this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


Hello welfie


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

did you test your own map? and you didn't take the advise from the old decline about cp/cfrom/spawn . the filter doesn't work the design is bugged in many places. some parts are repetitive it's not rly better than the old version. and you make fun on other channel https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1267096164457779210/1267097341366767718 is that a prank ?????

and it have a lot of tightness problems

Your map submission has been declined.

about “is this a prank?” I thought it was funny, but then when I wrote that it is not funny and even offended I remembered myself in his place, and apologized and offered to help if needed. about my map I will now fix spavn not tested, sorry.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

there is a deep part without undeep also, it was not only the filter

I'm a little confused.

i think that was fixed

on the 2nd version


im stupid

can you please take a screenshot of what needs to be fixed?


the issue was, that you uploaded a map which was impossible, so it seems like you don't play your map

I played on the map but after the last update I forgot to test, sorry)


bro fixed it

he doesnt care about declines

I wish the map would come out.

I found another bug, I'll send a fix soon.

right now everything is too tight, the structure at the start is not good, so i think a full rework would be required


I want to stop the ticket until the moment I redo it.