this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

never thought id live to the day when popcorn makes a releasable map

but u still gotta fix a lot

annoying spawn just make it so u can hold > into start

jetpack part right after 1st part kinda bad idea

esp since its not that interesting

just put some hooks there instead for now

jump here is too unbalanced

and hook isnt nearly good enough to get here 70% of time so make it easier

this laser part is pretty simple maybe force them to hold D off the left ledge and then put some other move after the hook here (like another laser perhaps)

this wall right here just breaks flow cuz u bump into it

instead of just forcing them to go back for dj which u can mainly hook for, maybe put some unhook tunnels with freeze to the right here so ure forced to use jetpack + put a cool move along

pls dont pull a texnonik, maybe put a cool hook here instead or let the player keep nade for longer

(or you could remove both weapons from the map as u only get them twice and u get them for very short times, + the parts with them arent that interesting)

remove freeze against wall

part is a bit anticlimactic but the swing idea is pretty nice, but after u get jp u just release which is kinda unsatisfying

if u gonna put fail just make the whole thing fail

and put a freeze pit

bad part, naked edgejumps suck

this swing is too hard for a 1 tryy part

u can skip this

just by going under the thing while hooking that hookable on the riight

useless deep

kinda boring last part no cap but its fine if u dont want to change it


Troll map

i think its fine, its a good troll skip for r1's, and its less faily, nobos will enjoy it, everything else i will fix, thanks ^^

i will change to gray instead

idk man for me i just need to able to see, enough

other idk

my drawing :D

anyways, nice map for me

omg stop beeing so fast in testing i wanted to test this map :(((

now i have to wait till he uplaod fixed version

Best map name 🌽

1️⃣ 8️⃣ 1️⃣

holy moly 999 iq

i will map a sequel next - the adventure of corn


u can test it now

if no tell me real way btw lol

rest of map was pretty cool. and add some time cps for speedruns pls

thanks for test man, will fix

Loads of maps use deep for freezejump, i think normal freeze is more original

no its just more random xdd

yea its original cuz no one want a random jump in their map. so better use deep. dont think tester will disagree with me

yes deep gives basically 100% freezejump chance while normal freeze has a chance not to

What is the reason behind that happening?

i never tried to figure out why it happened but ive tested how it happens a lot. probably the same explanation with 90% of the other physics bugs which is "bad code"

i mean you can make cool map with deep jump 😄 (cool feature)

if you touch a ceiling it has a lot higher chance of happening

if not 100%

i added some arrows :|


those are meant to act as the spikes that kill you at the very bottom of the map, i put those there so there wasnt any repeating blocks.

Ye i figured that out but still you can go down with jetpack to get speed going up it would be dumb to die like that


i didnt think of that

will fix


thanks for the test ^^

2 spawns in a solo map

the arrows often flash in the wrong direction and are much too large

and u forgot the hd stuff


fixed :3



and the big ugly tee at the start maybe xd


unfreeze and undeep looks like a switch

(do it for all the entities off signs)

start and finishline do not fit into the map at all (color)

kill tile should have more accurate hitbox imo

2nd half of the map is way more failer than the 1st

also more complicated

use similar amount of tele all around the map

would be cooler if you would need the extra speed from the hole

how do freeze jump work actually

Too much speed and client and server don't register it as freeze enough time so you can jump . (Rehold spacebar) I am not sure actually but with out speed maybe also works .... (timming)

its a bit more complicated

u cant time it, its always hold space (or press space right before u go in)



unfreeze better?

are there any new needed changes? :3

remind me to test later


ill do tmrw

can u find a way to do that without the tune

u can bonk that

and putting "dont swing too fast" isnt a good fix

its a troll map


idk he asked for it

anything will happen here?

Yes, just going to upload large updates now

now = never

We was working on other map