05:22 < ChillerDragon> how is this channel called on discord again? 05:25 < bridge> U mean # bridge ? 05:52 < ChillerDragon> thanks 05:53 < jtbx> #chillers-den when ;-; 06:07 < ws-client> ping 06:07 < ChillerDragon> pong 06:08 < ws-client> Since oy does not seem to intend to come back I created a temporary project to get some merges in. 06:08 < ws-client> https://github.com/teeworlds-community/teeworlds/issues/71 06:08 < ws-client> I did not wanted to spam invite everyone. Please let me know if its okay nor not okay for you if I invite you as maintainer to that project. 06:09 < jtbx> wow nice, I was expecting something like this to be introduced at some point 06:10 < ws-client> Is this your gh and do you want access? https://github.com/jtbx 06:10 < jtbx> oh yeah that is my gh, but no thanks I don't think i'll need commit access 06:10 < jtbx> I'll still be contributing tho probably 06:10 < ws-client> Its more vote access it needs 3 votes to pass a pr 06:11 < ws-client> The more have access the faster prs will actually get merged 06:11 < jtbx> ah cool, I guess I'll accept it yeah 06:11 < jtbx> hopefully this results in some action in the teeworlds sphere 12:31 < bridge> huh, what is the point of this repo? 12:32 < bridge> Also you are the first person who managed to create a push-notification on my phone in order to get my attention chillerdragon 12:36 < ChillerDragon> @AssassinTee sorry to bother you i assumed you might be interested in ganining approval powers. I described the idea of the repo here https://github.com/teeworlds-community/teeworlds/issues/71 12:36 < ChillerDragon> it comes with no obligations 12:39 < bridge> Cool initiative 😄 12:39 < bridge> ah oops, I forgot I should not post emotes :D 12:39 < bridge> muscle memory 12:42 < ChillerDragon> why no emotes? 12:42 < bridge> Impressive 13:38 < bridge> don't emotes show up as <1000943> or something? 16:48 < bridge> Pretty cool project 17:27 < bridge> normal emotes are translated to utf8 emojis