Top 500 / Top 10

BRA Novice Server Ranks (7/7)

Points (528 total)

1.528 ptsPonto..
1.528 ptsEl Sam
1.528 ptsGody Of Ar
1.528 ptsIsaacISF
1.528 ptsJorginhuuu
1.528 ptsAhobba
1.528 ptsBilie.V
1.528 ptszMrLukz
1.528 ptsXubrinoBR
1.528 ptsmantega.

Team Rank

1.1793 ptsFandeforce
2.1575 ptsEzeJe
3.1204 ptsǤodly
4.1029 ptsizanagi
6.847 ptsToddy(BR)
7.791 ptsxэl*ДoZ
8.764 ptsLukov
9.681 ptsVentti~
10.495 pts°Kynt~


1.917 ptsFandeforce
2.772 ptsEzeJe
4.719 ptsLukov
5.647 ptsǤodly
6.584 ptsizanagi
7.519 ptsVentti~
8.401 ptsLoonex
9.393 ptsEH OS GURI
10.370 ptsxэl*ДoZ

Points (past 365 days)

1.528 ptsFortunato
2.524 ptsPepezinho
3.521 ptsSkullSz
4.512 ptssou mt ruim
5.502 ptsmantega.
6.475 ptsXubrinoBR
7.463 ptsCdEck
8.452 ptsKidsgrama
9.441 ptsxits
10.410 ptsFl1xx

Points (past 30 days)

1.270 ptsMakeno
2.121 ptsarrowtey
3.112 ptsG.
4.102 ptsciruja
5.100 ptsDEUS-CY
6.92 ptsSota
7.89 ptsGD5000
8.87 ptsSuco
9.85 ptssuperfast
10.80 ptszCATALYST

Points (past 7 days)

1.42 ptsMakeno
1.42 ptsgato negro
3.33 ptselihs44
4.32 ptsSeymor
5.31 ptsKaiqe
6.28 ptsciruja
6.28 ptsratao do 09
8.26 ptszCATALYST
9.24 ptsinternaluseonly
9.24 ptsmito

Last Finishes

04:39: Multeasymap by mentaychocolate (20:38)
04:39: Multeasymap by Hhhhhhh (20:37)
04:33: Tutorial by nah, im better (02:20)
04:32: Multeasymap by unwnql (23:28)
04:31: Multeasymap by miniunwnql (22:22)
04:31: Multeasymap by SkyFall (08:39)
04:31: Multeasymap by xKnockLink (08:43)
04:30: Tutorial by artemka-andreev (04:26)
04:27: Tutorial by facultas (04:33)
04:22: Multeasymap by SkyFall (19:33)

Old Maps


by Oy & Themix

Released: 2014-06-03
Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 3

1866 tees finished (median time: 20:58)
82 teams finished (biggest team: 8)

Team Records:‭ & Verside
2.04:26Kamikazew‭ & Kanna13
3.04:52Sky3DTV‭ & SkyHDTV
4.05:04Lukov‭ & Shiro01
5.05:32gaboqlmalo‭ & unstable
6.06:05Goran‭ & Hookn't
7.06:15EzeJe‭ & Fandeforce
8.06:15Bitt3r‭ & Gody Of Ar
9.06:16Shiny‭ & Skyfall
10.06:21Tochi‭ & Ǥodly

6.04:33[D] Zankir

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Points Calculation


You earn points for finishing a map you've never finished before. Every map has a difficulty indicated by its stars. The servers have the following multipliers and offsets:

Server Type Multiplier Offset
Novice 1 0
Moderate 2 5
Brutal 3 15
Insane 4 30
Dummy 5 5
DDmaX.* 4 0
Oldschool 6 0
Solo 4 0
Race 2 0

The points you earned for a map are calculated as follows:


Team Rank

Join team x using /team x and finish in it to earn a team record. The global and server wide team ranks are calculated from your team ranks:

1st place25 points
2nd place18 points
3rd place15 points
4th place12 points
5th place10 points
6th place8 points
7th place6 points
8th place4 points
9th place2 points
10th place1 point


Finish a map, no matter in which team, to earn a record. The global and server wide ranks are calculated from your ranks:

1st place25 points
2nd place18 points
3rd place15 points
4th place12 points
5th place10 points
6th place8 points
7th place6 points
8th place4 points
9th place2 points
10th place1 point

Refreshed: 2024-12-22 05:14:04