this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Cool design


I added according the uhm signs, like solo/no hammer/dummy

New era of STORY maps

Design is cool, but the map is too large, you can reduce it Also the map looks not interesting to play even for novice player

XD no one can make novice parts interesting, we've seen it all

Even moderate parts are starting to be hard to make

I might be able to reduce it to 1 mb maybe or a bit less i will try

You got Design bugs in tele

Could u screen it?

thats all i found

I play with -2 zoom

Okey, gonna try fix all. About the tele @Genex#9717 if I leave just the corners it won't touch the wall, will look even weirder. What i can do is instead of that ground i can make it all with grass but that would change ceilings and walls and idk if it will look good that dirt...

how come all tw players live in a basement or smth and cant handle bright design

Is it that bright? 🥺

I can try fix that too if for everyone is bright bright, is because when I showed it on mapping channel some said they couldn't diferentiate freeze etc...

my monitor brightness setting is 40%

and still it's too bright for me

lights turned on in my room

Oh, my. In is the moment I passed them game.

Well I tried to make everyone happy. Best I could do.
I tried to decrease mappres size DarkOort, only managed near 1 mb sry. Idk why is this much, if u check all the mappres are under 50 kb
I changed a tiny bit the design and made it less bright. Hopefully now should be fine.
I fixed ReD screenshot
I fixed or I tried to fix Genex screenshots (idk exactly what he means) could you check again Genex to see if its fixed?
I made it zoom friendly, I think u can do x5 zoom now. Should be alright
And I also resized and adjust all the bg elements.

its not too bright

ppl just have weak eyes

so its too bright for people

they are the ones u make the map for

i guess but ppl who complain about brightness are ppl who just use entities anyways

they use entities because mappers dont listen to them when making designs

my screens you have to look closely you Forgot to add Tele in Walls Design

There is tele Genex :o

Nah xd

Zoom in then you See

Didnt checked new Version yet 😅

Oww ^-^ yh I went through whole map adding it where was missing

tees can stack on top of eachother

and toteles

dont remove the text.

its best

and the rest of the map is pretty good

but then again short

Thx for the test Pop!
I dont mind that, on the first screen. Most ppl wont know or notice since nobos .
If i add more toteles in the transition it will look weirder since u will respawn randomly. Only if I add a 1 totele in each tile vertically, that would mean like 7 or 10 different teles just for that xD, I will do it if others says same I dont mind.
The turn off entities u can see it from the platform. I can put it more close if needed.
Have an idea to that part make it more interesting, i will do that tomorrow

That doesn't matter, it isn't "that" short + short maps imo aren't bad since the player can finish map, enjoy it and play other maps faster, no playing 1 map for 30 min or 1 hour xD they will do that on moderate/brutals xD

I fixed all screens above by Pop, except tee stack
Fixed exclamation mark, closer to the right
Fixed transition, u can jump and everything and doesnt look weird.
Changed abit last ht part, shouldn't be that boring now. And abit easier than a long hook in air

this map has probably the best background parallax effect ive ever seen!

no problem! :D

birds2 -> hd , cavebg -> hd

why did u use freeze 2x?

The fade transition too?

im not sure about this

I added it hd too, I mean is part of the bg just like cave


map ready after this

I did added on the last screen but for the trans. idk it looks bad if i add it, isnt it decent like this or really needs to be marked the tele... i mean i added now arrows at the entrance and the exit should not be any confusing now. 🙂 so even if you go the wrong way backwards there is those arrows pointing the opposite.

Ok done

$ready 3



bg quality and fps should be improved


Hmm 1300 fps enough for me (HD off 1600 fps)

Maybe you should help him with that, it's hard to find out what it is when you don't have these problems

Ravie, i think its good as it is G. I run it at 2000 fps. I cant do anything about it, cause i have no clue what needs to be changed to fix it. Also "bg quality" its good enough xD

bg looks blurry as heck, also fps is not exactly playable on my laptop (while maps like Lavender and Orion are perfectly fine)

where did you get that background from?


i made it lol

looks totally like my previous wallpaper

u dont know the game firewatch never played it?


i like it tho

its really nice and chill game 😄

map is cool tho, thumbs up from me

but yeah, the background caught my attention 😄

I do not think that this statement helps to solve the problem

its werid that
@PopCorn181could play it and he said that he has old bad pc :'c

entities mode removes lags
and to reduce the amount of lag even more i played on actual ddnet testserver, not my own lan one to reduce the amount of tabs

it was usa server

is this sequel to beyond dreams or smth, both maps are very similar


No lags we meant Pop we mean FPS how smooth runs ur game

i always high fps on ddmax and oldschool


everything else forces the fps to drop

except a few maps

So what now? 😆

help him, its ready for me

looks like the bg images are too low res

one of the layers is barely visible so it can be removed and maybe get a little fps boost

also the tower might be too high res and eating fps but not sure

that further hill at the back like orange? or the front front one ?

last hills before mountains

yh, kay i will remove it see if it improves. Maybe i can remove birds too if needed?

idk how much that would help fps but the birds don't look good imo so go for it


Removed birds and last hill. (if still doesnt work mayyybbee i can remove 1 more hill but wouldnt look as niceier) (or i can increase res but will be much higher mb abit and maybe it will decrease even more fps) edit: btw what is the fps u running at Ravie?

looks like about 40

some spots are better, others worse

it's not that important if there's no good way to fix it, my pc is pretty bad

dang it.... well i think its the best i can do. If i increase res on the hills maybe the fps will go higher and it will have more mb. And if i remove stuff from bg wont look as great. :'c

yeah I don't see any obvious thing eating fps so don't worry about it, but try to fix the blur maybe

i only see reasonable blur on the front hill (and some said it looks like grass/leaves on tress) and also minor one on the second hill. If its really bad and need change, i can maybe increase res or do another hill with a bit smoother edges (and remove old one).

$ready 3


In my b-day pog champ

u decide

also if ur gonna fix it, fix the s toppers cuz the stoppers make it impossible to back sometimes and u can fail

I think it's fine to fix

at the drag part near end?

u want me just remove and make the hook on the right easier?

idk im not at comp, i remember a place where i put 2nd tee into a hookthru thing so they could go > but edged him on the stopper so i accidentiallt went inside the stopper and couldnt go left

idk, i might have just been an idiot while playing so its fine if u dont fix

i will remove them leaving just freeze

sry for any inconvenience


most difficult 3* novice map ever lol

no u

i didn't really find it difficult for a novice 3/5

how is this map 3 star when it’s so faily? You made me completely retardproof Iris and still rated it 4 star lol ok

you make it sound like the whole map its faily, where u can just fail only at the beginning of map in a 5 tiles range xD

not faily

Most of the map is faily tbh


Theres even a faily solo part

Hard parts and 2 small faily places are something else

Best example : ravillion.. Nothing faily but hard parts

I never understood why failyness doesn't rlly matter in the ratings. if you have a lag or just accidently jump once, nobody can help you out there

But it’s novice server, I bet many noobs will fail this map 🤷🏻♀️

Well actually it matters for Brutal and insane maps, but novice and sometimes moderate maps are really faily, but since the parts are easy it's rated very low

thats verryyy unlikely to happen in the example i gave u. Also how we supposed to know how many ppl lags or not? + the example i give u its just couple of tiles wide nothing crazy u can even do i by only 1 jump


rating maps harder because u could lag

I almost fell in there actually

xDD i saw no one fail there, and ive been on since like 2h

You can also fall down in freeze right at finish and noobs won’t be able to save


the part would be too hard for novice 1 (maybe even 2) so late in map. it's just a jump right? but imagine 5 people there, one falls down. ground is hookable so people would fail at saving. or they try to hook and dj and touch ceiling freeze. that all goes into consideration. i think the part is fine for novice 3 though

@FrosTribeit's not your fault, the map is good, i'm just saying that i don't get the rating since everyone wanted easier novice maps last year and everything was instantly too difficult for novice players, but now it's like back to normal 2 years ago

its solo

2 years ago this is 0*


so for you how many stars this is?

ah sorry my bad well than its a faily solo still

If we always wanted to please everyone, there would be no map for the next 5 years because we couldn't agree on anything

Well with the ratings i saw in the last months i would have said it's more like 5 novice because of the failyness, but since it doesn't matter somehow idc, i'm not a tester and also not noob enough to rate novice maps, but it definitely felt more difficult than 3

at least with new ratings, 2 years ago ofc this would be 2-3*

yes i got you but then i dont get who will fail here or how can i make it more simple. This is like idk its impossible to make this simple only removing the freeze but thats boring af u know what i mean? its not big of a deal. + the whole map has telelports everywhere so idk how is it faily. Everyone is finishing it and i got aloooot of nice compliments about it and GG's. hmm i agree last part was attrocios to fail there, thats why i fixed it. Now the only play u can actually fail is at the beinging in the small area where u cant hook

Who care about 1 more or 1 less point 😁

Where is the end fixed? the double jump

i think putting a tele at the start of solo, where if you fail this jump you get teleported back, is way better. the player feels punished (having to re-do solo) but they are not away from their group when they fail into freeze

When re-rate Iris to 2* or smth?

Already explained

No you didn’t

U can't compare a simple map with 2 small faily spots with a hard part map

Iris has no difficult parts wtf, this map is way harder

Yes, in team ofc if you fail you fail, but team0 on novice is mostly big groups and waiting if your group fails, but in solo parts if you fail you definitely have to restart. that's a thing for later maps, but i think the game is frustrating enough when you are new and learn to get maps finished

so i should add always teleport in solos in novice/mod 1-2*?

actually the only part that is harder in iris than in this map is the part where you have to hook the other player into the corner and hammer jump, every other part is on the level of this map

Would be my opinion, also this whole discussion jsut started because i said it's a difficult map for 3*, i didn't even say it has to be changed :D But yeah, in my experience faily solo parts are frustrating af

looks better to me at least

There ^-^

I think easy maps should provide the best possible experience for a group of new players. when they like the game they can go into higher difficulty where there is plenty of exciting failyness and faily solos. but any possibilities of frustrating new players I think is to be avoided. novice 5 and moderate can have basic faily solo's though. and obviously it always depends on the type of map and if it makes sense like if the map has that premise


no worries i wont do same mistake in my next novice maps

And sorry for complaining AFTER the map got released, but didn't rlly look into test maps this year

i wouldnt call it a mistake, it doesnt really break your map at all so no worries 😉

the map is good enough that the positives far outweigh the negatives

no worries i love discussions, i learn more (atleast i)

hope they updated it soon so people dont play old version

It was tested with advanced noobs, iris was harder then this

I said on the server last part and faily solo are bad

This map is 3 star when harvest is 4

Making it easier to save in the last part would be a fix good enoigh

Its ok, tele also works ^-^

Yeah sometimes its hard to judge a map before seeing 50 noobs on it

wise words

Hello just to remind that there is a new update for the map, as i see it didnt change yet (just mentioning so channel doesnt get removed) ^-^'

Nocive 3* what a joke

Faily deep parts and faily end i would even think about moderate

you arent tester anymore? what happened? xD

bug in system now

Is the New version up ?


might want to take a look in here

As there were 2 changes made after release

Faily solo shouldnt be in a novice map

And the last part is not saveable

If someone fails into freezw

this one latest "fixed" solo and last part