for your level need at least somethink a bit more , two nice ideas thats all ¿ a bit short maybe 3-5 more parts ¿


u, complaining about the fact that a map only has 2 nice ideas

feels not finished

I mean that he didn't continue build with this mechanism some think or different !

nice map

why not using "player_hooking 0" for tune zone instead of ur way, seems like it possible to fuck it up and teamfinish


is this a troll map? you only need to put dummy in the last part, you can skip all the others

no shit

designbug is fixed in zoomout 1 atleast. idk why TW is such a bitch about quads butwhen i try to mirror the image at the corners it looks shitty so i just made it a bit bigger.

how about making all of the parts unskippable? you can just drag your dummy straight through the first 8 or so parts

thats right but it doesnt really matter because its very slow

but it requires 0 brain

im giving out free finishes. :))

its just stupid that u can skip all parts except last

well skipping 2 parts is not really worth it but still doable

is there any chance of the cuts being faster than the intended way tho?

idk haven't tried real ways tho

too focused on skipping every part

I like the idea

And its not very hard

Good introduction to the style

And the parts are creative as always
@Im 'corneum
nothing more. Nice map

waiting for release

nothing is in HD

$ready 1*

we changed a few things (basically what we posted here). if you disagree with something, then let us know 😉



why dont make it this way?

that would technically be wrong marking

Yea but more logical and prettier


Fucking mind-blowing rn

May just change the design, so it will be wrong comparing to entities, but look nice and understandable

anyone who knows how stoppers work should understand it imo


wanna change it?

i think arrows look lame as well+confusing

Maybe put an arrow on the edge?

Should that even be possible

wrong version

I did reload

Changed something ?

yea there is tele now

Upload it then

Also why is there entities off blocks when it doesn't tell you to hold hook without

check my latest version

Why isn't it updated on the server tho

it should be

maybe someone wanted to look at an older version

But doesn't the "update" vote change it ?
Or at least should ?

all it does is reload the map

it doesn’t download the latest version or anything