this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

620 / 144 missing Stopper marking 680 / 365 missing Freeze marking

432 / 457 wrong color for ht

sometimes behind HT the bg is missing and sometimes not

some of the steal beams are missing the ending if u care about that stuff

you forgot to use high detail

I wanted to ask Zweitleben today "Impel down 2 when?"

That was quick


unfreeze again



there is another unused part flying around in entities im sure u gonna find it

ah yes, damnd missed that one ^.^


Look at shape of map #deleted-channel and colors what they have

another 90 mins of hammerhitting

fixed the mentioned by
@ Mr. Tsin

what about the last Screenshot ?

Its just a filler part and i like it the way it is.

don't release that crap please

Common Silex, u are one day to late. I remember the good old days where u instantly wrote this 🙂

I didn't look at the map yet,
@Silexwhy not ?

On zweitlebens previous t0 map silex said that he copied many parts from his maps lol

Basically every part is brainless mapped and VERY oriented to other t0 maps. Had the same feeling on simple down 1 aswell. But i guess every t0 map gets released meanwhile because it get played so ye .. still sad. I just don't see any effort in this, that's my problem. Ofc my t0 maps are not without filler parts, but you always see some new shit .. don't have the feeling here. Kinda miss the 'love' here. It's just lazy mapped.

Ok Silex, I've listened to this long enough without saying anything (including previous maps). What I don't like about your snide comments is that they don't contain any constructive criticism but just say "everything sucks, why do you map at all, I'm the best" That's not an appropriate way to express your opinion and really doesn't help anyone here. I'm open to any kind of criticism as long as it's not made up out of thin air and improves the map. Like Sorah or Tsin, for example.
As a side game I don't just say Bit3 is so fucking boring yawn, 60% of the map is filler and the rest is recycled from older DDmax maps - I think you get what I mean.

rest is recycled from older DDmax maps - I think you get what I mean.


i don't

and to make my statement to this map clear

just be more creative

but this conversation will lead nowhere because it will get released like it is already lol

best advice

i won't make a detailed analysis about this, a good mapper should know that this is a low effort map

and btw
@Zweitlebenthis is nothing against you, i have this opinion about probably 50% of all new maps, just wanted to say it one more time

I agree that it's just another generic t0 map, even design is reused yet another time but saying 'decline this crap' is a bit rude and not constructive


sorry for that

i typed cr instead of m by mistake

also as long as people wanna play these maps and testers wanna test them I guess they'll keep getting released

If you want to raise such a general issue, that's your opinion and absolutely fine (although you should express yourself much better), but then this is definitely the wrong channel for it

i think you know what i mean now and well, we got the case of such a map right here so imo it's the right channel for it because i'm against releasing it like it is

but you said it already, it's my opinion

i guess you didnt know how low effort planet9 was when u tried to release it 🙂

will get released, just fixing it

and only the design of it is 2 times more effort as this map

but you did try to release it when it was in that state, dont be a hypocrite

bit made it for you tho xd

i placed a lot of the design, stop the fakenews if you have no idea

gz on placing it then i guess

lmfao, i use the same exact design just with different colors for all my maps, where is the problem

changing colors is already a big upgrade over changing nothing at all

using the same exact design is just lazy, and if gameplay seems low effort too, what does that say about the map?

I dont think it does matter, especially if its a sequel

sequels don't have to be more of the same map but with a 2 slapped on it

beeeeeeeen there, doooonnnneeee that, ended ..... hmmm depends on the player =] players on discord hate it, players in game asks me all the time when new maps ^^

Just add 2 more aleds and we gucci


Simple down was the most enjoyable hh map in team 0 that has been released in a long while If it has similar gameplay and people enjoy it whats wrong with releasing? Atleast more than 10 people will probably play and finish this map in 2-3 months which cant be said for some of the monstrosities that have been released lately

Mult0map is cool

im just showing that we havent had a new t0 hh map in almost 3months now, the community is starving🥺

simple down 2 could be our next big feast😋

Specialy noob filter/start area, I love it =]

i dont know if you even look at the map but it has some really cool parts, I have played through it and it feels more like a 2p map than a real map dedicated to t0, ofc there are some basic t0 hh parts but there are also some cool creative ones

so i played the whole map with
@<BµmM>and it feels like its the same part over and over again there are some parts that are cool but its always the same hammer hit or the same swing imo it needs a rework try to be more creative



lmao who deleted f4 reaction

this way seemed to me much easier than the original

am i doing it right?

the whole map is easy to pass with dummy except for these two parts

how many hands do you have?

was a bit hard for me to do this part first try, maybe more unfreeze?

You don't need ht here, the part seems cooler without

For the most part, I liked the map.
- Interesting movements with solo - unsolo.
- Pretty original parts.
- Lots of repetitive parts from previous maps in the series.
- With pseudo fly, all fillers feel the same.
- The design is exactly the same as in previous maps. It is very difficult to distinguish them and understand which one is which. Wish there were more full parts and fewer fillers

Since on impel down (one piece) there was snow maybe you can play with that a little 🤔

No, u usually do it from down left with speed

its not a dummy map, so yes

its indeed to release the hook there 😄

hmm... i changed it to ht cuz it was clunky before

u need to do it with jump and u it hit 100%

the one in the middle i agree, need some space here before t0 collapse xD but the other two need to be this way

Yes, i thought of it as well when i made the design 4 Impel Down. But as u remember there is only one lvl with ice. one is with spikes, one with beasts, one with flames, one is a desert and so on... and that was too much 4 me to bring in one map as a design. so i made the red spikes, i added some flames, i even animated the violet poison from Magellan and an ester egg lvl 5.5 btween lvl 5 and 6 .... so sure u can do more to make it more similar to the og - i hope u understand

So whats the point of making a series when u use a different Designs and make a complete different playstyle ? Than congraz u made a bunch of maps. A series 4 me is to have different parts from map to map but u see that they have the same identity in playstyle and look. Like in Stronghold 1-3 or in Naufrage 1-3

I dont see any problem in using the same design for the same series

me neither, anyway 90% of the players are playing with entities

All ignore this why

The map seems fine overall, I will test the gameplay later today

I agree

That's not a valid reason

Otherwise, the map seems ready 3 or 4*


The only problem is the design of sided hookthrough (right above). Should I fix it myself or wait for the mapper ?

If anyone has alternatives or suggestions

@Pipou, thanks 4 testing. I like your proposal! What do u think about the following:

I would not care in principle which one

@Zweitleben, both look good, your choice 😄

Than we take the ez way 😉

$ready 4

Congratulations !


now all we need is
@snails calendar voodoo magic =] or calendar voodoo ritual (luckly we have lots of Tee-Sheeps to spare) ^^ just don't take
@murpihe's nice and we might need him in future xD

quick fix

$ready 4

Set to released?
