11:08 < JulianAssange> ._. 11:08 < botnik> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=._. 11:17 < EastByte> ._. 11:17 < botnik> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=._. 11:34 < JulianAssange> _._ 11:35 <@minus> it's ok, you can stop now 11:44 < EastByte> .okay 11:44 < botnik> http://www.my-favorite-coloring.net/Images/Large/Famous-characters-Troll-face-Okay-meme-face-139908.png 12:32 < JulianAssange> EastByte: is that your fucking bot 12:32 < EastByte> it is not 12:32 < EastByte> no idea how long botnik lasts in here 12:35 < JulianAssange> owner of #botnik is Merola/Merola64 20:42 < jxsl13> botnik, tell me what is schalke 22:14 <@minus> matricks: you have a build farm at work, right? can you tell me a bit about how that works and what software it runs? 23:27 < eeeee> my grandpa also built a farm for work. didn't use any software though. 23:56 < JulianAssange> eeeee: that's whati read it as first time, too