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denicled card bb

looks like gores , but i think this gores is bad even for kog servers ( only gores ) . gameplay looks like just ideas that could be done a lot better .

a lot of unnecessary switch spam .

tight spaces . strange parts , basic parts (+edgehook) . feels very unbalanced . ( just by looking at the map )

for me it's decline

but anyways would be cool too see good map with some of this ideas from this map .

just tested, agree with everything said by texnonik


like what

is this moderate?

mhh ye it's brutal

well you could also make where the guy have to hold to get him unfreeze and then that guy have to swing on platform or just get somewhere ( everywhere tp back ) and then do something to get other guy or think about other ideas .

post in
#mappingyour parts and ask opinions

thats just the v3 passive race


that's almost same