this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

4* laser solo

apologies for lazy design =]

/map %rat


good map i tested it

when rls

very cool map

Personally don't mind the simplicity of the design too much the only thing I dislike is that in the background the quads cut off harshly and have no transition to the background color. I would either add a quad on the same parallax with the same color to cover the background up, or fade it somehow. Gameplay not tested so far

hmm, it fills for me, i put a tile layer that extends to the bottom border

im not sure why it doesn't work on your end

ohh if that's from the web previewer i think its broken with showing border tiles

i like this part

ahh yeah it was from the web preview indeed, sorry

add solo lmao

se hizo verdad el mapa de volt 2 q dijiste

lo publico




It’s here ty louis for making volt 2

beam volt 59


its a bit different than volt 2

just a bit harder

it's zap 2

volt 3 when

add the sv_solo_server 1

it will be the default setting for the server after it release


use brain

i dont have brain

i spend like 2 hours and only do 2 parts


fixed entity bog

Cool map

so my friend gived me this picture of a missed corner

that corner is fine i alr knew about it

im mainly worried about any large skips or different ways to do parts

press f10 to screenshot in game

fix the corner
@louisidc about your worries



its ok

i wonder if i could ready this myself since all the lead testers are asleep

is it your dog?

is it a yorkshire terrier?

we dont know but maybe a mix with soft coated wheaten terrier
Dog is cute

why is this so faily louis


also troll ninja skin

not guilty

good map


$ready 4

lemme add timecps



add time cps or decline

it probably works


$ready 4


readying your own map


it was kicker

at my house on my pc


kicker is not a tester

thats still illegal

kicker is a tester wdym

oh right XD

i just never see him in test

i miss darkoort



dort means he's sleepin in french

Volt2 release pog

I’m never not gonna call this map volt 2 btw

didn't you just


I only wonder why in name of map letter "i" is missing between "v" and "a" =]


this map is so fucking annoying to actually play

there are like 2 choke points wich make the map unbearable to play

i blame louis

skill issue lol

fuck you

finished it

as you sent it

mapping issue

🥱 stay mad

u can play volt if this ones too hard

u dont see the sreenshot or what

yeah gz

well i dont mind if ppl think the parts are annoying but I disagree with the choke points

if this map wasnt 1 try only i guess it would be like 1 star

best map cuz my tileset

His last ready was at the begin of 2021 I guess