16:39 < qrffwefewrewr> hello 16:39 < qrffwefewrewr> wow 16:39 < qrffwefewrewr> wow 16:39 < qrffwefewrewr> wow 16:40 < bridge> [teeworlds] I am glad you are so impressed with teeworlds quakenet. Hello 17:33 < ChillerDragon> xd 17:34 < ChillerDragon> Yo can someone explain me what the alternative snap is for? Why not just use the normal snap? Speaking of m_pAltSnap in the snapshot holder 17:57 < bridge> [teeworlds] the altsnap is the one the client modifies 17:57 < bridge> [teeworlds] it needs to keep the original snap for reconstructing newer snapshots from deltas 18:12 < ChillerDragon> ah i see 18:12 < ChillerDragon> modifying is only invalidating items and deleting them right? 22:00 < bridge> [teeworlds] in vanilla, yes