ouch sry

i'm confused 😦


entities problem

The corners are missing all over the bottom of the map

wow ty for doing this 😮

the bottom of the map is conscious choice ^^


ok xd

ty for your help

best startline skip ive ever seen

what do you mean ?

u can go to finish at spawn


oh ? but you can't once you got through the startline

u can teamskip lol

If it's because of the stoppers in the middle of the map, might it be solved by adding death tiles on the stoppers ?

tele in wall

need to be marked

different desing for tele

idk if its a good idea

missing stoppers

delete all freeze in tele

starline is still skipable


u can skip thru left side

this map is supposed to be doable in solo ?

Thanks for the test guys i'll fix this rn

The map is suppose to be doable in solo

Do we need another Gores map

I would only release gores maps that are well made and still contain unique ddrace parts, didn't look at this one yet

better submit it to kog instead


ddnet community doesnt like gores maps

or jao don't like them

Seemed actually quite nice for ddracers even though it is gores

its like springlobe but doable for most

oh alright , thank you anyway for testing and for your advices