this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


, I redid almost all of the parts and removed the repetitive ones. I replaced the horrible background and fixed the bugs in the tileset. I'd like to upload the map again, if you don't mind. But I'm not sure if it now counts as oldschool after changing parts or if it needs to be uploaded as a new map?

Sure, you can upload it. And that's a good question I can't answer for now, you can do it here

, one more question. I used a lot of quads for the clouds because I wanted to make it look like we're among the clouds, but
@imperius9110says it's not good to use so many quads. Is there really a problem with that? If so, I'll redo the clouds and other design issues, of course, if you approve the gameplay part


so it doesnt vanish

You can't rename the file here (unless there is a way to do it)

Otherwise the bot won't recognize it

$change name DDPika_remake

Removed the tile with an invalid id

Who of you remade the gameplay ?

I, but Imperius helped me

Well it's really good now

:O your the Striped Clouds mapper, i absolutely love it


Most of the time it's 1 player doing the part and the other one just drags him out but it should be ok

Like on the most oldschool maps


i were rank 1 there once with 160 minutes

really great to see you back mapping. Planning to do new maps also?

Could you join me on my server ?

I haven't thought about it yet. It was Imperius who made me redo my old map

-286 862,594° in 48 hours

360° is just fine for a full cycle

A time period of 6 mn (360s) would be good


It looks like a 3* moderate

are we going to release it as moderate map?
I would like to keep it as oldschool as long as it doesnt contain ddnet features.
We did that for recent reworks too

3 star moderate is like around 2 star oldschool i think

probably lol

We did it for inception oldschool but most of us agreed it shouldn't be on oldschool then time passed and we forgot

That's why I don't know what we should do with such maps, we are discussing it

But once again, I'm impressed by that map

It's really great

I wish we had good maps like that again instead of that terrible trend with those blockers

nah actually there are more reworks than that. For example LichKing was totally changed and we decided to keep it ad oldschool. I dont like the pure definition of oldschool that it must be only done before ddnet but the style and the parts wont count much in the rating. I mean the category is for old maps but as long a rework keeps the oldschool flair it should stay on oldschool

- Fixed the animations.
- Some minor fixes in two parts.

You could change the color or the distance between the hatching

Or make them \\\

I don't think it's relevant, just want to make sure you know about it

Should be ready after that

Reminder : 2*


- Removed random flying entity.
- I made the distance between the hatching bigger. But I don't know is it less flickery now? If it isn't, I can try to use the same tile for the unhook as for the hook.

oh i saw now u already added a unfreeze design like this 😄 then use it for the screens i sended


and maybe use the big lines for the unhooks too but \\

I may not understand something, but what is the point of marking unfreeze which is not necessary to see?

imo u should mark unfreeze like this (screenshots)

u can set it to the ground and just add flowers

the wall one more left and down there 2 more tele to force the drag? there is one more cheat but its annoying.. cheat at tp7 is cool

the logos looking blurry

cool map, should be ready after that

I thought the unfreeze doesn't really matter, he uses flowers for it and it's oldschool

Maybe just remove the unfreeze in game here

It's fine as it is

since its a remake i see no problem to fix the cheats 🤷♂️

if u try it without hookable u will realise its rly nice timing

(think u mean all the edites)

It's better now. Maybe the strips could be lighter so it doesn't hurt so much

I would leave cheats

as it is a remake we thought it would be cool to fix the skip, it was just an idea/suggestion i/we often have for maps

- removed/moved/marked unfreeze in the places that Coke mentioned about.
- moved 10 totp out of the freeze.
- redid the drag part as Coke suggested.
- fixed the skip at 7 tp.
- made the stripes on the unhook lighter as Pipou suggested.

maybe bcs the outlines

what u mean by skip at tp7? (u can still do it without hook)


The idea is that if we take into account the fact that two people go through the map, then in the old version it was possible for both of them to go from below (blue arrow), but now with the same conditions it is impossible for two players to go through this part from below, because in any case you need player on top.


speedups down would fix it if u want

want to force


maybe try speedups down all the way

it's does not help, only if we put tp's upper

or switch

u can use stopper there too

im sure u will find a good solution

will try, but later, thx for advices

i think "hook others off" will help on this section, but not sure will it looks good

u can jump there and hammer


not fully done

the fixes

the unhook is hard to look at and flickery again

Ok, I'll redo it this way

Replaced tiles for unhook

ok looks all clear now


$ready 2