"RedMonsterSolo" by Anatomy [Solo]
DDNet 01/15/2023 2:44 PM
@scary oblivion

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 01/15/2023 2:44 PM
scary oblivion 01/15/2023 2:45 PM

forgot about time cps

scary oblivion 01/15/2023 2:45 PM


Arrow 01/17/2023 1:13 AM

Hey! i went through the map and i don consider this as a potential released even with fixes, gameplay is extremely faily, unbalanced, uncomfortable to play in some places and too long (which you can consider next time to have some ratios about: Long low ratio% of death, short can be a lot more ratio% of death), there are like 2 parts are decent if it werent faily, the thing is the bad and tight parts are too spread on the map.

Arrow 01/17/2023 1:18 AM

so consider this next time: 1)Avoid long gore parts this isnt KOG server 2)Avoid Tight (which lead to an uncomfortable gameplay experience), Unbalanced parts (this is ok if is gradually) 3)Dont make long and repeated parts This are just a few, read the rules and test the map with quit intensity before subimt a map 😄 gl on your next one

Arrow 01/17/2023 1:18 AM
