The map is legit 1 min long

That's kinda short I think

y + there is no actual content

read mapper rules please (ddnet.tw/rules)

It's just a drag?!

Speed run map

don't see any speedrun elements

drag maps shouldn't be so short .

i kind of like it, its a perfect map for speedruns

why is that?

do u know meaning of perfect

texonik I thought it is faily enough. Old-school is basicly just freeze and maybe some kill, but no Tele. And if I make the top non freeze it would be too easy.

okay freeze and kills

but not 1 min long

aaand..... Guys, cmon I just showed one map I made just to see and get some Tipps or something. But you really just say "ah I don't like that map(too short, not cool enough for me, I just hate it,..." & "this is not what it supposed to be.." yeah thank you. I didn't except you guys to say that you like it, but.. Really? Not even ONE "I don't like it, could you please change the design, or: the freeze on the way up/down is placed bad, please fix that" Say what you want. Tell me! I don't care if you say it's 💩 but say what I have to do better.. I can't see into you and figure out what YOU like. 😶

you know how many maps i made ? :/ No ...

they told u make it longer

there nothing more to say

its just squares with a bit freeze

where u dratgging ur dummy

Looks like.

texonik no, sorry


And no map released


Right know on testing 3 maps :D

Huh? What do you mean?

you can't expect help if you didn't even read the basic rules

you're basically wasting our time

I have no problem with that

So u 2

pls can u dont cry about ur maps in every channel
its about practice ... I started and i thinked it to ! That my map is good

u can try to rls it on ddrock server i think they accept such maps but im not sure

jao cmon what content? Just a drag.. Old-school.....

I don't think it's good xD

No need to be

you can map oldschool style but not pure oldschool like that

maps should have your own touch and something new to it

So not pure old school.

Found that nowhere


Thank you first help I received

So with that (and the: too short) I can edit that. All I wanted. Thank you guys.

it's in the mapper rules

one of the first rules

"Try to be creative! If you copy parts from other maps, they must have been changed significantly."

i am not crying , just want to say that first maps can be very poor made or have problem in something as Example my first map was to hard , to bad maded basic parts , every part boring and so on , only idea with zoom out was good :/

you should rather start a new map than editing this one

easier to get right

Oh yeah I read that

But jao I didn't copy anything

cool map, i hope it gets released


these parts are basic

I didn't played but i think that this map have same parts as other maps have , you just made what inspired you from other maps . How i sayd practice more to get good

I notice that ^^

jao hmm yeah

I just made one with a topic


whats oldschool in basic dummy drag

Just look what I made


(in my opinion)

I don't know how to say

- Design. and then.. Just nothing to complicated

i played map , just gores with dummy drag nothink more and nothink special . But interesting idea to finish map 😄

Essentially you have 4 extremely basic ideas in your map as far as i can see. one drag going up, a normal drag going right, one drag going down. ( can throw dummy down and solo it so actually not even a drag. Then you added a gores drag.
You should most definitely look at how maps are made today. There would be no reason to race this map as there is really nothing to it.
The only way to get better is to keep practicing. Watch people play maps. Good or bad. See what makes a map fun. Or what makes a map creative. Watch youtube videos of people running maps if you have to. It really helps to understand as much as you can about the physics of the game. Otherwise you're essentially putting random pieces togethor with no direction.
There is not much to say about the gameplay other than its 3-4 similar parts.
Keep trying man ^^

Ok guys, thanks for the nice feedback (finally) I think I understand now what u want, so look forward to see a new, better one