04:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] https://github.com/jxsl13/TeeworldsEconDiscordModerationBot has been updated to work with vanilla. have fun. (please report bugs if you find any) 10:03 < bridge> [teeworlds] @jxsl13 love the detailed readme 10:04 < bridge> [teeworlds] Is there any way to specify config values on multiple lines? Like the Econ ip config line can get very long 11:01 < Dune> don't thikn so 11:43 < bridge> [teeworlds] @jxsl13 this looks really nice, you can add a moderator call button, too! like `!admin` or `!report` so a post is created in the dc. Nice Project! 13:11 < bridge> [teeworlds] you can call moderators from ingame via @mods, @admins etc. 13:11 < bridge> [teeworlds] or what do you exactpy mean witu call button Oo? 13:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] @everyone does anybody know the developer of the ball/tabletennis mod? Or does anyone have the sourcecode for it? I want to port it to 0.7 13:30 < bridge> [teeworlds] thank you, got pm'ed ❤️ 13:41 < Learath2> We had a huge problem with bridging tw to discord, without accounts people just end up spamming discord... 13:42 < Dune> Yeah right, that doesn't sound very sane 13:56 < Learath2> @LordSk where is the brush selector in the new editor? I see the code but I don't see what rect it's supposed to be rendered in 13:56 < bridge> [teeworlds] @ChillerDragon reading the used package documentation, you can actually do yaml style configs, I have not tried it, but you might do multi line with yaml. 13:57 < Learath2> oh it's not even using m_UiCurrentPopupRect 14:00 < bridge> [teeworlds] Yeah the popup stuff is not great at the moment, that's actually what I am working on right now 14:01 < bridge> [teeworlds] Learath2: `CEditor2::RenderPopupBrushPalette()` 14:01 < bridge> [teeworlds] migjt try to add a backslash at the end of lines 14:02 < Learath2> @LordSk just so you know, I'm writing a file selection dialog to start fixing up #2503 14:04 < bridge> [teeworlds] That's kinda out of the scope of this issue 14:04 < bridge> [teeworlds] but sure why not, we'll have to do it anyway 14:06 < bridge> [teeworlds] @Fisico made a visual concept yesterday, if you could use that https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/510815644648865815/691030817954201670/editor_open.png 14:06 < Learath2> Yeah sure 14:09 < bridge> [teeworlds] nice 14:09 < bridge> [teeworlds] hm, after etsting, it's apparently not possible to have multi line configs. 14:09 < bridge> [teeworlds] testing 14:10 < bridge> [teeworlds] 😮 there is even the preview for images there (Y) 14:10 < bridge> [teeworlds] (Y) <- thumbs up 14:11 < bridge> [teeworlds] ? 14:11 < bridge> [teeworlds] in the concept art 😄 14:12 < bridge> [teeworlds] yea i put features in that are not doable i think 😄 14:12 < bridge> [teeworlds] Yeah well I was supposed to post that in an issue, and say that most of this functionality won't be available until much later (if at all) 14:12 < bridge> [teeworlds] I have an issue open for that exact feature. 14:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] as selecting mapres/tilesets is more of a memorizing game nowadays. 14:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] it is not a tileset/mapres preview... it is the open map dialog 14:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] oh rip :/ 14:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] Also Learath2, one last thing: please just use the editor2 ui stuff, I know it's ugly (and purple), we'll make everything pretty in the end. 14:13 < bridge> [teeworlds] mini map preview then 14:14 < bridge> [teeworlds] yes 14:14 < bridge> [teeworlds] I guess that might be hard to do. 14:15 < Learath2> Previews are not too hard to get 14:15 < bridge> [teeworlds] hm k 14:15 < bridge> [teeworlds] you have to load bits of the map if you select it. And show a ingame view? 14:16 < Learath2> @LordSk do you want the file selection thing as a dialog or do you want it fullscreen? 14:16 < Learath2> @Fisico pretty much, but it'd be horrible without caching and asynchronous loading, too slow 14:17 < Learath2> Not sure how useful a preview of that size would be though, for images I understand but maps can get huge 14:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] Learath2: whatever you feel is best for now 14:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] names are often not that great to remember.. a small preview often give you the right hint to select the right map 14:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] names are often not that great to remember.. a small preview often give you the right hint to select the map you are searching 14:39 < Learath2> I'm not familiar with what you did to the UI code in 0.7 let alone the editors UI code, I get the entire screen with UI()->Screen() right? 14:39 < bridge> [teeworlds] That shouldn't have changed 14:40 < Learath2> I get the entire screen, I map the graphics screen to it, I draw an overlay but it won't cover the entire screen 14:41 < bridge> [teeworlds] you probably don't need to map it 14:41 < bridge> [teeworlds] the brush palette popup has an overlay 14:43 < Learath2> @LordSk one that doesn't cover the entire screen either 14:44 < bridge> [teeworlds] Ah yes that's true 14:44 < bridge> [teeworlds] `m_UiScreenRect` should cover everything 14:45 < Learath2> Yet it doesn't, I have a feeling this is a highdpi issue 14:45 < bridge> [teeworlds] Do you have a screenshot? 14:48 < Learath2> sure, 1sec 14:49 < Learath2> @LordSk https://learath2.info/sshot1.png 14:50 < Learath2> https://gist.github.com/Learath2/4dac5df8841858d3aafb6a51a3c857f2 14:50 < bridge> [teeworlds] Alright so either you're rendering too early and the other stuff comes on top, or you're not using the right rect 14:50 < bridge> [teeworlds] Ah great I was going to ask you about the code 🙂 14:51 < Learath2> I'm rendering all the way at the bottom of RenderMapEditorUI(), maybe you are accidentally modifying m_UiScreenRect along the way? 14:52 < bridge> [teeworlds] Ah I see what's happening 14:53 < Learath2> Well I tried getting the rect from *UI()->Screen() too, that also doesn't look right 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] There is a clip where you inserted your function 14:53 < Learath2> aha, missed that 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] ``` 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] // popups 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] if(m_UiCurrentPopupID == POPUP_BRUSH_PALETTE) 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] RenderPopupBrushPalette(); 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] if(m_UiCurrentPopupID == POPUP_MENU_FILE) 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] RenderPopupMenuFile(); 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] 14:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] UI()->ClipDisable(); // main view rect clip 14:54 < bridge> [teeworlds] ``` 14:54 < bridge> [teeworlds] which is my fault really, as I said the popup stuff is not done at all 14:54 < bridge> [teeworlds] I was going to setup an easier system and then ask people to help me on it 14:55 < Learath2> I just assumed the popup stuff was working, didn't even think twice to check there :D 14:56 < bridge> [teeworlds] Yeah... 16:52 < Learath2> Immediate mode gui is really fun to work with... 16:53 < Learath2> https://learath2.info/sshot3.png 16:53 < Learath2> Took me like 2 hours to get everything laid out 16:55 < Dune> imgui looks cool yeah :) bit overkill for teeworlds tho 16:57 < Learath2> Well what teeworlds has is immediate mode gui, imgui is just a library that also implements the idea 16:58 < Dune> ah, nvm 16:58 < Dune> so the "really fun" was sarcasm? 17:12 < Learath2> yep :D 17:54 < Learath2> Did you know that CTextCursor never get's it's font set ever 18:14 < Learath2> Did you know that the text we render is actually thicker then the height of the cursor? 18:16 < Learath2> s/thicker/taller 18:16 < bridge> [teeworlds] TextRendering is full of wonders I've heard 18:16 < bridge> [teeworlds] @Learath2 very nice work 18:17 < Learath2> How do we ever align something vertically? 18:17 < bridge> [teeworlds] I don't know if all those features should be implemented though, looks like a lot of work 18:17 < bridge> [teeworlds] Do we ever do that? 18:17 < Learath2> text is usually centered vertically in buttons 18:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] Learath2: don't try too hard on these 18:18 < bridge> [teeworlds] We don't have a precise way of mesuring text bounds (yet) 18:19 < Learath2> These things always keep getting pushed back and they just end up never getting done 18:22 < Dune> that's true, that's because there is always more important stuff to do 18:23 < bridge> [teeworlds] you guys need hex values for the colorS? 18:48 < bridge> [teeworlds] Well I have a text bounds thing working, perhaps I should PR it at some point 18:48 < bridge> [teeworlds] You could just use the DrawText() function Learath2 for now 18:49 < bridge> [teeworlds] @Fisico we may need the icons, if you could make one image with all of them that'd be great 18:52 < Learath2> @LordSk I did, I also patched in horizontal alignment for it 18:53 < Learath2> I used unicode symbols for the icons, they just don't align too well vertically 18:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] yeah ok that's fine 18:53 < bridge> [teeworlds] as I said making things pretty comes later 19:20 < bridge> [teeworlds] i have a question... my icons are bad is tw allowed to use fontawesome? https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery 19:22 < bridge> [teeworlds] Your icons are great 19:22 < bridge> [teeworlds] we nood a lot of icons, i have to draw them all 19:22 < bridge> [teeworlds] we need a lot of icons, i have to draw them all 19:24 < bridge> [teeworlds] https://fontawesome.com/license/free 19:24 < bridge> [teeworlds] looks good.... 19:24 < bridge> [teeworlds] stuff that is not there i will make on my own, i see no reason to spend time on making new icons for stuff that is already there 19:24 < Learath2> We really should be making an icon font for ourselves and merging that with the font we ship at compile time 19:25 < bridge> [teeworlds] That sounds sane yeah 19:26 < bridge> [teeworlds] Keeping it separate might be best though 19:26 < bridge> [teeworlds] You have things like chinese fonts etc that would be harder for users to insert without breaking the icons 19:27 < Learath2> Unicode has PUAs we can use 19:34 < bridge> [teeworlds] PUA? 19:38 < Learath2> Private Use Area 19:38 < bridge> [teeworlds] File popups should be basic imo. Favorites, sorting options, previews, etc can come later 19:39 < bridge> [teeworlds] Critical bits should be done first imo 19:39 < bridge> [teeworlds] So we have something releasable 19:39 < Learath2> It's fairly easy to hide the parts that are not done for a release 19:39 < bridge> [teeworlds] Yeah, true 19:39 < Learath2> Besides I'll be done with the file dialog way before the entire editor is done 19:41 < bridge> [teeworlds] @heinrich5991 there is someone copying my servers 19:41 < bridge> [teeworlds] @learath2, can you add sent commands to the history, please? 19:41 < Learath2> @fokkonaut is that really wanted? 19:42 < bridge> [teeworlds] i find it very annoying that its not 19:42 < bridge> [teeworlds] especially if you missspell some stuff and need to retype everything for example 19:42 < bridge> [teeworlds] and just in general 19:42 < bridge> [teeworlds] its weird that its not added to history 19:42 < bridge> [teeworlds] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/490150878934990850/691356231054524486/Bildschirmfoto_2020-03-22_um_19.42.37.png 19:43 < Learath2> It's not exactly trivial (chat history code looks a little convoluted), so I'll only take a look if people actually want this 19:44 < bridge> [teeworlds] i'd love it 19:46 < Learath2> I should get the color rework in sometime, HSL would be much easier to work with when coloring the ui 19:46 < bridge> [teeworlds] @jxsl13 do you know who that is? 19:47 < bridge> [teeworlds] no 19:47 < bridge> [teeworlds] let me join that server, maybe there is some info 19:50 < bridge> [teeworlds] BTW, can we move player info to the snap again?... 19:50 < bridge> [teeworlds] these newclient and disconnect packets are so *** ... 19:57 < bridge> [teeworlds] @Assa , stop what you are doing 19:57 < bridge> [teeworlds] ????? 19:58 < bridge> [teeworlds] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/490150878934990850/691360131417374840/Bildschirmfoto_2020-03-22_um_19.58.05.png 19:58 < bridge> [teeworlds] what are you crying about? You don't have any money on your bank account either way 19:59 < bridge> [teeworlds] true :'/ 19:59 < bridge> [teeworlds] xD 20:15 < Learath2> @LordSk I kinda like the way you set up the ui components, the components themselves having a little bit of state goes a long way 20:16 < bridge> [teeworlds] thanks 🙂 20:16 < Learath2> ofc it comes with the drawback of being able to accidentally get the ui and the actual state out of sync, but I think it's worth it 20:17 < bridge> [teeworlds] yeah I'm not sure if all of that stuff will stay at the end, since we're supposed to merge with main teeworlds UI stuff 20:17 < bridge> [teeworlds] we'll see 20:19 < Learath2> Well CUI is really not in the best state 20:20 < Learath2> (it is a bit better then it was in 0.6 though) 20:25 < Learath2> @LordSk while you are here, how do you handle scrolling? 20:25 < bridge> [teeworlds] Scroll regions 20:25 < bridge> [teeworlds] Check out the main teeworlds code, it has a mini doc 20:26 < bridge> [teeworlds] the editor one is the same 20:28 < Learath2> found it, thx 20:28 < bridge> [teeworlds] there's docs in tw? 20:29 < bridge> [teeworlds] nice. 20:31 < Learath2> about 10 lines worth :P 20:38 < Learath2> https://learath2.info/sshot4.png I guess I'll take a break, get some sleep and finish it up tomorrow 20:39 < bridge> [teeworlds] looks good! 21:11 < bridge> [teeworlds] yeah! :)