this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules:
thx, fixed
some fixes of gameplay and design elements thx
@doshikeyThat map feels really weird to play
The gameplay seems off
I never knew if we were playing the map properly or cheating
Could you provide a video of the gameplay ?
Some parts are clearer harder than the rest of the map
some parts can be completed a little differently, i like the idea of different paths, of course not all of them have different ways, but some of them have
this is anti cheat kill tile ;D
also if u get enough speed you'll never touch this kill
We died 1/5 times
And all those other awkward platforms
these platforms are like free space where you can stand so as not to block those who do part
Maybe do it another way, right now it's polluting more than it's helping
almost everything was fixed, i don't like idea to remove swing parts or fix them somehow, so i decided to leave them as it is i hope i didn't miss something
The speed up is terrible
Find a good version of those
Lower the contrast by making it brighter (grey)
You could use basic generic unhookable
-fixed above mentioned -also fixed a little gameplay of some parts
Reminder: 3*
i'd maybe add a hookable so u can directly swing and dj
and remove the fact that u can hook to make it harder
fixed above
this is not a bug, I liked this visual effect, so I made it like this throughout the map
i think he means its not consistent
like whether the corners are filled in throuvhout the map
- I'm not sure which way is the correct here, but you can either go right or left (for the second guy). But better force the left way, it's atleast cooler than just hook him out on the right, less boring. This part a bit meh compared to the others from start. Maybe instead of that generic hammer you can come up with something better (but it's okey as it is, I'm only suggesting, but you should at least force left side). Also on this part idk if that's an aled or is another hammer to the top platform, if it is then having 2 same tech like that it's boring.
Cool short brutal map, although the design is 2/10 xD i say it's 1 or 2 (i just saw, pipou said its 3* then 3 it is 😄)
fixed above, except last part, don't think that the part too hard, u can just use dj and it will be easier to hook
thx for the test
problem is not where you hook, thats easy, is the timing xD can bearly see or not at all the other tee so its kinda like "when should i go for the hook" but its fine as it is
forgot about the kill part xd
Thats all bugs i could find 👍
why do u start in the middle of the map?
@vena6080yes i want to decline
please replace spawner to start again
@imperius9110oops xd
map by konepas
$ready 3
First ready set. It needs to be tested again by a different tester before fully evaluated.
maybe u wanna think about 2p forcing it, since there are so many small gaps which would make it not enjoyable in t0 ig
pretty cool and short map imo
I thought about it, but the experience of my maps suggests that team force maps are played less often than t0, and I would like to fix this, so I would probably like to leave everything as is
totally fine, just wondering because is mapped for 2p only - thats why it wouldnt matter if its teamforced or not
but ig most will play it in team anyway
$ready 3
big pro tester comeback 😮
-startline fixed
$ready 2
The map is now ready to be released!
after finish
tested with vena again gameplay seems fine to me but the map doesnt feel like a team 0 map but not a big problem should be fine
just close it xd
fix start and the corner before rls pls
should be rdy after this
fixed, thx
The map is now ready to be released!
added a logo and animation associated with the name of the map, I apologize for the late upload
rdy some1 xd
The map is now ready to be released!
your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!
I'm not gonna change the horse 100%.