alright! Hey there, this is the first map I have submitted, and my second or third map overall. It was completed around 3 months ago (I think), and after playing it today, I decided to see how it will fare under criticism 😃

So, even if it does not get approved (which is perfectly fine by me), I still hope to learn enough that potential future maps I submit would be better

Ok so

I like this noobfilter but this is too hard for novice players

The arrow i circled is useless https://i.imgur.com/MrJBT0z.png

actually it is not :]

but I should still remove it

The 1st part is annoying, it's neither funny nor hard

(it helps when both enter from the > side, not sure why it doesn't work for < side, prolly bounce)

If both enter from the > side they didn't understand the part and so they should fail

it is a bit to hard to guess the right side if you don't know which side the other player entered from

(say, since you just joined)

Well yeah but anyway u should just make a new noobfilter, for novice players

So yeah as i told u the first part isn't good imo

Do u have fun when playing it ?

And do u think novice players will have fun ?

I think the last block is somewhat fun -- the rest is pain indeed

guess I might just remap the first part and noobfilter

This part isn't rly original but i guess it's ok https://i.imgur.com/NvbllHM.png

gotta get up!

Third part is okay but it may be hard to understand, i'm not sure

if someone is having trouble there, they would have trouble understanding further parts


This may be kinda difficult for novice players nah ? idk

its not novice map 100%

"the rest is pain indeed"

case closed

This unfreeze is useless as u can't get to it

go under block

oh yeah it may works

about it not being novice, I tried to make it so that I can comfortably pass it

so it maay be mod *1

I'm fine with case being closed, but I would still like some more criticism 😃

you should figure out why it's pain for you and improve on that

this is kinda faily if people put dummy at the position i circled


unless you freeze jump, you cannot fail there

it looks pretty decent mapping wise

just the gameplay is not fun

parts are too tight, repetitive and punishing I'd say

if u groundhammer u can send dummy there

oh wow, never did that 😄

jao actually did that

jao did it first try



thoses both parts https://i.imgur.com/ttHfpSj.png are kinda repetitives

you have to add more space (between parts)

just hooking through corners and moving

bottom one is a bit more complicated due to the last block


it's insanely annoying due to this block https://i.imgur.com/iFv84Yb.png

about space -- guess I failed at spacing things even though I tried

especially for novices players

I like design background btw

Tiles looks too much like ddmax but i think it's acceptable

is it

you should compare your map to recently released maps

design doesn't matter as long as it's playable and not stolen


check silk touch and compare it to your map space wise

I just used default tiles comming with ddnet there

you should notice the difference

whoa, thats a huge map 😄

Also make sure every parts are understandable for novice players

i can see novice players rage quitting on noob filter

probably not novice, then


but it still wouldn't get released on moderate or brutals server imo

Now that u mapped a first map and that u have editor skills, u need to develop thoses mapping skills

oh, for sure

do a bigger map

this is so claustrophobic xD

hey! you haven't seen my 75x75 map, have you? 😛

I liked some of the ideas in the map btw

Tele12 part is nice

which one is that (don't have TW open r/n)

ah, that one 😃

how do you mark hook tele with ddnet_tiles?

ah, yeah, missed the entites off sign there


that's how it should be done

(shadow and a few symbols on top of it)

so, another layer for that?


this is what the ddnet_tiles markings are for

ok I guess that's everything


make sure your next map is fun and has enough space 😛


mapping wise it was good btw

well, that was fast -- didn't know the testing team was so efficient nowadays 😄

thanks 😃

i forced jao to test it

oh yeah and try to evaluate part difficulty a bit more realistically xd

remember that it will always be easier for yourself since you mapped it and know exactly how it should be done

actually, this map was more-or-less easy to make due to the various changes I made to the map editor during the time I was making it (auto-automapper, multi-layer selections, etc.)

meaning that I did not have to go through problems with misplaced entities most of the time

haha nice

uh, I think I forgot that -- was planning to fix it, ya know..

other side is fine tho 😛

(also, 13 people on the testmap? I'm amazed 😮 )

would be 14 if i could join

*15, if I could join too 😦