"[M]Race3" by Mart!N! [Oldschool]
DDNet 05/10/2023 1:30 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

463.09 KB
DDNet 05/10/2023 1:30 PM
DDNet 05/10/2023 1:30 PM

Error log in the attached file

imperius9110 05/10/2023 1:30 PM
imperius9110 05/10/2023 1:34 PM

I have several maps in a similar style, but most of the gameplay on them is race, but there are a couple of elements that cannot be done alone, so I would like to clarify if I should convert and edit the rest of the maps, if they are valid for release ? Maps in general look like a tutorial.

imperius9110 05/10/2023 1:43 PM
463.05 KB
pipou_tw 06/09/2023 10:03 AM

It's called mrace, yet it's supposed to be played as 2 but there is only one 2p part

pipou_tw 06/09/2023 10:03 AM

It's too repetitive

pipou_tw 06/09/2023 10:04 AM

It feels like doing the same move 50 times

pipou_tw 06/09/2023 10:04 AM
