14:43 < pinkieval> please tell me there is something we can do when server admins are despicable people 14:47 <@matricks> don't play on their severs? 14:49 < pinkieval> he sucked all the players from the other servers with the same mod 14:55 <@matricks> how did he do that? 14:56 < pinkieval> ddos 14:56 < pinkieval> or dos, I'm not sure 14:56 <@matricks> hard todo something against it 14:57 < pinkieval> I patched my server against his dos, but that was too late, players already got used to his server 15:08 <@matricks> again, hard to do anything against 15:08 < pinkieval> :/ 15:09 <@matricks> banning servers etc requires proof, and proof is a hard thing 15:10 < pinkieval> I have proof that he's homophobic though 15:11 <@matricks> anything that is something else then just text that can be easily forged? 15:12 < pinkieval> eg. he introduced a very weak class of players that he called "faggot" 15:12 <@matricks> well, sticks fall easily 15:12 <@matricks> :P 15:12 < pinkieval> what? 15:13 <@matricks> faggot == bunch of sticks 15:13 < pinkieval> oh, right 15:13 < pinkieval> I think we all know that's not what he meant 15:13 <@matricks> yap 15:13 <@matricks> I'm just generally amused with the word fag and faggot 15:14 < pinkieval> at first he used it against people he didn't like, but now you can be turned into a "faggot" for various reasons 15:14 < pinkieval> like using /faq 15:14 < pinkieval> (note it's a "q", as in "frequently asked questions") 15:17 <@matricks> unfortunally, there is no ruleset etc guiding practices like that, and no manpower to enforce of there were any :/ 15:17 < pinkieval> oh also, for the DoS, I have proof he wrote code to DoS teeworlds servers 15:17 < pinkieval> https://github.com/Stitch626/Teeworlds-DoS-Tools 15:17 < pinkieval> https://github.com/Stitch626/SpoofingTool 15:18 <@matricks> spoofing tool he didn't write 15:19 < pinkieval> hmm indeed 15:19 <@matricks> anyway, I'm not the guy to talk to about this 15:21 <@matricks> I know however that tribes had some good strats against some connection dos attacks that I've been intressted in trying out 20:03 < pinkieval> 15:13 I think we all know that's not what he meant 20:03 < pinkieval> well, now he added a class called Gaylord 20:03 < pinkieval> that settles it