Since you can play for free on DDNet, we try to cover the server costs by having sponsors (pay a full server) or donations. These are the costs for the servers and the part of it that has been covered by donations:
Total 2024 | | | |
DDNet Master | |
DDNet Master2 | |
DDNet Database | |
DDNet GER2 | |
DDNet GER10 | |
DDNet POL | |
DDNet FIN1 | |
DDNet FIN2 | |
DDNet UKR | |
DDNet RUS1 | |
DDNet RUS2 | |
DDNet RUS4 | |
DDNet Turkey | |
DDNet Bahrain | |
DDNet Persian | |
DDNet Chile | |
DDNet Brazil1 | |
DDNet Brazil2 | |
DDNet Argentina | |
DDNet Peru | |
DDNet USA2 | |
DDNet USA3 | |
DDNet CHN | |
DDNet CHN2 | |
DDNet CHN5 | |
DDNet Taiwan | |
DDNet Korea | |
DDNet Singapore | |
DDNet India | |
DDNet Australia | |
DDNet South Africa | |
When the current year is fully covered, we still appreciate donations to cover the costs of the last years: | |
Total 2013 - 2023 |
Running DDNet servers costs money. Donations of any amount are appreciated and used exclusively for server costs. Don't forget to note the ingame name you want to be listed with in the list of donors:
If you have a Russian bank account and would like to donate for DDNet RUS1/2, get in touch with 0xdeen on Discord.
These people were kind enough to support DDNet by donations and sponsoring servers (in chronological order):
- Megaman | Cold
- Broken
- xRoThx
- TsFreddie
- Chicken
- o_tee_one
- goo
- laxa
- eeeee
- RafaelFF
- Soyer
- Lady Saavik
- =645654=
- cris
- milk
- Hindu
- Sweeeeet GM :>
- lordtheuns
- hi_leute_gll
- =CuBe=
- mooose[UA]
- KinG
- Persian Tee City Staff
- Learath2
- Deeper
- Horst
- onionly .me'
- PitausK
- hannibal
- Destoros
- True© nameless
- Ronex
- Eʀfαη Zσηe
- Đϻτεε
- ChillerDragon
- Varys
- Mannyking
- Immortal
- SP | Someone
- clefairy'
- ScReeNy
- Songoku
- Tom
- ♥|Duca
- MidnightCake
- heinrich5991
- cruz
- Cøke
- Tridemy
- DropThisShit
- Redpig
- Hidden-Ezio
- Lumpy ◐ω◑
- Saki`
- Cor
- Matsched
- Im 'corneum
- o--}====>
- ٭ıƞdex'<3
- Finntroll
- Would?
- Xi
- AwakenZ clan
- Shishigami
- Just a fish
- Frr :3
- Beefky
- Axaris
- teosek
- RayB.
- Mos
- Pastoer
- CookieMichal
- Ryozuki
- MyStery.Fox
- tobu.
- veppe
- nathanj
- Davide
- bano
- Sαnti~
- Rico
- tght
- Schulzer
- Konsti
- TíoWolfer:$
- El BobLex
- Gorden
- Annunaki
- NinjaPro1203
- -nOobfighter-
- kisteklak
- letins
- AspHyXiA
- take it easy
- topic
- kill the tee
- ReyDeuce
- KsSmoke
- Krypto
- Freakin
- Shisui.
- ImJustANobody
- louis
- PlantKnight
- maggi323
- Ratuple
- Dan_cao
- Texas.C
- 950
- LoopHule
- Meliodafu
- n000b
- 123dd
- ZiKkie
- FlySlime
- Ghost Rider
- Asdragone
- 0x314
- Avo
- tela
- Pryzed
- YupHio
- Gignr
- Ikarus :3
- Mattie
- Mariac
- KuZu
- Chillbreaker
- SpeedyGER
- ΛLIVΣ clan
- David*°Villa
- Flappe
- kettu
- Mekrioz.'
- CyberPotato
- Gabi
- ,,,=^o_._o^=,,,
- szaro
- sry
- just god
- texnonik
- marzzzello
- c0d3d3v
- Anime.pdf
- Jem
- B3stL
- Emp
- Lagar
- alexs
- Brokecdx-
- zou'
- fokkonaut
- Wohoo
- coldren
- 阿甘
- 紫川
- Daro
- tonytonyrony
- Her0
- Steppenwolf_123
- Zeral
- ~FallenKing~
- Auftragsmöwe
- Insanity
- metlix
- Lem0n
- Dreamless
- Steinchen
- Blade
- ReD
- Chris ❆
- Antonelli200
- Miguilim
- Loxyde
- Meeu
- BlankCon
- NeXus
- Aoe
- Mıss Fʋггצ
- 'Schwi♫
- Izanagi
- murpi
- DefaultO
- Laienboy
- ReiTW
- UnlucksMcGee
- xx
- Oxyder_
- Teetanic
- Schnuffelpuff
- nubo
- ContinueR
- is good
- ilaK
- is bad
- LuKron55
- bencie
- Zatigem
- Gumba
- 西店
- Transzendenz
- Cipy29
- Matrose l_I
- archimede67
- Cellegen
- Kreedzt
- Gummibaer12345
- Zwelf
- 野织
- Teelevision
- Scrumplex
- Murphy
- Exit
- VSC21
- orbilo
- Zerol Acqua
- Hamelin
- TortiLeq
- 真令人脑热
- Nouaa
- 起潮
- Comrade
- Banenenbr_t
- Bota
- iwa
- ByFox
- zhn
- Mind
- Derp
- rriigg
- MilkeeyCat
- Marmare
- I am stupid
- kartofel14
- 🥀senten🥀
- anatta
- ⚣ПАНК⚣
- +∞
Thank you! Without your support DDNet wouldn't be alive today. Others help DDNet by investing their time, energy and knowledge, see our staff.