Okay, so i'll give some context about my map

i made it one (ore two 🤔 ) years ago and i submited it here, i had a lot of help from the tester team but mapping took me so much time so i did a pause with it

i come back here cuz i don't want the time i spent on it wasted. So please give me some advices :p

thanks 🙂

it requires ultra precise jump so i put the <> thing to avoid hooking

in my mind it was a way to reward players who try it

but if it's bad i can change

but i dont realy see how

this is not mod o.O

oh realy

i'll fix it

i take notes

should i fix it or set the map in brutal ?

cuz i dont think the map is

i will change in brutal

sry for caps :3


okay thx
again a hard part maybe change brutal and let the 3 hard parts be hard

ok so is the map ok like this ?

(about difficulty)

thx for the modification btw

The anime girl is hot af but design is ugly


map is good

u mean the font ?

or the .png

looks like 3 hot girls in 1

It is


the colour of the whole map

don't you know DDLC ?


it's from

Doki Doki Litterature Club

Horror VN

well im not in that weeb stuff sry

@Qywincthe colour of the whole map
color of the blocks ? or color of the bground ?

both xd


for the background i cant change it, that's the thing i wanted to

but for the block colors it seems ok to change

try to make it violet, it doest hurt that much in the eyes

everybody plays with entities so idc

ill only change to design at start and finish for Monika

like switch them ?

@Qywinctry to make it violet, it doest hurt that much in the eyes
ill try

@Lenaheverybody plays with entities so idc
really ?


off i think im strange :x

i dont play with

im casual

I just said the only time i dont use entities is when im seeing the anime girl

after that i change

oh k

brutal 2*

or 1

na 2

I remember you submitting it on KoG discord like a year ago but on DDnet? 🤔

wow doki doki

i dont think ddnet takes gores maps anymore

I hope so

The funny thing is that literally all gores maps on DDNet are maps that were too bad for KoG

thats a lie


themix maps got accepted on kog after being submitted on ddnet

he confused ddnet and kog in his sentence

@louisi dont think ddnet takes gores maps anymore
ddnet accepts gores but only if they are from themix

@tuxI remember you submitting it on KoG discord like a year ago but on DDnet? 🤔
oh yes exactly, i remember you

@louisi dont think ddnet takes gores maps anymore
oh sad :/

@Kickerhe confused ddnet and kog in his sentence
what do you mean ?

do you have some link to KoG server ?


my message was meant to konsti

kay i did not got it

btw i forgot how to submit my map to test servers

Your map gets uploaded on the test server if you upload it here. afaik the bot does the uploading stuff


k thx


best map declined gg

i dont think we need more gores

submit it to kog


im banned