@Deleted User this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

you will like this more x)

wait till he becomes 3d

oh this thing

i swear texnonik could make a full game out of ddnet about jao and jao would still be able to decline it

didn't tested , made a lot of changes , will test it tomorrow , was recommendation to put somethink where dummy teleports will think and do it tomorrow !

Probably wrong switch

told me to delete 4 teles now i know why i had there 4 teles xD

fixed , testing

fixed everythink , testing two last parts

last part bug

changed everythink changed last part again added extra tele and 1 extra jump

@Deleted User

next map


At 1st part was 4 teles (2 toteleto and 2 totelecp ) . You sayd why here is 4 teles , i deleted and didn't looked that they are different teles . I fix it back with 2 teles 1 cp 1 to ( i think i did it like that )

I tested gameplay of only half map. I liked idea, although some parts could be varied. For example, instead of tunes everywhere, use wall_jumps somewhere, sg part, etc.

Wt , how

ohh stoppers , because stoppers refill you jumps ...

could i just ad other cp ?

As you want

Glad you like it.

you can also just start nadeflying at many places, therefore skipping parts

it's gravity ( speedup)

i know

i dont like it

you can't finish end then

no cp

i mean only skipping little sections in parts

not all the map

I could make no hookable switch but the map would be to messy then

design tune zones


1st waiting in map (for me)

its time to wait for map

#🆙♿jao_shooteris sleeping

if jao shooter is sleeping, if texnonik can wake it up, is texnonik a clock

i agree with knuski that u have way more jumps than its needed half of map(still) and parts are too tight, most of the time u need to control ur shots for dont go too much otherwise u gonna hit tele

idea is cool but bad mapped



Could you show what parts , where you can save jumps ? (After new update )


a lot of stuff has been changed ..... could change last parts too :/ map got harder now a bit , new design again ... group #2 can delete , if it's looking now nice

i got fun tho 😄

nice map

@Deleted User#0000 nice map texnonik


good idea


Paint master i know

.... i guess i will mever will be fix all freeze or tele bugs 1st try

Couldn't find cp 9 fail ( maybe fixed or other place will look all again )

extra 2 corner bug fix

awesome map! i like the new parts, the gameplay is great!

and tele 4 is not designed

and some parts are nice but i would advise not making 50000 switches and tunes everywhere to make your parts work in the future (this is a personal opinion)


fixed all , could try to change somethink with hooktrough . If need to .

ur stopper bugged

you must not mirror the stoppers, only rotate them

and u forgot louis screen's

no i add at tele deep freeze

its not designed

the switch off

fixed ?

looks good

hm maybe the bot should do a thumbs up if it finds nothing? ^^

tune zones tiles , no tunes for cp10 ( 1 block tune zones ) any ideas ?

Why not to make in client so you can't rotate like that

fixed a lot bugs with design , new islands are unhooks and color change

1st wrong name, isn't possible like that to skip start line .... by getting big speed ???

coke added fun section at start




also $optimize




new design of tele ht

i love jao

i dream about jao every day

extra blocks inside dummy end

where it's possible


LMFAO ofc that's ur wallpaper

I never change it yet

I check this map later again

Play mapket

ano trash bin

where's the adnotation about me? I did this jao :)

last parts bugs , skips ... hopefully
@Cøkedon't mind and jumps counts +1 except 0

background color change


changed cp 23 a bit added unhook block on top of all switch jumps , fixed all stuff mention , changed you can hook color to white and other small stuff ...............

Good map rls

Good map

2 parts changed ( tele moved , 2nd made 1 less jump and moved teles )

jao fans

good map $decline


$ready 3

@texnonikON RLS

🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊



where is the jao folder, i know you have one

i knew it

he also has ano folder

What is in jaop

Where homework folder?


"project jao"

what are you doing

new map

ano shooter when

nice porn

Jee Jee

jao map jao map

jao jao map

when rls

when jao is part of staff again

When my birthday


"when i release map"

3 october , but i don't know when release actually

just release

on monday


national jao day

https://gyazo.com/a59fa458c703065d18d0c1b229b95dd5 On the ready to be released map Jao Shooter. The reset mechanism seems to be able to break. It would force a full at the last part for me. On the the right side of the screenshot a black dot is also missing to indicate the dummy location.

you troll , i can't move your dummy with rocket :/

i just fixed and now i need to make it again because BOT posted old version ......

there was also some other bugs and parts changed it's wasn't last update ...

i think i know why bot was incorrect update 1)my discord account is other 2)name of map is Jao Shooter not Jao_Shooter


So the release version is a different one anyway?

Map was really fun though! Gj

i don't know why bot $optimized different version , i actually get how you did it perfect pixel hook it was , so i change it everywhere to laser instead ...

this is how you did it (pause when i hook)

Sounds great that you were able to repruduce and fix it


test this version
IT's old version

also i forgot to delete one switch in air

ye need to look name with SPACE and with Underscore

When i was mapping i found other tele bug so i was thinking that you hook when dummys tele could cause it

Ahhh yes the wonky TW physiks!

$optimize pliz ( will look ) , right now it's last version


Looked ye , it's last version ....now ... bruh with space and with underscore can make bot be not last version

why are entities more beautiful to look at than design

maybe just background bring too much magical damage for your eyes

Is there still old version on servers ?

was updated

not relevant and too late

Old version

Old version

when last version ?

how ?

yo go left activate switch 87

On the last hook of the part I managed to tap him abit while also going back into the tp so he got stuck xDDD

I ended up back at 22 and Moo (my dummy) stayed there

uploaded last version, online servers with the map wont be refreshed till the map changes

idk if u can change something now but you can die in a really stupid way in cp 26

If u dont touch your dummy on the last spot you fail

Well you can fall to cp 26 but if u touch the tele your dead to

ye , old version


it's not fail you can go up left get 5 djs and get back other cheat in old version

I refreshed on empty server still had old version :/ don't know how now

is this the last version?

how to add song into map editor

why u ask here

its a map channel, not a question channel



this is the last version , what bot posted is not last version

maybe i create new room with other name

what a pain with this bot

and optimize it there

maybe i create new room with other name and optimize it there



does the last version by texnonik need bot optimization thing

not rly


what does optimize do

reduce layer size etc

file size smaller after optimize

now should be good

but its not worth to try again with the bot

its just 9kb

in ddnet servers

i rechanged mehanism twice .... made it even not possible to do it anymore .... because of walls

@Cøkeiku told to make cp8 consistent . Do i change it ?

told that he wants jao shooter 2 faster !


but i do love some free points

so rls fast

it's harder not for nobos like you

says u

jk xD

When it works, yes xd

i made it like this everywhere now can't go true stopper switch because they are now blocks

added speedup in two teles , because tele down

or too far



unfreeze moved to cto10 and laser deleted ( well how you think upload or not ) BIG SORRY ! ( no other changed )
