Back to the Roots 1 by Bixes
Released: 2015-04-18
Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰, Points: 4
6 tees finished (median time: 19:59)
0 teams finished
Team Records:
1. | 13:56 | Clavata |
2. | 18:03 | Outmatch8075 |
3. | 18:07 | Kirbyfu |
4. | 21:50 | mtnvhd1 |
5. | 22:38 | BoboFu |
6. | 28:09 | beginner0312 |
Most Finishes:
1. | 1 | BoboFu |
1. | 1 | mtnvhd1 |
1. | 1 | Outmatch8075 |
1. | 1 | Clavata |
1. | 1 | beginner0312 |
1. | 1 | Kirbyfu |
Ranks and information for this map on AUS server are also available in JSON format.