"pseudo train" by fen1x [Novice]
DDNet 06/02/2023 10:47 AM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 06/02/2023 10:47 AM
Xleboook 06/02/2023 10:48 AM

fun map)

Xleboook 06/02/2023 10:48 AM

dont think it has even 1 percent to come in the game

Cøke 06/02/2023 10:49 AM

looks like a old run map 😄

F0rtishka 06/02/2023 11:11 AM

map is skipable af, even some solo skips e.g

F0rtishka 06/02/2023 11:11 AM

wtf is this design

F0rtishka 06/02/2023 11:12 AM

why you need b in floor where you start flying? really awkward (could've make it better)

F0rtishka 06/02/2023 11:12 AM

making this system in not team locked map, why?

Cøke 06/02/2023 11:13 AM
Cøke 06/02/2023 11:13 AM


F0rtishka 06/02/2023 11:14 AM

this map hasn't even point, if people wanna train pseudo fly they go flying on any map or either go to just_pseudofly which has a lot better training system with tutorial etc

F0rtishka 06/02/2023 11:14 AM

people some times saing that map is made in 2 hours, at this point this one was made in 20 minutes

JimmyJazzThe1st 06/02/2023 12:30 PM

Try closer to 100 hours. Soapy and I rigorously test everything we make. Plus there was design and animations to do. I have 400 map versions alone from soapys changes and he only started mapping after part 8.

And 100 hours is probably the least amount of time we spent making any of our maps.

F0rtishka 06/02/2023 12:42 PM

i wasn't even saying anything of yours maps

JimmyJazzThe1st 06/02/2023 12:43 PM

Sounded like you were referring to JPF xD