"Dummy eater" by Doshik [Dummy]
DDNet 07/25/2020 9:37 AM
Marcell_HUN 07/26/2020 8:27 AM

Creative design but It’s short af

Lenah 07/26/2020 3:22 PM

short but hard

Pepe 08/07/2020 2:08 AM

why 2 start lines?

Pepe 08/07/2020 2:15 AM

i dont know what to say about this map, its too tight and extremly faily

Pepe 08/07/2020 2:15 AM

there are more kill tiles than room to play

DarkOort 08/07/2020 6:22 PM

For me this map is too short, there are only 3 parts on the whole map. However the parts you created show that you have imagination. If the map had fewer killtiles and was longer it would have a potential. Now I think it's much too short to hope to do anything with it. I'm not going to decline it right away so I can read other opinions before I make a decision

WSike 08/07/2020 6:27 PM

if it will not get declined, you should put most of design as HD, aka cluds, stars, bushes, lamps and generic bg

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:42 AM

Interesting map, I am not really a fan of how precise some of the tricks seem to be but maybe it is more fun to more skilled players. I personally felt a little frustrated XD

Map looks really good and once you get down to ninja part (from stacking wall) it was quite amusing to me too XD

Alright lets go over the issues I had:

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:43 AM

This part should have unstun, it is easy to fall into the door and not be able to slide off to the right. Jumping always freezes you so maybe add unstun in the red box to make it a little less annoying.

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:43 AM

Missing a spoke over der XD

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:45 AM

can easily jump through this so hitting switch isn't really required? I thought you could make the whole platform there stun and let the puller throw you straight to the swing instead? Might need to adjust the hook for it but it did feel weirdly easy in comparison to rest of the map. Not serious issue though.

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:47 AM

I don't understand why there is deep and undeep here. I think the map would look better if it was just freeze. The deep just made me initially think dummy has to go there.

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:47 AM

Hookthrough with red bush behind it looks a bit too close to unhook in my opinion. Might be hard for non entities players to notice.

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:49 AM

Remove start switch spam and instead use server settings to open the required switches: switch_open X (X is the number of switch you want open by default)

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:53 AM

You have a lamp over your maps logo? I would suggest a slightly larger start area and ensure the maps logo isn't obscured by lamps XD (Also I think moving logo in front of the lamps light might look nicer) Another thing you could do is add a turn off entities sign by your logo to remind players in entities to take a look at your map design.

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:54 AM

I think you should remove these spawns. It would be annoying if dummy spawns there, you don't want your players to have to swap to dummy if they restart.

Soapy Sandwich 08/19/2020 3:59 AM

I also think you should add the following items into high detail.

Welf 08/21/2020 5:18 PM


Lady Saavik 08/22/2020 10:48 AM
DoShik 09/01/2020 12:31 PM

I don't want to go back to this map right now, and it seemed pretty small, so maybe when I get some ideas, I'll add something and improve it

DoShik 09/01/2020 12:34 PM

maybe I shouldn't have posted it so early

Pepe 09/01/2020 5:29 PM

So you want this declined?

DoShik 09/04/2020 12:29 PM


Welf 09/04/2020 12:33 PM


Welf 09/04/2020 12:34 PM

ofcourse you are allowed to re-submit this map when you came up with more parts. I also suggest you to ask some other players for feedback before uploading, because this map was kinda weird from what i saw (i didn't play it too much). E.g. the first drag was kinda tight and it seemed like you didn't plan it to be like this. It rather seemed like it was tight because it's your first map and you didn't think about it that much.