this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).


map is not on testing?

it takes some time after the first post, i can put it

it takes almost 2 hrs to do for bot?

i don't know how much time it takes, but yeah there is a delay or something 😅

is it a bug or something, that it takes some time to get the maps from here into the votelist?

From my own personal experience it always takes a couple of minutes

But I don't exactly know how the uploading process works in our website backend

You can rcon change_map [mapname] if it takes too long

i can do that, I.K.U can't

The issue usually is, that the map is on the server, but the votelist doesn't show it (voting reload or another map wont work)

Meh... And here comes another brutal :/

if u dont like brutals dont play em

it doesnt feel like a brutal

it feels like a big novice to me

mod 5

how to do the first one? the 2nd is intended and the 3rd is similar to the normal way, just a harder version of it (the normal way to get the 2nd tee is not really a part)

it's supposed to be hard, if i put unfreeze there, the part is very free


can you show me?

oh wait

which one is the first one for u

is there an easy way to fix like extending some blocks?


yeah that should fix it


i like, but so many ..

no one forces you to play them

not trying to hate, but do you even play brutals

ye i beat 2

- tried to fix the skip papotav mentioned (as explained i raised stuff by 3 tiles)
- lowered the ceiling at the self laser buffer part (idk how to call it xD)
- replaced the unhookable tiles background with a jungle cave background
- slightly increased the logo size
if anybody has a good idea to fix the self laser buffer part, tell me. i feel like any fix would just make the part worse and i dont want that to happen 😅 (i could add weapon teleport to force the selflaser xd)

the laser maze part is now symmetrical

i. i found some useless skip

buffer laser part is still chotable, i'd just remove unfreeze at the bottom

if not then u dont need hookthru, imo makes it confusing

think this can be improved, it's really easy so kinda unbalanced compared to the rest of the map

and it's really short so it feels a little awkward in context of the rest of the map

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

-changed some fillers -new background -lowered the mentioned unfreeze by 1

imo the buffer laser part gets worse, if i avoid cheats, like no matter what i do, it will still be possible. removing unfreeze is not a solution from my perspective, especially since it's a t0 map, where the unfreeze doesn't affect the cheat. no idea whats wrong about the laser maze part. if i change stuff, it gets ugly. well wouldnt even know what to change. the additional stuff is design, only the hooks on top aren't used for gameplay (the ones at the bottom are needed for saving). if i make the drag simpler, it becomes novice, i don't think that would be good. in t0 only one dummy is needed, so it shouldnt be annoying from my perspective.

removing unfreeze on the buffer laser part still fixes the cheat for 2p, which is why i think its worth

also the gores fillers haven't really been fixed

i think u should require a weapon specific move in them similar to the one after nade

the buffer laser part is still cheatable for 2p then. i dont understand the issues about the fillers.

u can still cheat that part without unfreeze in 2p?

yes, go into the middle, do a throw and laser

maybe need to swap tees in air to keep the dj

hmm i see that's unfortunate

most likely i will make another map where i force that move (or some similar move), but i still think the current version is good enough to be kept in the map

-i cut the first part -added hook at the laser drag -changed a gores filller -some graphical stuff

i messed up some design stuff on my last fix ._.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

(had a test with catseye and i am working on fixes)

- reworked the shotgun drag
- removed some freeze at the scary looking sg solo to add symmetry + improve the gameplay (on the previous version it was already changed a little, but i didnt mention that)
- removed unffreeze at the shotgun pick up spot to avoid confusion
- fixed some graphical issues (the design of this map is killing me help)

forgot one change ._. i added space at the selflaser gores thing and i removed 2 lamps

fixed 2 corner bugs

Map filename must match channel name.


added a 3x3 hookable block at the grenade hookthrough part at the end to make it easier without dj

didn't really improve it so i repeated the process

further reworked that part, removed the last added hookables, but added more hookables later, so the first thing isnt too easy while both sections work without dj


i fixed that and i fixed my automapper for the 1/4 stones (not many will notice but its more random now)

design ._.

First ready set by Trial Tester. Map needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated. Suggested Difficulty Rating:★☆☆☆☆

Looks good to me now, couldn't find any more issues. Would also accept 2* but it's easier than Waldeinsamkeit.

Time for release map really gets my nipples hard 10/10

thank you for your test, i appreciate it

added a platform so its easier to get up + changed the hookables on the start, so you can go down without using dj

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Optimized version attached. Changelog:
Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1276289098734108792/1285208885228994561

first part works solo now, but that shouldn't be an issue (it can be annoying with alot of afk players and it's just a filler)

lets goooo

the best brutal map ever

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!


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i like
