DDNet 8.1.1 has been released
DDNet 8.1.1 has been released with the following changes:
- [Client] Add country flags for Europe and Catalonia
- [Client] Bind chat on enter/return by default as well
- [Client] Dyncam bind saves special mousesens (by Shiki)
- [Client] Sort spectators by name in scoreboard
- [Client] Add friends and foes commands to list them in console
- [Client] Make clan optional when adding and removing friends and foes
- [Client] Fix: Only print MOTD to console when it’s not empty
- [Server] Show average time in /mapinfo
- [Mapping] Add basic_freeze automappers (by hi_leute_gll and DoNe)
- [Mapping] Add generic_clear automappers (by hi_leute_gll)
- [Mapping] Fix desert_mountains_new_foreground (by hi_leute_gll)