Maps with Grenade Tile (3/26)

Moderate Server

2022-12-03 15:00


by Destoros

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 13
No Hit Solo No Player Hook Shotgun Grenade Rifle Dragger Timed Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Hook Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Brutal Server

2022-11-30 18:00

Wonderfully 3

by yo bitch

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 27
Death Solo Grenade Rifle Stopper New Hookthrough Time Checkpoint Boost

Insane Server

2022-11-26 15:00


by Konsti

Difficulty: ★★★★★, Points: 50
Death Deep Freeze No Hit Solo Shotgun Grenade Rifle Crazy Shotgun Door Timed Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-11-20 21:30

Koule 13

by Intercity, Broken & Bee

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 6
Shotgun Grenade Rifle Time Checkpoint

Oldschool Server

2022-11-20 19:48

Koule 12

by Intercity, Broken & Bee

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Laser Stop Crazy Shotgun Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-11-19 11:00

Koule 14

by Intercity, Broken & Bee

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Shotgun Grenade Rifle Teleport Time Checkpoint

Oldschool Server

2022-11-16 21:00

Koule 10

by Intercity, Broken & Bee

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 18
Endless Hook Grenade Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Solo Server

2022-10-12 18:00

GetSpeed 4

by Konsti

Difficulty: ★★★★★, Points: 20
Death Customized Jumps Deep Freeze Super Jumps Jetpack Walljump Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Crazy Shotgun Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Checkpointed Teleport Weapon Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Solo Server

2022-10-02 15:00


by Savalic

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 8
Shotgun Grenade Rifle Stopper Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint Time Bonus Boost

Dummy Server

2022-09-17 15:00

Ryoiki Tenkai

by Arrow & Im 'corneum

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 20
Death Deep Freeze Walljump No Player Hook Shotgun Grenade Ninja Crazy Shotgun Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Brutal Server

2022-09-04 19:55

Strategic Paraplegic

by Jimmy Jazz & Soapy Sandwich

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 24
Death Deep Freeze Tele Gun Jetpack No Player Hook Shotgun Grenade Rifle Laser Stop Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Solo Server

2022-08-13 15:00

Short And Precise 7

by Destoros

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 12
Grenade Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint

Oldschool Server

2022-08-10 18:00


by Tee 3D

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 6
Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Dragger Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-07-31 15:00


by Tee 3D

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 6
No Hit Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Laser Stop Dragger Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Insane Server

2022-07-23 15:00


by Chikatto Chika

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 34
Death Deep Freeze Endless Hook No Hit Solo Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Door Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Time Checkpoint Boost

Dummy Server

2022-07-20 18:00

Dynamic Dragger

by Soapy Sandwich & Sorah

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 20
Death Deep Freeze Grenade Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint

Oldschool Server

2022-07-17 18:00

Campotle 5

by Fluxid

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 6
Shotgun Grenade Rifle Laser Stop Old Laser Time Checkpoint Boost

Race Server

2022-07-06 18:00


by Im 'corneum

Difficulty: ✰✰✰✰✰, Points: 0
Grenade Door Switch Stopper Red Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Moderate Server

2022-06-18 15:50

DaoYu Night

by just & FightFire

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 13
Deep Freeze Solo Tele Gun Tele Grenade Grenade Rifle Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Weapon Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Solo Server

2022-06-11 15:00

Lets Climb

by Adrecristo

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 8
Customized Jumps Shotgun Grenade Rifle Stopper Red Teleport Boost

Solo Server

2022-06-04 15:00


by Destoros

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 8
Grenade Ninja Door Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-05-25 18:00

Merely forth 2

by geroy231

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Death Old Hookthrough Solo Shotgun Grenade Rifle Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-05-18 18:00

Merely forth

by geroy231

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze Solo Grenade Rifle Crazy Shotgun Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost Freezing/exploding plasma turret

Solo Server

2022-05-14 15:00

Weapon Finals

by Chrona

Difficulty: ★★★★★, Points: 20
Shotgun Grenade Rifle Stopper New Hookthrough Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-05-11 18:00

Oh-This 2

by Father

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 18
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze Solo Shotgun Grenade Rifle Teleport

Moderate Server

2022-05-07 15:00

Just Every Fly

by Soapy Sandwich & Jimmy Jazz

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 7
Death Deep Freeze Endless Hook No Hit Solo Tele Gun Tele Grenade Tele Laser No Player Collision Super Jumps Jetpack No Player Hook Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Laser Stop Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Weapon Teleport Time Checkpoint Time Bonus Boost Freezing/exploding plasma turret

Oldschool Server

2022-05-04 18:00


by Father

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 6
Death No Hit Shotgun Grenade Rifle Crazy Shotgun Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper Teleport Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-04-27 18:00

Be Happy

by EpicFail

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze No Hit Shotgun Grenade Rifle Dragger Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Moderate Server

2022-04-23 15:00


by Pipou

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 9
Death Endless Hook Solo Super Jumps Jetpack Shotgun Grenade Rifle Red Teleport Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2022-04-20 18:00

tough way 2

by geroy231

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze Solo Shotgun Grenade Rifle Crazy Shotgun Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost Freezing/exploding plasma turret

Solo Server

2022-04-17 15:00


by Kenzo

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 12
Death Customized Jumps Jetpack Shotgun Grenade Rifle Door Switch Stopper Checkpointed Teleport Weapon Teleport Boost

Moderate Server

2022-04-13 18:00


by jana

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 7
Endless Hook Solo Super Jumps Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Dragger Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Hook Teleport Boost

Insane Server

2022-04-10 15:00


by Cøke & Tridemy

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 34
Death Solo Grenade Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Boost

Moderate Server

2022-03-31 23:37


by Pulsar

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 13
Deep Freeze Solo Walljump Shotgun Grenade Rifle Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport

Novice Server

2022-02-27 14:54


by unique2 & Alisa

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 1
Customized Jumps Solo Grenade Stopper New Hookthrough Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint Time Bonus

Solo Server

2022-01-12 18:00


by ɳ0vą

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 12
Death Deep Freeze Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Stopper New Hookthrough

Novice Server

2022-01-08 13:00

SeMang 2

by just & Wartoz

Difficulty: ★★★★★, Points: 5
Deep Freeze Endless Hook Grenade Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Time Checkpoint

Dummy Server

2021-12-29 18:00

Vice City

by Arrow

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 20
Death Customized Jumps Deep Freeze Walljump Grenade Ninja Rifle Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Hook Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Solo Server

2021-12-21 19:00

Lost In Forest

by DarkOort

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 16
Death Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Tune Zone

Novice Server

2021-12-19 18:00

Beyond Light

by Arrow & FeaRZ

Difficulty: ★★★★★, Points: 5
Solo Tele Gun Shotgun Grenade Rifle Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Brutal Server

2021-12-11 15:00


by Mystery?

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 27
Customized Jumps Deep Freeze Grenade Rifle Laser Stop Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch New Hookthrough Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Boost

Oldschool Server

2021-12-01 16:00

tough way

by geroy231

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze Solo Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Crazy Shotgun Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Moderate Server

2021-11-24 13:00


by CheseChezz

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 13
Deep Freeze Solo Tele Gun Tele Grenade Grenade Dragger Timed Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Weapon Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2021-11-21 15:00


by Hidden-Ezio

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze Endless Hook No Hit Solo Shotgun Grenade Ninja Stopper Teleport Boost

Dummy Server

2021-10-30 15:00

Samsara VII

by Meliodafu

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 20
Death Deep Freeze Super Jumps Walljump Grenade Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Hook Teleport Boost

Solo Server

2021-10-27 18:00


by Starkiller

Difficulty: ★★★★★, Points: 20
Customized Jumps Super Jumps Jetpack Shotgun Grenade Rifle Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Weapon Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost Freezing/exploding plasma turret

Dummy Server

2021-10-23 15:00


by Kenzo

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 25
Death Deep Freeze Endless Hook No Hit Jetpack Grenade Rifle Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Boost

Solo Server

2021-10-16 15:00


by Im 'corneum

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 4
Super Jumps Jetpack Shotgun Grenade Rifle Time Checkpoint

Dummy Server

2021-10-13 18:00


by Mıss Fʋггצ

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 20
Death Customized Jumps Deep Freeze Tele Gun Tele Grenade No Player Collision Jetpack No Player Hook Shotgun Grenade Rifle Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Weapon Teleport Boost

Solo Server

2021-10-06 18:00

8 points

by Ciniminix

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 8
Jetpack Shotgun Grenade Ninja Rifle Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Hook Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Dummy Server

2021-10-03 15:00

Jao Shooter

by texnonik

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 20
Death Customized Jumps Deep Freeze Tele Laser No Player Hook Grenade Rifle Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Tune Zone Red Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Hook Teleport Boost

Moderate Server

2021-09-29 18:00

Yeyou 2

by bit

Difficulty: ★★★★★, Points: 15
Deep Freeze Endless Hook Solo Grenade Stopper Red Teleport Time Checkpoint

Dummy Server

2021-09-22 18:00


by Im 'corneum

Difficulty: ★★★★✰, Points: 25
Death Deep Freeze Grenade Door Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Weapon Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Solo Server

2021-09-19 15:00


by Pipou

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 4
Death Customized Jumps Grenade Tune Zone Red Teleport Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2021-09-15 18:00

Haunted Dungeon

by MaDLeX

Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 6
Old Hookthrough Solo Shotgun Grenade Teleport

Dummy Server

2021-09-11 15:00

Jazzy Sandwich

by Jimmy Jazz & Soapy Sandwich

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 20
Death Deep Freeze Endless Hook No Hit Solo No Player Collision Super Jumps Jetpack Walljump No Player Hook Shotgun Grenade Rifle Laser Stop Dragger Door Timed Switch Switch Stopper New Hookthrough Red Teleport Teleport Checkpointed Teleport Boost

Solo Server

2021-09-08 18:00

Telephone 2

by N9mkOik

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 8
Tele Gun Tele Grenade Grenade Rifle Stopper New Hookthrough Checkpointed Teleport Boost

Oldschool Server

2021-08-22 19:08

Broken World

by SlaeR

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 18
Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze Endless Hook No Hit Solo Grenade Ninja Rifle Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2021-08-19 18:40

Orange 3

by FunCat

Difficulty: ★★✰✰✰, Points: 12
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze No Hit Shotgun Grenade Rifle Crazy Shotgun Dragger Stopper Teleport Time Checkpoint Boost

Oldschool Server

2021-08-18 18:00


by r0xr

Difficulty: ★★★✰✰, Points: 18
Death Old Hookthrough Deep Freeze Endless Hook No Hit Solo Shotgun Grenade Ninja Door Timed Switch Stopper Teleport Boost