
This file is mirrored from the libtw2 documentation and is dual-licensed under MIT or APACHE.

Unless specified otherwise, all of the following sizes are measured in bytes.

    [  8] version_header
    [168] header
    [260] _timeline_markers
    [   ] map
    [   ] data

_timeline_markers are only available in version 4 and 5.

The length of the map field is determined by the map_size field in header. The map field contains a Teeworlds map (datafile).

data consists of many chunks laid out one after the other.

    [  7] magic
    [  1] version

magic is "TWDEMO\0".

version is any number from 3 to 5 for this document.

    [ 64] net_version
    [ 64] map_name
    [  4] map_size
    [  4] map_crc
    [  8] type
    [  4] length
    [ 20] timestamp

net_version, map_name, type and timestamp are null-terminated strings. map_size, map_crc and length are signed big-endian 32-bit integers.

map_size determines the size of the map field of the demo.

type should be either "client" or "server" for a client or server demo, respectively.

    [  4] num_timeline_markers
    [256] timeline_markers

num_timeline_markers is a signed big-endian 32-bit integer. timeline_markers is an array of signed big-endian 32-bit integers of size 64.

num_timeline_markers gives the number of valid timeline_markers. This number should be less or equal to 64.

    [   ] chunk_header
    [   ] chunk_data

chunk_header is at least a single byte. If the chunk does not indicate a new tick, it looks like follows (sizes specified in bits):

    [1] is_tick (set to 0 for normal chunks)
    [2] type
    [5] size


is_tick is set to 0 for normal chunks.

type can be one of 1 (snapshot), 2 (message) or 3 (snapshot delta).

size determines the size of the following chunk_data unless one of the special values 30 or 31 are used. 30 indicates that chunk_header contains one additional byte whose numerical value specifies the length of the following chunk_data, 31 indicates that chunk_header contains one additional little-endian 16-bit integer specifying the length of the following chunk_data.

If the chunk does indicate a new tick, its first byte looks like follows in version 3 and 4 (sizes specified in bits):

    [1] is_tick (set to 1 for tick markers)
    [1] keyframe
    [6] tick_delta


is_tick is set to 1 for tick markers.

keyframe is a hint to the demo player that the next tick will contain a full snapshot, which allows it to jump to that specific position.

tick_delta either specifies the tick delta (delta = difference) to the previous tick, or it is 0 to indicate that a big-endian 32-bit integer specifying the absolute tick follows.

In version 5, the first byte of the chunk_header looks like follows if it does indicate a new tick (sizes specified in bits):

    [1] is_tick (set to 1 for tick markers)
    [1] keyframe
    [1] inline_tick
    [5] tick_delta


is_tick and keyframe have the same meaning as in version 3 and 4. If inline_tick is 1, tick_delta specifies the tick delta. If it is 0, tick_delta is padding that should be zeroed and a big-endian 32-bit integer specifying the absolute tick follows.