this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

wowww im an idiot

this map does not have a c format, decline NOW😡

its map preview issue




The c stand for corneum ispired

by Im ‘ℂorneum


its aCqwerty

this part is skippable

not big of a skip but you can just not play the part

get dummy here and just jump from the higher platform, then hook him a little while going right

2nd skip on this part:

put the dummy here, then do the rocket+hook

get him from there

Besides that, map is very cool 😄

clean design

u can also skip the part if both go down. doesnt matter at all i guess and not a big skip. but still a possible skip

actually the c stands for corneum smells

i think things should be fixed

i will if others want to, but i made it so u can see the thing right below so u can tell that dummy goes >


ill come online

aight 😄

some fixes

everyone malding at double nade part

smol choot

some more smol choot

some even more smol choot

not sure if choot, but what is ht for then

lovely map, i like that idea where you get rocket, could have crossed my mind too ;)

i think i fixed this

ill fix others thx for test

when u play in entities and dont know who made this map, you think im corneum mapped it

im couisneum

cool map


as c as ciniminix?🥰

a C qwerty

He seems to be a very special friend

second envelope - rotation 358,022°?!


nvm it fixed itself

wait i am stupid

c is for
@Cum tee
cum moment

also c in russian reads as s , cexnonik )))

did you test it before posting


already said map is inspired by corneum


todo: fix part that can be cheated in 20 diff ways + add nade before mis-stack part

ill fix later

thx all for testing

Literally everyone tests this map



i fix later


bug discord



i think i fixed some stuff

lmk if i have 0iq and added a cheat or smth with these fixes

this part is still cuttable

omg Louis you can get a fix on that haha its the fourth cheat

i believe the c stands for cheat jaja


found more of that, not bug?


ok if that stupid part still has cheats im going to rq mapping

quick! someone find a cheat


for doing the part faster

its not required but i just put it there

i see

i will do lwai fixes and see how the added freeze feels

my power went out tho so not now

ah yes good ol first world country power outtages

you could just use the rocket to shoot the dummy in if for some reason youd be overwhelmed by the swing


it went out cuz it snowed


cause id assume all other states wouldnt be like what is this white stuff



is this a swing with rehook or just ground hook and hold d?

hold d

ah i see :3

thats super izi xD



I dont think you need to add this cause



removed invisible tiles (11542)


cool script

and fix the bush screens above, they were there before

ok here u go

next make l by im corneum

Also the big brain rocket part before it felt like it should be in a puzzle map XD but was fun to work out.

yeah lol

will try something


no u


i thought this map was already ready 😮

wait i dont understand

wont u have to line it up correctly

or is it easy to do

it was easy

a bit more freeze will fix it

this should fix

+fixed a design bug


@Cøkei just sent fixes



$ready 3

a: buse

@Cum tee
Waiting for map name u and m



release when

will be announced in