnonik 12/25/2023 4:33 PM

No , top

texnonik 12/25/2023 4:34 PM
prezes3333 12/25/2023 4:36 PM

There I have to make a small correction because you can fall down. The idea was that you would jump in there with a doublejump

prezes3333 12/25/2023 4:37 PM

So ye u are right

prezes3333 12/25/2023 4:46 PM
texnonik 12/25/2023 6:11 PM

That's much better

prezes3333 12/26/2023 9:53 AM
prezes3333 12/26/2023 9:55 AM
prezes3333 12/26/2023 2:13 PM
spiritdote 12/27/2023 5:43 AM
spiritdote 12/27/2023 5:44 AM

add "out of solo"

spiritdote 12/27/2023 5:58 AM
spiritdote 12/27/2023 6:06 AM
spiritdote 12/27/2023 6:08 AM

you can replace this with hookthrough

spiritdote 12/27/2023 6:11 AM

You are missing the freeze of the triangle.

spiritdote 12/27/2023 6:17 AM
spiritdote 12/27/2023 6:18 AM
warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:20 AM

Corners are handled differently in this place than in others.

warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:21 AM
warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:22 AM

telegun's tile is not aligned and it doesn't look good(any place)

warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:25 AM

[Suggestion] Don't put stopper+unfreeze like that you can put them both on top of each other.

warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:26 AM

be like :

warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:27 AM


warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:29 AM

Tele is a different color.

warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:30 AM
warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:30 AM

warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:31 AM


warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:32 AM

Harmonize CORNER handling throughout the map

spiritdote 12/27/2023 6:33 AM
warlytoz 12/27/2023 6:34 AM


prezes3333 12/27/2023 2:56 PM
prezes3333 12/27/2023 5:42 PM

I don't quite understand, can you make it clearer?

prezes3333 12/27/2023 6:20 PM
prezes3333 12/27/2023 6:53 PM

I've made all the changes, but I don't quite understand what's going on with solo part ;p

prezes3333 12/27/2023 6:54 PM

I found 2 more bugs, one with corner, the other with the return teleporter (it was the wrong color)

prezes3333 12/27/2023 6:55 PM

it was antiskip

prezes3333 12/27/2023 6:55 PM

but I guess he didn't give that much

prezes3333 12/27/2023 6:58 PM

At the beginning of the building I did it, then I changed my mind to do it as it is on the map. I can change it if necessary.

warlytoz 12/28/2023 12:08 AM
warlytoz 12/28/2023 12:11 AM

Here are three different ways Corner handles it Choice 1

warlytoz 12/28/2023 12:13 AM

The idea is good, but the disadvantage is that it takes up more space, you can use my program to make the map look a little neat, I think it is necessary!

prezes3333 12/28/2023 12:53 PM

So I've understood it well

prezes3333 12/28/2023 12:53 PM


prezes3333 12/28/2023 3:02 PM
warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:10 AM

suggests a modification to this posting

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:13 AM

This speedup is not necessary. / You can change it to this.

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:14 AM

To make it easier for you to find this CORNER problem, I used this approach

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:17 AM

If you follow the corners treatment like this / Then you'll have to make some changes here.

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:18 AM

be like

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:19 AM


warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:24 AM
warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:27 AM

[ ① / ② / ③ / ④ ]

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:28 AM

wait, let me know something

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:28 AM

cuz im a little confused

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:29 AM


prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:29 AM

in these two cases

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:29 AM

i mean this

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:29 AM

u are talking about this ?

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:29 AM
prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:30 AM

you want unfreeze to be the same way

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:30 AM


warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:31 AM

ah this treatment is also reflected in Mellifluous, connecting grass state maps do not need to do corners because it's a pain in the ass, connecting bricks (hk, ht, unhk) need to do corners because of it's regular shape

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:32 AM

The unfz in the first picture is connected to the grass and doesn't need to be corners because the shape of the grass is very irregular, the second picture has to be corners because it has a regular shape.

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:33 AM


prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:33 AM

so ?

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:33 AM

I don't quite understand what's going on with this

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:34 AM
warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:35 AM

These two correspond.

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:35 AM

ye i see

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:37 AM

this situation

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:37 AM

You can change it to

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:38 AM


warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:38 AM

It's a little more aesthetically pleasing.

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:38 AM

so lets back

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:38 AM

u want to replace grass witch regular blocks ?

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:39 AM

cuz this is clear

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:39 AM


warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:40 AM

You can do what I told you to do. I told you how to do it. Or you don't have to, because I said in my first message that they were suggestions.

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:40 AM

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:41 AM

It's clear, but it's not pretty.

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:41 AM


prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:43 AM

I'm running out of ideas on how I can connect 3 corners

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:43 AM

can you give me an idea

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:43 AM


prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:44 AM
prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:44 AM

i could delete freeze and ufreeze

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:44 AM

and replace it with stoppers

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:44 AM

with unfreeze inside

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:44 AM

it would make it easier a bit to connect

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:44 AM
prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:45 AM

ye it looks better

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:46 AM

You can do this all over the map.

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:46 AM

what about this

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:46 AM


warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:48 AM
warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:48 AM


prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:49 AM

So do what you do in the second solo part ?

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:49 AM

what i did *

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:49 AM

oke nvm

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:49 AM


warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:49 AM
prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:49 AM

It doesn't matter, it's just talking about what you've sent

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:50 AM

yes about this

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:50 AM

I'll make changes in a moment

warlytoz 12/29/2023 12:51 AM

good luck

prezes3333 12/29/2023 12:51 AM


prezes3333 12/29/2023 1:04 AM

are u still here ?

prezes3333 12/29/2023 1:41 AM
prezes3333 12/29/2023 1:41 AM
prezes3333 12/29/2023 1:42 AM
prezes3333 12/29/2023 1:45 AM
warlytoz 12/29/2023 5:12 AM


chairn 01/01/2024 7:18 PM

tele 11 leads to weapon tele on the left

chairn 01/01/2024 7:19 PM

it is also possible to keep grenade by shooting your teammate, no telegun should be before unsolo

chairn 01/01/2024 7:24 PM

entities and design don't match for finish line

chairn 01/01/2024 7:25 PM

same for start line

prezes3333 01/01/2024 8:02 PM
prezes3333 01/01/2024 8:03 PM
prezes3333 01/01/2024 8:04 PM
prezes3333 01/01/2024 8:04 PM

Done 😄

chairn 01/01/2024 8:31 PM

thx 😉

warlytoz 01/04/2024 3:40 PM
warlytoz 01/04/2024 3:40 PM

bro xD

warlytoz 01/04/2024 3:43 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:04 PM


prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:05 PM

these corners will get me sick someday

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:12 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:12 PM

fixed corners

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:13 PM

I changed the finish lines to resemble the starting line

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:18 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:19 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:21 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:21 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:41 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:44 PM

In the first solo part I improved one teleto for the grenade

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:46 PM

I got rid of unnecessary blocks in the laser part. And made it harder to skip (I mean, you still can, but it's a waste of time - lot of time)

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:47 PM

I corrected the last corner (God, I beg you, let it be the last 🙏 )

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:48 PM

First corner change

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:49 PM

Replacement of square corners

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:50 PM

Also fixed this

prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:51 PM
  • I've changed the freeze here to be symmetrical to the stoppers
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:58 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 4:59 PM

corner change

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:01 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:02 PM

I've made a few changes to the first part

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:03 PM

I swapped the stoppers with ht

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:03 PM

A small change with deep unfreeze

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:03 PM

Changed part

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:04 PM

I reworked the part because it was too simple and boring compared to the previous ones.

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:05 PM

Anti skip made in a different way

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:06 PM

Important structures are now visible in low quality

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:08 PM

HT on spawn has been changed to match the rest of the map

prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:10 PM
  • unnecessary speedups detailing has been removed
  • Speedups in unnecessary places have been removed
prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:11 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 7:11 PM

One problem with the structures has been fixed

prezes3333 01/04/2024 9:06 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 9:07 PM
  • Fix 3 visual bugs
texnonik 01/04/2024 9:47 PM

welcome new comer 😄

prezes3333 01/04/2024 9:59 PM
prezes3333 01/04/2024 10:00 PM

fixed 7 grass block corners issues

prezes3333 01/04/2024 10:02 PM

I hope there are no more bugs 😄

texnonik 01/05/2024 10:14 AM

never hope i am veterant in it xD

prezes3333 01/05/2024 10:47 AM

In fact, I've said this to myself a few times... so yea xD

prezes3333 01/05/2024 11:29 AM
prezes3333 01/05/2024 11:29 AM
  • fixed 4 COOORNERS problems
prezes3333 01/05/2024 11:30 AM


texnonik 01/05/2024 4:09 PM

it's not the last one

prezes3333 01/06/2024 2:10 AM
prezes3333 01/06/2024 2:11 AM

Last visual changes

f0rtishka 01/09/2024 1:55 PM

you can place shields with 1 block gap in between to make it look nicer

f0rtishka 01/09/2024 1:59 PM

after big part player that was dragged just makes 1 hook

f0rtishka 01/09/2024 2:03 PM

good flow and interesting parts 👍

f0rtishka 01/09/2024 2:10 PM

also solo parts don't require 2 teles nor teles in the air

prezes3333 01/15/2024 4:58 PM
prezes3333 01/15/2024 5:03 PM
  • Replacing all teleprts with CP ones
  • Unnecessary teleporters have been removed
  • small reconstruction of several parts
  • Improved appearance of second solo part entities
  • change the color of the subtitles to a more visible one
prezes3333 01/15/2024 5:08 PM
  • Bullets have been removed
prezes3333 01/15/2024 5:14 PM
prezes3333 01/15/2024 5:16 PM
  • Added gaps between ninja shields
  • removed unnecessary blocks in the background as design
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:28 AM


warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:28 AM

and here

warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:28 AM
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:31 AM
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:32 AM
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:34 AM


warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:35 AM


warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:35 AM
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:36 AM


warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:41 AM
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:43 AM
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:45 AM
warlytoz 01/16/2024 1:47 AM

Very interesting map, you can do better

prezes3333 01/16/2024 12:54 PM
prezes3333 01/16/2024 12:55 PM
prezes3333 01/16/2024 12:56 PM
prezes3333 01/16/2024 1:34 PM
prezes3333 01/16/2024 1:35 PM

small change in one part

prezes3333 01/16/2024 1:35 PM

for better flow

warlytoz 01/16/2024 2:34 PM


nezox1 01/17/2024 5:50 PM

Looks like here freez but no

nezox1 01/17/2024 5:53 PM

too much stoppers on all map, maybe try to use less stoppers

nezox1 01/17/2024 5:56 PM

make like this (suggestion)

nezox1 01/17/2024 6:06 PM

This part doesn't work at all, and ye too much stoppers

nezox1 01/17/2024 6:13 PM

it is very difficult to understand what to do here for a novice

nezox1 01/17/2024 6:17 PM

the same problem

nezox1 01/17/2024 6:23 PM

For now, try to remove half of the unnecessary stoppers, and speedup, making the map more interesting at times

nezox1 01/17/2024 6:30 PM

make cp like thi

nezox1 01/17/2024 6:30 PM

gl ya

prezes3333 01/17/2024 10:54 PM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 12:08 AM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 12:27 AM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 12:28 AM

i think thats all

prezes3333 01/18/2024 12:35 AM

In the afternoon I'll add a fix to the stoppers with unfreeze

warlytoz 01/18/2024 12:48 AM

I think it's a lot better.

warlytoz 01/18/2024 12:49 AM


warlytoz 01/18/2024 12:54 AM

delete 3 tele"

prezes3333 01/18/2024 12:23 PM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 12:48 PM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 12:51 PM
warlytoz 01/18/2024 2:30 PM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 4:25 PM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 4:36 PM
prezes3333 01/18/2024 5:10 PM
arrowastaken 01/18/2024 11:41 PM

the map shouldnt start like this, make more room, if not, many tees will have problems due the crowdedness

arrowastaken 01/19/2024 12:24 AM

as you can see here, you can clearly see the diferences between freeze and the bg signs

arrowastaken 01/19/2024 12:33 AM

$change server moderate

arrowastaken 01/19/2024 12:56 AM

$waiting talk to the mapper in game

painn1013 01/19/2024 12:40 PM
arrowastaken 01/19/2024 12:41 PM

It was room, not run

painn1013 01/19/2024 12:41 PM

can i ask what is ur ingame name?

painn1013 01/19/2024 12:42 PM

this map is fine for release idk what this whole chat even is

painn1013 01/19/2024 12:42 PM

if u consider latest coke release

painn1013 01/19/2024 12:42 PM

this map surpasses that by 5x

painn1013 01/19/2024 12:43 PM

$request different tester

painn1013 01/19/2024 12:44 PM

save me

prezes3333 01/19/2024 1:40 PM
prezes3333 01/19/2024 1:46 PM
prezes3333 01/19/2024 1:47 PM
  • bigger spawn
  • stoppers bg change
prezes3333 01/19/2024 5:28 PM
arrowastaken 01/19/2024 6:26 PM

Huuuh what’s the matter with you

itom6176 01/19/2024 7:40 PM

Good gameplay, but feels like ~4star novice for me

nezox1 01/19/2024 7:40 PM

start of this solo a bit ruins flow

prezes3333 01/19/2024 8:11 PM
prezes3333 01/19/2024 8:12 PM
nezox1 01/19/2024 8:22 PM

why you put all in hd, just put in hd sun, clouds, grass, trees

nezox1 01/19/2024 8:28 PM

it's just a full speedup part, delete them do something interesting

prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:03 PM
prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:03 PM
prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:03 PM
nezox1 01/19/2024 9:15 PM

Why you put bg into hd xDDD

prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:27 PM

Is it important to anyone at the moment?

prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:27 PM

like wtf

prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:27 PM


nezox1 01/19/2024 9:28 PM


prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:29 PM

btw its fixed

prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:29 PM

on the next file will be fine

prezes3333 01/19/2024 9:30 PM

I even forgot that HD quality option exists

arrowastaken 01/19/2024 11:52 PM

All non gameplay related has to be HD, except the logo, shoutouts, the one who made the map, and those mappers that helps the player to do a part

arrowastaken 01/19/2024 11:53 PM

And you must put it in HD because believe it or not there are ppl that teeworlds runs like shit on their PCs

prezes3333 01/19/2024 11:55 PM

i got it. I'm just talking about prioritization.

prezes3333 01/19/2024 11:55 PM

nnothing bad i think

arrowastaken 01/19/2024 11:55 PM

The usual, but if you were a novice player you can’t know what tele hook is (ye is added on kobra, but is quite old tho)

prezes3333 01/19/2024 11:59 PM

i will delete fonts, and create own in gimp tomorrow for an explanation of how to make these parts

prezes3333 01/20/2024 12:01 AM

same - signs where to shoot and where to go first

prezes3333 01/20/2024 1:27 AM
prezes3333 01/20/2024 1:29 AM

2 skips removed

blaiszephyr 01/20/2024 5:25 AM

isnt that kind of a bad thing? gatekeeping map tiles and mechanics behind ratings? (apart from obviously difficult stuff, that by common sense is only seen in brutals/insanes).. as a new player i would want to see what the game has to offer, and since you can introduce "almost" any mechanic in a way for people to understand, (give them chances to redo, add subtle hints, map the part so its easy to read out of what someone has to do), i'd personally like to see more approaches where these things are introduced.

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 5:55 AM

yeah, was either that (explain every "new" things, like telehook or using ninja through stoppers) or just put this as a moderate 1 star and therefore you dont need to explain it

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 5:56 AM

your call

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 11:29 AM

bottom tee can skip cp fall in tele and be on the previous part

knusk1 01/20/2024 12:09 PM

can "skip" the part like this, i believe its slightly faster, dunno if u wanna change it

prezes3333 01/20/2024 3:01 PM
prezes3333 01/20/2024 3:03 PM
  • added explanations to parts
  • added little change to last solo part
prezes3333 01/20/2024 3:03 PM


prezes3333 01/20/2024 3:03 PM


prezes3333 01/20/2024 5:47 PM

I will try to reduce map size under 900 kb

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 7:00 PM

as coke stated you can put 1 shield in between rather than 1 on each

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 7:02 PM

can make cp like on second picture to make it simpler

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 7:03 PM

imo better to keep time cps inside normal ones (whole map)

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 7:09 PM

can use just 1 stopper here, suggestion

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 7:14 PM

no point in this time cp as it's the finish

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 7:33 PM


arrowastaken 01/20/2024 7:34 PM

you have not change anything what we talked in game

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 7:34 PM

you just changed the color of the stoppers

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:30 PM

What are u saying right now?

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:32 PM

For now ive add parts explanations and stoppers color

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:32 PM

I think adding unfreeze in other position in second solo part is pointless

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:33 PM

structurally speaking

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:33 PM

U mean all parts size?

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:34 PM

everyone thinks it's nonsense

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:34 PM

Including me

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:34 PM

ye, and stuff like this

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:34 PM

who is everyone

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:35 PM

if is a tester that dont thinks like me, could be different

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:35 PM

Dude other maps who has been released are tighter than mine

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:36 PM

Im not talking about old maps

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:36 PM

and that shouldnt be done, that some of the thesters ignore that is different

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:37 PM

For example: i asked for


to change that issue on his dummy map and he didnt, Quix told him the same at that time, now the one who released that map should have told him that situation.

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:38 PM

but im not responsable for every release and testing

texnonik 01/20/2024 8:39 PM

where ?

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 8:39 PM

in essentials 2

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:39 PM

Dude, if you want to discourage me from making any maps, you've succeeded. but what you say has nothing to do with what I see on the maps that has ben releasd

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:39 PM


prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:40 PM

you literally expect it to change the entire map

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:56 PM

you understand, you want to follow the rules without at the same time not following them

prezes3333 01/20/2024 8:56 PM


f0rtishka 01/20/2024 9:03 PM

map is not tight

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 9:03 PM

btw add more spawn locations

f0rtishka 01/20/2024 9:04 PM

and it's definitely novice

prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:06 PM

this is how it's supposed to be, I'll change it at the end

prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:06 PM

as long as this end comes

prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:07 PM


prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:10 PM

but I agree that the first part is too close to the spawn

prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:10 PM

I will try to change it

arrowastaken 01/20/2024 9:24 PM

I think you don't understand; it's not that I'm following rules and then not following them afterward; that doesn't make sense. I'm simply sharing common-sense observations about creating maps, specifically for team 0. From the beginning, when you joined the server where I was testing maps, my only suggestion was to adjust the structures in certain areas because they were a bit tight. I also suggested that you always imagine yourself on Chinese servers, as that's where the majority of players are concentrated after Germany. In light of that, I recommended creating more space in certain areas I mentioned (not all, as you should understand which ones).

On another note, what I suggested on some point was you could remake the map with the steps that i said, may sound drastic, yes. However, it was an example of what you could do to enhance the map's structural integrity. Typically, when you make adjustments over existing parts, they don't turn out quite right. Therefore, I wanted you to consider the appropriate action to take. And as i can see you didnt do anything of what i mentioned to you (structurally speaking)

prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:35 PM

I can do this by giving more space wherever possible. but I won't change the entire map because that's what you "suggest"

prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:35 PM

Or "i could do"

prezes3333 01/20/2024 9:36 PM

I could have made it so you would have too much space, but I didn't

prezes3333 01/21/2024 2:16 PM
prezes3333 01/21/2024 2:19 PM
  • added some room at the start + solo part to the beginning of the map
  • added cps in timecps
prezes3333 01/21/2024 2:19 PM


prezes3333 01/21/2024 2:19 PM


prezes3333 01/21/2024 2:19 PM


prezes3333 01/21/2024 2:21 PM
prezes3333 01/21/2024 2:26 PM
arrowastaken 01/21/2024 6:25 PM

Again……Just change the parts that need space

prezes3333 01/21/2024 6:26 PM

I'm going to change it today, where possible.\

prezes3333 01/22/2024 12:30 AM
prezes3333 01/22/2024 12:30 AM

almost every part

prezes3333 01/22/2024 1:40 PM
prezes3333 01/22/2024 1:41 PM

Today I'm going to make one more update to reduce the size of the map (KB) and change chronology of teleports

prezes3333 01/22/2024 2:06 PM
prezes3333 01/22/2024 2:06 PM
  • Texture repair
prezes3333 01/22/2024 3:48 PM
prezes3333 01/22/2024 3:49 PM
  • Reduced map size
  • tps chronology
  • removed unnecessary shields
  • Texture enhancement
itom6176 01/22/2024 6:36 PM

Pls ready this now

f0rtishka 01/23/2024 11:13 AM

yep, should be ready

prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:54 PM
prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:55 PM
  • A few graphics changes
prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:56 PM
  • Increase space in one part
prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:56 PM
prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:56 PM


prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:56 PM
prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:58 PM

i think its done

prezes3333 01/23/2024 3:59 PM
blaiszephyr 01/23/2024 11:07 PM

pls ready it

prezes3333 01/24/2024 12:54 PM
prezes3333 01/24/2024 12:55 PM
  • Texture Repair
prezes3333 01/24/2024 12:55 PM
prezes3333 01/24/2024 12:55 PM
f0rtishka 01/25/2024 5:48 PM

when rls

prezes3333 01/26/2024 4:27 PM
prezes3333 01/26/2024 4:32 PM
  • more space in winners room
  • improvement of one part
  • Added one sign in solo part
prezes3333 01/26/2024 4:32 PM


prezes3333 01/26/2024 4:35 PM


prezes3333 01/26/2024 4:51 PM
blaiszephyr 01/27/2024 3:54 AM

When rls

itom6176 01/27/2024 10:10 AM

It's his first map, he fixed a lot in a month, the gameplay is good, there are no major problems, we shouldn't be too nitpicky so that new mappers stay motivated

warlytoz 01/27/2024 11:55 PM

can ready this map👍

vena6080 01/28/2024 2:24 PM

-why put a noob filter for this map + the filter is not failly, it's just a lost of time -gameplay is not good everywhere, specially in some solo -gameplay is not balanced sometime it's novice 3* and some time moderate -bad use of cp and spawns -bad use of blockers -bad use of weapons (laser, ninja, shield...) -bad use of all other entities in general (tele gun, 1 jump, tele hook...) -bad use of speedup +some other little things

vena6080 01/28/2024 2:25 PM

if the gameplay was rly good, I would maybe let you fix, but there is too much problems, if you do a big rework, you can repost the map, but take time for mapping, and try to think "how can I make it cleaner"

vena6080 01/28/2024 2:25 PM


f0rtishka 01/28/2024 3:51 PM

missing a good novice map

warlytoz 01/28/2024 3:57 PM

missing a good novice map

itom6176 01/28/2024 8:32 PM

To be honest, this is a mess. Arrow has given feedback and he has tried to fix a lot, done his best. Several players have tested it and found the map to be good. Your feedback is super petty, I disagree with most of the points.

f0rtishka 01/28/2024 10:15 PM

Objectively, the map is not bad, people who tested it pointed out that it was enjoyable. Bad use of entities is not true imo, you can't make complicated stuff on given difficulty + it has signs to help new players understand parts. Bad use of speeders and blockers is partially true, but it is minor and can be fixed in few hours at maximum. Noobfilter is also a minor problem, it can be easily deleted or changed. As i played i didn't find really unbalanced places, even if there are, they can be fixed in minutes (would be cool to point out them to mapper too). Declining this map is unnecessarity, considering things can be fixed quickly and the map is not bad. That's a huge demotivation to a new mapper.

acrolol 01/28/2024 10:32 PM

Not moderate map imo

itom6176 01/28/2024 10:37 PM

It was submitted as novice

acrolol 01/28/2024 10:37 PM

it's not rn :c

vena6080 01/28/2024 10:50 PM

as I mention : he can rework and repost it, if he want, I can give him a feedback with more detail.

vena6080 01/28/2024 10:56 PM

the map doesn't stand out from other maps for entities, it's panful to watch and the part are not complicated. all the bad use and noobfillter is not minor, the map have to be clean and the most enjoyable possible for the demotivation, 95% of the mapper start with a decline map, and you can't use argument like "it's new mapper so u have to rls"

Ryu 01/29/2024 5:12 AM

dont worry lil man for ur next map either try to make a novice map with full hookthrough parts and some unfreeze or you can maybe try some boring ass hh map with reshuffled parts and rename urself to one of the testers friends if none of that works maybe try be more creative, but also not too creative because then the parts wont feel enjoyable to play best of luck!

itom6176 01/29/2024 7:05 AM
  • It definitly stands out to other new novice maps as it is not only ht
  • how can you say its "painful" to watch, maybe there are minor problems but its definitly not "painful"
  • if it has to be super clean, your limited in your creativity
  • 95% of new mappers get their map directly declined

He got feedback, fixed and invested a lot of time. I wrote with him ingame and hes kinda frustrated, already left the dc server once and deleted this map from his pc xD

The issues with this map can be fixed in 1 hour if you give him examples why everything is "bad use". Maybe write with him ingame and show him directly, the way you have written it only frustrates.

shesaidshenineteen 01/29/2024 12:59 PM

To be honest I kind of agree with VéNa.

The map is not bad but it just looks like the mapper wanted to use all DDNet's features on the map even if it meant to use them weirdly or for no purpose

For example, the ninja is completely useless on the map. Removing the dj from novice players just to make the shotgun part unglitchable is kind of akward. Presenting the nade to the new players as a way of teleporting yourself is completely wrong in my opinion.

Also the map has indeed some interesting parts and is different from most of the latest released maps in novice, but some parts are also taken/inspired from other maps and have nothing new to offer to players.

We also have this problem of unbalanced parts, the map is impossible to fail even for novice as there are tp's in every single part so it cannot be rated above Novice 3 stars imo, but we also find some parts laid out like moderate parts and some other that just require a single hook to be done.

So indeed most of the map is good but considering we would have to rework almost every solo parts + change some parts + adjust the others to make them at a same level of difficulty as well as deleting the noobfilter and reworking a bit the spawn, I find it fair enough that this map is being declined for now as the modifications would include 60 to 70% of the map.

shengyan1256 01/30/2024 12:00 PM

Played through. Gameplay seems like a year 18~19 novice map. Some parts for the beginning, and then a solo part, and public part, and solo part... till the ending. Overall, the map style itself is hard to change, or the mapper have to rework all the parts to make the style modern. So i think it shouldn't be released, should work hard on next map. But the tester shouldn't use this kind of reasons to decline it, the reasons may be right, but they made others feel ...unreasonable.

Ryu 01/30/2024 1:15 PM

which is funny to say because the maps released in 2018-2019 are overall better than "modern style" maps released today

blaiszephyr 01/30/2024 2:17 PM

The decline is Something we have to Accept since thats what testers are for and we can be Happy they Take their time to play, analyze and review - IMO the reasons for the decline are formulated quite harsh and Sound really demotivating for someone who Just started. Declining is fine But WE should keep friendly Sportsmanship when doing so - it Just makes them Not wanting to publish another.

anthonyyx 01/30/2024 7:20 PM

map is way better than one of the more recent novice maps released imo, and im sure it will be better if he fixes the issues

devinci24 01/30/2024 10:00 PM

I just tested the map to understand better what was this about, and honestly the map as it is is already better than most novices released last year. It goes a bit over the concept of "you hook me. you wait. I hook you. I wait. we repeat". I wont go into much detail as it's already been declined, but a few things really did seem strange. I enjoy the idea of using a lot of techs, but a novice map may not be the best idea to introduce so many new concepts + some of them felt weird like the tp gun on a sg part, or the hook tp which comes a bit out of nowhere, could be confusing, and is only used by 1 game. I'll stop here but yeah, overall seemed a nice, chaotic, fun map

arrowastaken 01/30/2024 11:21 PM

So, if you think this map is better done and executed than semang for example, you don’t know what you are talking about

texnonik 01/31/2024 4:24 AM

Thanks bro

Ryu 01/31/2024 2:55 PM

im still trying to figure out where he mentioned semang

Ryu 01/31/2024 2:58 PM

which is also funny to mention because if you put semang next to other released maps and turn on entities, 70% of players wont be able to say which map it is xddd

itom6176 01/31/2024 3:52 PM

Not related to this channel but that leads to the question if maps with the same gameplay should be released over and over again. That was 2 years ago:

itom6176 01/31/2024 3:52 PM
devinci24 01/31/2024 6:31 PM

Excuse this lowly being for not being well enough versed in the arts of mapping. Anyways, I'm gonna give my opinion on novice mapping this past year taking this map decline as an opportunity.

So. here's a list of 1-2 parts of EVERY NOVICE MAP released in 2023 + Mellifluous:

devinci24 01/31/2024 6:32 PM
devinci24 01/31/2024 6:33 PM

The ONLY 2 maps that didn't have ANY generic part are open lane and chobo. and by the screenshots you can clearly recognise them. (and kinda circular, but the whole idea of circular is... well, the same as every other but on little corridors)

devinci24 01/31/2024 6:35 PM

Ofc every map had its own tries at being original, but for most of them it consists of like.. 10% of the map? While staying the same for the other 90%? (I have screenshots about parts I do consider kind of "new", but I don't really want to spam more ss for now)

devinci24 01/31/2024 6:37 PM

THe issue about chill_hills. it's mostly that it's wayy harder to map than all those others, because it tries to introduce very simple concepts of a LOT of new techs while still trying to stay clean with good parts overall. So it's just adding a level of difficulty on top of what most of the other maps did

devinci24 01/31/2024 6:41 PM

I had more fun testing this than playing some of the released novices. This map could have gotten fixed withouth that much trouble. Fixing some unnecesarie fails, reworking some parts, removing some techs, even maybe changing a few colors from the design (even though it's already prettier than a lot of maps xd).

devinci24 01/31/2024 6:50 PM

And btw this whole rating system is a big mess. it makes no sense. How is this moderate when the only moderate thing it has is a solo. For the past few years new easy maps have been rated WAYY harder than they should, making past moderates look brutal in comparison.

and even on new ratings it makes NO sense. Open lane is as hard or barely harder than teeasy, and one is 1 star while the other is 5??

f0rtishka 01/31/2024 6:53 PM

it was novice first

devinci24 01/31/2024 6:57 PM

I know, and testers changed it to moderate.

warlytoz 01/31/2024 11:52 PM

Thanks bro

coke1465 02/01/2024 12:00 AM

please compare the two maps again and see where the differences are

coke1465 02/01/2024 12:01 AM

what do you need to know to finish the map without any help

draggory 02/01/2024 11:16 AM

Isn't the issue here that a good map != An interesting map?

draggory 02/01/2024 11:16 AM

Chill hills is fine for us since we understand the mechanics of the game well so the part seem fine to us, but for newer players they may not understand what is happening

draggory 02/01/2024 11:17 AM

Thus is a reason why a lot of novices seem boring and repetitive to us, there's a lot less room for creativity in them imo

draggory 02/01/2024 11:19 AM

Exploring a large variety of mechanics is bound to be confusing to newer players, so it requires a lot more hand holding which this map doesn't seem to give compared to others

draggory 02/01/2024 11:22 AM

We just aren't the right demographic for this category of maps, since most of us play brutal or harder maps from what I know

savalic 02/01/2024 1:51 PM

To be honest, it's a really good first map! There's some good gameplay, different mechanics and there's also something in terms of design. But all of this still needs to be improved somewhere, and not just a little. Basically, the map is pretty unbalanced. Some parts need to be simplified, some made more difficult. Some stoppers and speeders could be removed and entities in general could be better placed.

The structure could also be adjusted a little. At the beginning you have a lot of space in the middle of the map and then it gets pretty tight - you can see that especially when you zoom out a bit.

The different use of Tele and CP Tele is not necessary, one of them is enough - no matter which one. Everything can be mapped in such a way that it is somehow coherent.

In any case, I would advise you to rework the map. It definitely has potential. As a start, I would personally go through the map again and ask myself about each part:

  1. do I really need all this (stopper, speeder, ground freeze, unfreeze, etc.)?
  2. is there enough space even if 10 tees are here at the same time?
  3. is the difficulty of the part similar to previous parts?
  4. does every player understand the mechanics without having to be given any information? And if not, where is the info? Is it clearly visible?

But from the assessment so far, I would also classify it as mod 1-2* - without any changes. 🙂

arrowastaken 02/03/2024 3:16 PM

So basically, yeah we should rise the expectations on novices. Beside with the time player skills are going to get better and better, but the maps are not getting harder at the same time 🤷🏻‍♂️

arrowastaken 02/03/2024 3:16 PM

The thing is too much work, there are like 2000+ maps

chairn 02/03/2024 4:52 PM

should we discourage new mappers from mapping novice though ?