"Atheula" by 母|L [Moderate]
DDNet 08/03/2023 6:32 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 08/03/2023 6:32 PM
popcorn181 08/03/2023 6:36 PM

Parts are basic and map is unbalanced

popcorn181 08/03/2023 6:36 PM

+seems like some parts were copied from other maps

popcorn181 08/03/2023 6:36 PM
popcorn181 08/03/2023 6:37 PM
popcorn181 08/03/2023 6:37 PM
mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 6:39 PM

Redo these parts?

popcorn181 08/03/2023 6:46 PM

You can, but I think it'll get a decline from testers

mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 6:48 PM

Oh, ok

mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 7:30 PM


DDNet 08/03/2023 7:30 PM
mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 7:32 PM
DDNet 08/03/2023 7:32 PM
mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 7:34 PM
DDNet 08/03/2023 7:34 PM
mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 7:36 PM
DDNet 08/03/2023 7:36 PM
mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 7:45 PM
mygivara_yo 08/03/2023 7:48 PM

redesigned parts of the map

coke1465 08/03/2023 9:59 PM

map looks very outdated

coke1465 08/03/2023 9:59 PM

its all too tight mapped, no interesting parts

coke1465 08/03/2023 10:00 PM

design is not well done

coke1465 08/03/2023 10:00 PM

look at newer maps to get an idea how it should look like

coke1465 08/03/2023 10:00 PM


mygivara_yo 08/04/2023 1:16 AM


coke1465 08/04/2023 9:49 AM
