this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

look like stars

- Reworked 2 parts
- Changed outline stoppers (at the start)

- Added more decorations (doodads and unhookable blocks)
- Fixed 1 part
- Added HD thing

- Forgor to add tp texture

- Fixed/added balken design
- Fixed 1 part

indeed, fixing it rn

the cto's too

about that idk, just to make people go right instead of left

imo u can leave it open

what do u think which difficulty is this map?

its very unbalanced

for gameplay itself it's like moderate 1 star, but including length i thought that it's more like novice 5 star

try to make it moderate or novice?

the begin feels novice but after that its way too hard

maybe try to remake the 'very easy' parts and make it moderate 1-3

i guess it would be good decision



rework also the time cp's, sometimes its skippable or bad placed

- Reworked 6-7 parts
- Changed stars (looked goofy when zoomed in)
- Replaced almost all CP's and CTO's
- Replaced all time CP's
- Opened area near spawn
- Deleted part after finish
- Balanced map
Huge thanks to

Also change server to moderate

$change server Moderate

if i move third one it would be a skip, but will move other thanks

skip what?

can u join test server rn?


- Fixed some skips (thanks to
- Added lamps
- Replaced some CTO's
- Bug fixes

- Fixed some visual bugs

make mountains also HD

- Fixed said above
- Some gameplay fixes

stars should behind the mountains

part 1 was alot harder than all other parts

its also not a good map beginning

there will be too much traffic

if i make so stars are blending with mountain (bc mountains transparent at the bottom), is there a way to remove blending without making mountains not transparent?

Just make the moutain not transparent and place a quad over it

To give the illusion of transparency

Or either use clipping

If the parallax allows it


- Reworked whole bg
- Reworked first part
- Little fixes

- Added bg in hd
- Added some unhooks at spawn
- Fixed some visual bugs

- Added more doodads
- Fixed some corners

You could shorten the part and replace the blockers with hookthrough tiles

Corneum's multiple height blocker could help fix it but I wouldn't recommand it


- Made (imo) comfort spawn
- Get rid of blocker hit

- Fixed/added some doodads

ugly corners


wdym ugly

papotav only likes round corners?

Good corners


nice joke

what wrong with them dude?

ill tell u later

im playing ddnet

No joke, nice clash of clans village

- Little fixes (not corners


- Reworked long drag part
- Added yellow lamps and some doodads


Be careful, you often forget to give the new tele cp at the end of parts (just like on the previous screenshot; the tee from under can hit the teleport right before taking time cp 33)

Think again about the teleports (and the cps so you don't fail or fall into the previous parts)

The hookthrough and the unhookable are too similar


if i delete useless things from mapreses should it lower the size of map?

Yes it will

Especially if the images are colored by default

Grey scaled images don't really matter

sorry for many questions, but if i remove all freeze from tp's it will affect on gameplay or optimization somehow?

No problem. It won't affect the gameplay in a bad way. It will look better and it will be more comfortable to play. Freeze (or others tiles) in teleport is usually bad.

I'm pretty sure that I fixed every thing written above, also
- Deleted freeze from tp's
- Optimized map size by deleting useless mapres Huge thanks to

- Fixed faily moment

- Fixed written above
- Made all tele's in order

- Fixed faily moment

i kinda like tele more

Up to you but then it's messy with shields and tele and weapons and blockers

I find it easier to read on my screenshot

You clearly understand you have to go up

And the teleport is pointless if there are no shields (as you can pass through a second time)

i mean i will take this idea

- Less shields
- Minor fixes

- Minor fixes

The tileset is broken

Don't do anything, I'll do something when I can

I changed the design

Changed the grass_main and the jungle_doodads which were bugged

Changed the mountains

Changed the freeze tiles which were also bugged

I already changed the color of every lantern

I saw you didn't use the envelope properly

The envelope wasn't perfectly looped and the values were random

If the animation duration is of 1 second (1000ms), it's pointless to have an offset >999ms

You should change the offsets to 0,200,400,600,800 (I didn't do it)

Or you could even chose 0,250,500,750

Place the grass everywhere so it looks less empty

Place the plants in a random and natural way. It shouldn't look like an art gallery where everything is aligned perfectly with the same pattern

Looks very cool

You'll have to redo the freeze/unfreeze/tele since I had to change the image (which contains everything you need)

I already stretched the mountains so you needn't edit it

Don't change the colors as well

I edited every layer (the wood, start line...) so the colors fit as a whole

I remade the logo (in-game) from the original image

I reorganized the layers and named the groups

I removed the custom zoom

Edited the parallax on every layer so it looks natural


Also, you needn't really use HD

But uou can keep it as it is (with lanterns, light, stars and planets in HD) if you want

Is this really that important? Freeze in glass was design idea i thinked it looks good

Then maybe make it look better, it was bad as it was

- Added all freeze, tele, info tiles, doodads, stars

ig its because of new paralax

should i post new version of map rn?

We are playing it right now

- Written above
- Minor fixes

- Written above

You can't change the parallax like that

Or was it changed ?

group 3 moon should be under the planets' group

I mean swap group 3 and 4

I see you didn't do that but it's only up to you


- Everything written above

- Deleted 1 tele
- Added glow to planets

- Added glow in HD

- Added more freeze plants
- Added moon glow

$ready 2


No, I hate that on good maps (I mean maps that aren't designed randomly)

It might save 20KB at most

what part of it in particular? I would gladly add more options or change the default behavior to improve it :)

for example I think
should be good practice.
is that alongside

It depends, the resize tool in particular

If I chose my layers to be 500x250 I don't want them to be 498x246

--remove-everything-unused is cool but I rarely use it, I want people to learn to map without it

sounds sensible 👍

What does optimize do already ? I never use it so I don't know :<

I forgot*

I personally think that maybe unused envelopes might be too tedious for mappers to deal with

ah should we move to

That's why I defined "good maps" just above, it doesn't mean all the other maps are bad, just not as mad perfect

We can 😄

it's also minimize any layer that is too big example tile 10,000 x 10.000 he will make it as low as possible .saves a lot space for map

u can add that the bot removes hidden tiles?

maybe u can write something about it

@ReDhas written that algorithm, its not implemented in twmap yet. also things like: 'replace tiles which are fully transparent in the mapres with air' would also help

I want to implement it in twmap, and restrospetively we can optimize all maps. just need a bit of time until I can rust it up

But I will do it for sure, back than it improved like 10-20% fps performance on some maps, it's very much worth it

In theory
@Patigacould also do it before I find the time, basically make a 64x64 bitset array that holds transparency for each combination of "hd on / high detail flag" and "same z value". Than add all pixels of each layer in a tile into their respective category, from top to bottom, and remove tiles that don't change the number of active bits in the transparency bitset. I think this was the algorithm. Tricky thing is accounting for shifts in layers, where I used to have a bug as shown on some maps like coke's 808 map.

Or if you want you could call me up this weekend and show to setup twmap with me, this would help me fasten the process ^^

- Minor fixes (Unfreeze and moon glow)

$ready 2

sure thing :)