1 | /* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ |
2 | /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ |
3 | |
4 | // This file can be included several times. |
5 | |
6 | // physics tuning |
7 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GroundControlSpeed, ground_control_speed, 10.0f, "Max speed the tee can get on ground" ) |
8 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GroundControlAccel, ground_control_accel, 100.0f / SERVER_TICK_SPEED, "Acceleration speed on the ground" ) |
9 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GroundFriction, ground_friction, 0.5f, "Friction on the ground" ) |
10 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GroundJumpImpulse, ground_jump_impulse, 13.2f, "Impulse when jumping on ground" ) |
11 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(AirJumpImpulse, air_jump_impulse, 12.0f, "Impulse when jumping in air" ) |
12 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(AirControlSpeed, air_control_speed, 250.0f / SERVER_TICK_SPEED, "Max speed the tee can get in the air" ) |
13 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(AirControlAccel, air_control_accel, 1.5f, "Acceleration speed in air" ) |
14 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(AirFriction, air_friction, 0.95f, "Friction in the air" ) |
15 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HookLength, hook_length, 380.0f, "Length of the hook" ) |
16 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HookFireSpeed, hook_fire_speed, 80.0f, "How fast the hook is fired" ) |
17 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HookDragAccel, hook_drag_accel, 3.0f, "Acceleration when hook is stuck" ) |
18 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HookDragSpeed, hook_drag_speed, 15.0f, "Drag speed of the hook" ) |
19 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(Gravity, gravity, 0.5f, "Gravity of the teeworld" ) |
20 | |
21 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(VelrampStart, velramp_start, 550, "Velocity ramp start" ) |
22 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(VelrampRange, velramp_range, 2000, "Velocity ramp range" ) |
23 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(VelrampCurvature, velramp_curvature, 1.4f, "Velocity ramp curvature" ) |
24 | |
25 | // weapon tuning |
26 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GunCurvature, gun_curvature, 1.25f, "Gun curvature" ) |
27 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GunSpeed, gun_speed, 2200.0f, "Gun speed" ) |
28 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GunLifetime, gun_lifetime, 2.0f, "Gun lifetime" ) |
29 | |
30 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(ShotgunCurvature, shotgun_curvature, 1.25f, "Shotgun curvature" ) |
31 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(ShotgunSpeed, shotgun_speed, 2750.0f, "Shotgun speed" ) |
32 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(ShotgunSpeeddiff, shotgun_speeddiff, 0.8f, "(UNUSED) Speed difference between shotgun bullets" ) |
33 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(ShotgunLifetime, shotgun_lifetime, 0.20f, "(UNUSED) Shotgun lifetime" ) |
34 | |
35 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GrenadeCurvature, grenade_curvature, 7.0f, "Grenade curvature" ) |
36 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GrenadeSpeed, grenade_speed, 1000.0f, "Grenade speed" ) |
37 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GrenadeLifetime, grenade_lifetime, 2.0f, "Grenade lifetime" ) |
38 | |
39 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(LaserReach, laser_reach, 800.0f, "How long the laser can reach" ) |
40 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(LaserBounceDelay, laser_bounce_delay, 150, "When bouncing, stop the laser this long" ) |
41 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(LaserBounceNum, laser_bounce_num, 1000, "How many times the laser can bounce" ) |
42 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(LaserBounceCost, laser_bounce_cost, 0, "Remove this much from reach when laser is bouncing" ) |
43 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(LaserDamage, laser_damage, 5, "(UNUSED) Laser damage" ) |
44 | |
45 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(PlayerCollision, player_collision, 1, "Enable player collisions" ) |
46 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(PlayerHooking, player_hooking, 1, "Enable player vs player hooking" ) |
47 | |
48 | //ddnet tuning |
49 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(JetpackStrength, jetpack_strength, 400.0f, "Jetpack pistol strength" ) |
50 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(ShotgunStrength, shotgun_strength, 10.0f, "Shotgun pull strength" ) |
51 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(ExplosionStrength, explosion_strength, 6.0f, "Explosion strength (grenade for example)" ) |
52 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HammerStrength, hammer_strength, 1.0f, "Hammer strength" ) |
53 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HookDuration, hook_duration, 1.25f, "Hook duration" ) |
54 | |
55 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HammerFireDelay, hammer_fire_delay, 125, "Delay of hammering (when hitting nothing)" ) |
56 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GunFireDelay, gun_fire_delay, 125, "Delay of firing gun" ) |
57 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(ShotgunFireDelay, shotgun_fire_delay, 500, "Delay of firing shotgun" ) |
58 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GrenadeFireDelay, grenade_fire_delay, 500, "Delay of firing grenade" ) |
59 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(LaserFireDelay, laser_fire_delay, 800, "Delay of firing laser laser" ) |
60 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(NinjaFireDelay, ninja_fire_delay, 800, "Delay of firing ninja" ) |
61 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(HammerHitFireDelay, hammer_hit_fire_delay, 320, "Delay of hammering (when hitting another tee)" ) |
62 | |
63 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GroundElasticityX, ground_elasticity_x, 0, "Wall elasticity" ) |
64 | MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(GroundElasticityY, ground_elasticity_y, 0, "Ground/ceiling elasticity" ) |
65 | |