this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

this part feels tedious to me because that last hook unfreeze in the gap is kind of faily on dummy / anyone with not that good of a reaction time if you fail that part you would rather have to go ALL the way back to the beginning of this part to retry, or to take a much slower route which is lasering the other through the top i suggest putting a failsafe tp around this area so that its a bit easier to go back when you fail this bit

not better in the freeze?

or something?

mappo not in test server?

it is

i couldnt find it

Reload mayb

I know, I made the part to be easy, and of course, there are some skips, but you can't go through the map completely alone

I tried to arrange some parts as you said, without much change

2 cheats on the same part

all cheats are on purpose?

bcs u can cheat all parts

everything is mapped very small and tight, there are some design bugs as well as freeze or hook in the teleporters or 🔃 . the teleporters (to) should always be 2 and 1 away from the ground

make sure that both tees pass cp or timecp

u have also some unused images and a unused tune zone command

we think the map is not good but not bad either, first rework the shown parts, give the map more space and check everything for design bugs - entity bugs etc.


- i increased map size
- redid several parts
- bugs fixed

- I fixed some bugs

you can also drag the dude to the right side and just jump up after, and then unfreeze from above as they fall or do the stronghold manuever

the hook after the second guy jumps in is also very awkward at times, there's not enough space to jump normally which would make a newer player struggle here if they don't know to dj

this laser is right by the start and u don't really do anything to get it, I think it'd be nice to add a part to get it cause you might as well just give the laser at the startline otherwise. Maybe a nice idea is something like this, putting freeze where the laser is and using dj when you reach the unfreeze below, reusing it as well? Would also make that awkward hook not awkward as you get laser right there, so instead of going to get it and backtracking it feels more seamless. That's an idea tho, ur choice rlly

I think this red part feels totally disconnected from the rest of the map, it's the only part of the map where you use random unhook blocks like that which makes it feel weird and disconnected, in contrast, I think the green part works great, I'd say try adding a part instead of the red there, or at the very least get rid of the unhooks

I like the map overall, has a few awkward things in relation to movement and the such and is very skippable, the design feels a bit empty, but I like the block selection for unhookables a lot, the background could lose a bit of contrast, and the only thing you really have as decoration is the sun, which you can't really see in places like the bottom of the map. It's the star of the show! Let it shine through, the map actually felt a lot more decorated (albeit still empty) when you could see the sun at the top left, which really made it dawn on you how empty it was without it approaching the end of the map. The logo also seems low quality compared to the blocks in the map, as in much more pixelated, which is fine more of a nitpick from me as it was the first thing I saw when I booted up the map

here's a division of parts in my opinion, I'd say the map has a total of around 14 parts, the green being creative parts that I think could work really well if not skippable, the yellow being parts that might feel awkward or repetitive, cutting the flow of a run or parts that just sort of exist without really adding much to the map, and the blue is what I'd consider to be filler parts, that are there to sort of make the map longer.

The map has a total of 6 substantial parts, of which half are skippable. This is without counting this part, which I feel could be more substantial (though maybe not as substantial as the other 6) if you add the wall I mentioned there

The map also feels sort of all over the place in difficulty for a novice, there are parts that feel like a 1 and parts that feel more like a 4

I'm not really a tester and I don't test a lot (I plan on testing more often) but hopefully my advice helps in some way ^^

ok, i'll see what i can do to improve. Some parts had already seen skips and some are designed in case the player feels more comfortable using it even though it takes a longer time, but thanks for testing it, I'll fix what I can

mais um mapa kkkkk ta ficano bom em

KKK, sempre tentando melhora

uma hora vai


- fixed bugs
- added parts

I tried to fix almost everything you said and I improved several parts, but there were some that I thought it was better to keep and there are some skips that even though they exist, I couldn't think of anything to fix and they don't take as much time. Anyway, thank you very much.

there is a stopper unmarked on top btw

the map is okay gameplay wise tho, but you really have to modify the blocking of the map is really tight for that many player that would play this map in china are like 64 players playing 1 novice so be aware of that


hum, ok I'll see what I can do to improve, thanks for testing the map

- I tried to fix the bugs and improve some parts

-I changed the first part and the spawn

this is not fixed on every cto tele

the map doesnt need the cp can use normal tele easily



go fish , go , and finish

- fixed bug

@YoDaits noticeable that you improve on mapping, but unfortunately you still have a lot to learn, on this map we can see different problems as you can see above on the feedback that i gave you, in general aspects this are the problem of the map that doesnt let it to get released: 1.- Really simple and boring gameplay is always the same filler try to bring something enjoyable and fun especially for novice bcs are quite repetitive 2.- Unnecessary or things that shouldn't be there as the deep in some parts 3.- You have to distinguish when you have to use cp or not, there are some parts of the map that are really messy bcs of that for example cp3-4-5 4.- A lot of skips, its ok the lil ones but no cheat the whole parts
Pls keep it on mapping ik it will be possible to release a map in some point😄 and feel free to ask things on
#mapping#questionsand check

thanks a lot for the feedback! I will continue mapping and I hope to be able to release a map at some point