this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


why this map is a bajillion bytes

is it all the minecraft

this map has tons of design bugs

also the startline is after a 2 tee part, which is a no-go

also it's randomly 4p and then 2p after

lots of the parts are ddmax style and with all the design bugs im not sure what to make of it

gg moment

what is "ddmax style" ? stop writing bullshit, thx next time when you won't have anything better to write about map parts or whole map then don't write at all 😛

tsin when he sees ddmax

ddmax style is parts like these: https://i.gyazo.com/16707a428d7fb640970a932dee90c03c.png https://i.gyazo.com/15428d4188e90043220e2132b904c1ba.png

which is used alot around the map: https://i.gyazo.com/720770f23db2ca10f3d3dc1c687ac847.png

you know that ddmax was a server and only bcs some maps had simple drag parts doesnt mean its a "server style"
oh and btw from my point of view this map fits ddnet well :

thats just how people mapped ddrace back then, i'm pretty sure kbeeer made it famous and most people loved it back then and i'd say about 80% of the ddmax maps has parts like these so thats why people refer to it as ddmax

if thats so then its "ddnet style' I just picked 2 maps and I didn't checked novice server yet =] its "simple drag parts" (style) and stop using word ddmax bcs its not helping any mapper at all, specialy new ones who barely know what ddmax even is/was

parts like these wouldnt get released now, maybe in the early days of ddnet. the rules have become more strict and wants people to make something creative that hasnt been seen before which is why we barely get any releases anymore.

we both mapped like that 10 years ago https://i.gyazo.com/85b1900abfa5177a568c24242eb472aa.png https://i.gyazo.com/85512d5c843b7d04846e8a626acbf86c.png

yeah simple drag parts still love them and im making few maps with them (but I don't use teleports, so fail is a fail)

i love them too, which is why i got rank 1 on purple panic

very iconic map on ddmax

but now ddnet just wants hammerhit maps -.-

=] to get back to topic
Spiritdote and Ninecloud you need to :
- focus if the map is 2 player or 4 player based parts.
- nowadays "simple drag parts" are no way to go (just make them more complex -harder)
- if you want to keep the first parts then start line need to be placed between first "ground/grass/dirt" tile and "cobblestone"
- fix the graphical bugs like grass growing under dirt (I understood that you wanted to show the levels but this is not contra that you can jump between them) =]

Well I strongly believe a map that switches from a two player part to a 4 player part where 4 players are necessary to even finish it, is a big nono. I also believe that referring to something as "ddmax style" is more likely for newer players to understand than using drag style because there is many ways to drag a player. But thats just objective. Fact is, the map in the current state has a bunch of problems and needs to be heavily adjusted visually and in part design. It doesn't fit to ddracenetworks specifics like creativity or flow nor does it meet the requirements even. Drag parts are not the problem, they can be creative or flow really well in order to be enjoyable this map meets none of the above, at least to a large majority. There is some nice ideas that sadly have wasted potential because they have been simplified to an extreme level.

Especially with the latest cave update of Minecraft I believe the map itself had high potential if it would play off that instead of focusing on a narrow cluster of drag parts that require anything between 2-4 players at a time to even finish. Cool in concept but badly realized sadly.

i agree with all the above ^

parts need some work


Its mainly by spiritdote so I don't know what problems