this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

The only guy i saw who did better graphical design than

$ready -5%100*0

Short and unfinishable

and not enought spaces

And missing design

Next time make a longer map and try to make more decoration as design. And one of the mapping rules is to make enough space for the players.

The other thing test your maps always. The solo parts are fail

and this is a novice map

it shouldnt be faily

Also the labirinth "gameplay" isnt so good

Well u will make a good map u just have to learn more about mapping

u will learn about mistakes

I'm just saying good luck!

This map can't be released because its doesn't fit with mapping rules (https://ddnet.org/rules). To figure it out, I recommend you to look at current release map. Like the gameplay, the design, the map structure, ...
May the fate be with you for your next map !


okay, I will try to make the map better

I promise

if u need some help im here



Wdym smoke



You mean wanna block to cant get inside the "smoke" from right but u can get out from left?


Put the "smoke" from the game layer but the blocker should be placed down in the Front layer


can you please show an example😅

It's not necessary anymore, I figured out how to do it


and this object can be used as a "teleport"


or as a conveyor

wich one?



The blocker cannot teleport u anywhere

but u can slide on it


You can also come call and screenshare and ill help u and show some trick


If you want ofc

I won't be able to, since my video card doesn't work, I won't be able to show my screen (screen demo)

Alright no problem

But I will be able to speak on the microphone


i do it

I changed the name of the map a little bit

"Easy TeamMap " by blackfox [Novice]

you don't have to check, I know for sure, there are no bugs there


so what about the map?

Imma take a look ;-;

- The map still too short,
- No enough space at the part's
- Missing design
- Use teleport not blocker's
- The gameplay not too creative



Almost the same problem's before

but u placed the shield in a good way

And the solo part isnt faily

So thats a good thing


But i think the laser solo part a bit difficulty for novice players

But i think after few time they will make it

its just my opinion


The most important make the parts clean. (Enough space for players and not just simple hooks, etc...)

I mean there can be only 1 hook but bit different, more creative

Good luck and don't give up the mapping!


The right one is the best

arrows used for show the way for players or speed up

How is the player should know there is a blocker?

And also for solo/unsolo

And make more parts for the weapons.

like if u get laser for only 1 part its not really cool

make like 2-3 more

And at this part the solo and the laser is useless bc u can jump to the edge

i know)

yes, my map is not very good, but I think it's pretty good for 1 map

I will try to fix everything

Alright good luck!


Raks explained to u and some other ppl why this map cannot be released, move to dm's or other channel if both of you want to chat