this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

looks like u forgot the map size đŽ

working on it ^^

$ready 6

stealing a map name from a noob nice

map was in progress since 2 months :3

or 3


Some design fixes, thx to Ravie!

So we just ignore the mapname fake


Someone posted a map named interstellar a few days ago if i remember right

Yep thats right, it was Arrow mapper ^-^' lemme just clarify some points:
- His one it is written "Interestelar" and its different than mine. Also not to mention that Brokecdx- also has a map called like this but its in "Gores". Thats why i added Broke in my shoutout. I dont mind putting Arrow in my shoutouts too đ¤ˇââď¸
- His one is "Moderate" mine is "Brutal" so i see no reason for not rls both for different categories if they are decent maps.
- (ppl may have different opinions on this) But mine has an actual "theme" which is from the movie "Interstellar" which i tried to recreate the black hole from the movie and also im planning to do some animations on it.
- My intention was never to steal the name. But as i said its from the movie and i cant call it different, it would make 0 sense.

Then you need to delete map limitles

can't create a 2d map and call it like the best movie on the planet anyway

Why ? Same as saying taking other name from other movie or other like limitles from song limitles ...

go swap your tees

Actually, now i don't mind if you put the same name because my map its not going (it is the same if you translate my map name in english)also your background fit better with the name,and if you put me in your shoutout would be great đ
I think there is not a problem for doing that in tw đ

Map by Arrow credits to QuiX

Whats all this hate for nothing? ... đ

wut? credit someone just because he posted a map with almost exactly same map name some days ago, like one day before this? this doesn't make sense to me, he already credited the mapper of "interstellar" from kog, which was way before this map and the one Arrow posted, what;s the point of crediting the other guy who probably named it based on kog map aswell

next map by silex called ctf4

if QuiX doesn't mind doing it then i don't see any reason against it (if QuiX is against it now though, then that's a different story). lets not try to start a drama where everything was already sorted out

Yes let's delete map limitles

Stop spam, I already clarify the points, not really my fault + he could've continued with the map. They are 2 different names + map category as I said, I see no reason for not rls both.

Stop feeding the trolls

half of map is weird hammerfly, some no sense parts + just not well made parts, map is not challenging and not enjoyable to play, i dont see what u can rework here to make it releasable because map is pretty short already and half of parts common hammerfly




why decline so fast

im gonna change all except some tune zone parts which i think they cool and not just because "weird tunezone" thats not good point :c

why i cant map some hh or hf and everybody else can? look at gone almost all hh parts and normal throws and easy swings ... hm

what about silencium? whole map is hh and some fly (nothing interesting)


also my new map

i dont like silencium at all and dont think it worth a release xd

im also normal player, i had 0 fun playing this and there nothing to change because almost no parts except hammerfly

let me fix :c u went from chill to decline mode xD

what u gonna fix?

but what about gone? same thing hh, some throws and swings :c

all u mentioned, except some tune zone parts which i dont think becuase of weird physics should be insta decline

Gone is completely t0 map, its fine to have only hh some throws and swings in a map which aimed for it

knuski and coke made me work on map i dont wanna throw it away :c

isnt mine?

whats wrong with having some breaks with hh or fly

ur map is not really t0ish, ur "some breaks with hh or fly" is half of map + its kinda weird hh because of physic change

i agree on that but.....

but the thing is just u made the desicion :c and i got no feedback on map just hate, no single screen. And now that i get "some" (and that i want to rework it) i get decline

u have many switches for force moves u want(which are not making sense for being forced), that is not t0, u have to wait till one group gonna finish first part before another one can start it on half of parts

U fixed just some design bugs from what i saw above, i wouldnt decline it if u already has been changed a lot of gameplay with some other tester

i got none :c

I dont see this map being good after rework, nothing to change

thats what im saying only hate

not fair


this is how u guys make other lose so much motivation on mapping

i can fix everything u mentioned on the screen.

i dont understand why u calling it hate, i pointed out everything bad in this map, didnt insult u anyhow

and i liked 1 part

but u declined it and dont let me fix it and say its unfixable

just because u dont like parts :c

or "weird physics"

im not gonna reset it, for me this map not reworkable and u just gonna waste more ur time for nothing, if some other
see potential here he can reset it and work with u on making it releasable

thank you

yeah, more time i wasted on mapping this than doing fucking fixes cause i got NONE, and when i got.... boom decline, very nice testing

not really a t0 map but it was alright when I played it

would like to hear some more opinions

good map 7/10

I don't think this should be instantly declined. I see some potential in it. Fixing the stuff Kicker mentioned would certainly make the map better

yeah at least give him a chance


same with la torre, if the mapper answer and want to rework the whole map, just let him try it đ


I take the mapname if it gets decline, just like he did

mapper want a decline


Mapname is mine now


Im going to use it

it would be bad for the testing database to have 2 maps with that name in

he is obviously joking.