Staff & Contact

DDraceNetwork was an idea by Megaman with support by Delo and onionly .me' in the summer of 2013 and was initially implemented by deen. For new features or bugs talk about them in the Forum or suggest them on Github. New maps can be submitted on Discord, where our Testers will take care of them. Please note the Mapper Rules.

Team Leaders

DDRace Moderators

Forum Moderators


Skin DB


List of all coders


List of all mappers


List of all donors

Join the Team

We are currently looking for new people to join our team. Take a look at our latest article!

Contact: Getting in Touch

You can find us on our Discord server. You can also post in our Forum for suggestions, questions or anything else. There's also an IRC channel #ddnet on Quakenet (Webchat, Logs). Deen is reachable by email at