00:29 < bridge> tried to repack my 210GB tar.gz into 1GB sized tar.zst (600~700MB compressed) which in total added up slightly above the 210GB again :'/ 00:37 < bridge> gotta dive deeper into (gnu) tar's flags for compressing zstd... 00:43 < bridge> any recommended compression level, 3 being the default, 22 being max? 01:33 < minus> you don't really need to have tar(1) do the compression, it's independet anyway. just gzip -d < tar.gz | zstd > tar.zst 16:58 < ChillerDragon> bro is linking man pages 16:58 < ChillerDragon> jxsl is go developer he doesnt know the man command :p 19:09 < bridge> Chiller, I thought I had your back D: 21:55 < bridge> hrhrhrhrhr 21:56 < bridge> Litle cyber mobbing 21:57 < bridge> Litle cyber bullying 22:00 < bridge> 😮 22:01 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/pepe-why-pepe-the-frog-sad-crying-gif-16026853