this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules



dont take as a reference ddmax maps to make recent ones


u mean?

i can see just for this, that u took inspiration from ddmax server, i mean just simple drags, gores here and there etc..

u know what i mean?

go hide before tsin sees what u wrote..........


this map gameplay have most of the problem on the part creativity and difficulty leap

@Peothis map is not good with todays standards. It have tooo simple drag parts. How about a change of the whole map ? I would remove all teleports and change them all into kill tiles. With this simple change whole map would be like a "1 try map" and it would make it more exciting. The map should be longer. Now it feels kind a short one. Colors of walls should be more matching the colors of the flag. Background is too plain and simple (cloud here and there should do the trick). With making map more challenging (more kill tiles, more faily), I would also go with a name change to something like "Chill'N'die" =]


Well, I agree on most stuff what Tsin said...
I don't really know why people are starting to create so many outdated gameplay maps atm. Those maps aren't fun to play, cause its just basic drag stuff here and there all over again.
I dont see this map releasable, even if u rework this to a "1 try map" what Tsin suggesting. Deleting this and starting a new map, with better gameplay would be better.


says the 2021 player

i think oldschool type maps are the best maps, but its a preference i guess

what about it is outdated?

Well, this type of parts you "created" are outdated. Take a look on newer maps to see what we're looking for nowadays.


i get what u mean, but i think this "outdated" way of maping is superior to the new style

oldschool teeworlds feel

smooth gameplay

i know?

Maybe what I said wasn't very clear.^^ These kind of maps are not popular nowadays, they are not fun. We're looking for creative and unique maps - or at least they should be fun for the player to play on.
Check out these maps to see what I'm trying to tell you: YeYou 1-5: unique parts with a good flow Pogchy: parts are spiced up with a tool (telegun) Depressed 1 & 2: parts to think about with good flow

naah man ur wrong, players love oldshool maps

lets agree to disagree

Nope 🙂

Maybe there are some funny oldschool maps, but there shouldnt be any new ones. There are planty oldschool maps that aren't released yet. No need to create new ones. 🙂


Im sorry to tell you.


oldschool is bets


new sucky

You can still create your own server to play this map with your friends. 🙂

are you smiling in real life too?

sometimes testers use way too much smiley faces

also for most people oldschool are very boring

but its personal preference

yes u speak tha tru tru

i mean, to give an example of one oldschool map trend that isn't really popular today and some reasons why it's discouraged This specific section isn't very interesting. it's basically nothing more than "do common technique A 2 times in a row, then do common technique B several times in a row" The hammer bits here aren't even moderate tier, this kind of thing shows up in old novice maps. So to regular Moderate map players, this section is not only boring, but it doesn't really contribute much to the difficulty either. It also doesn't improve the flow or prevent congestion (actually, the fact that it's the only path for a solo tee to get up there makes it a bottleneck). So to me, this section is pretty forgettable.

no one will comment bad stuff about this map if youre targeting your map in oldschool style and submit it as oldschool map

yeah, if you want to make oldschool style maps they should be submitted as oldschool maps because people who play other map categories aren't looking for more oldschool maps to be added there

"we're looking for creative and unique maps" last 50maps were just barren copy-paste or stronghold type maps -.-

if anything, theres a whole bunch of super oldschool style maps in the regular categories that should be moved to oldschool category IMO

anyway, this is unrelated to the oldschool subject, but i would suggest trying to make everything in your maps look intentional or "natural" in some sense. The spawn room looks like it's just a bunch of rectangles randomly plunked down in MS Paint and doesn't feel like much effort was put in there

Ye, but those maps are popular. You can find every day (at least one) full server with a map like Stronghold, Back in Time, ... Also maps like barren are played that often, cause you can play it with friends or solo with your dummy - cause its challenging.

But this isnt a chatroom to discuss such a thing, thats only for map feedback and the map got declined. Head over to
#mappingor catch me up via DM.^^

just make your map flavour of the month and it will get accepted no need to be creative

goodluck with next map Peo :)

yes thanks for feedback!