00:09 < bridge> master server isnt in the client, cxx bridge is useless until network protocel get implemented which i suspect not in the near future 00:16 < bridge> Hey where can I find the code with the message: **'player' joined team ?** 00:20 < bridge> 00:40 < bridge> Is there another function like this somewhere because I removed it for testing and the same message appears? 00:42 < bridge> ctrl + shift + f 00:42 < bridge> in vs code 00:42 < bridge> i try but didnt found it 00:42 < bridge> search for join 00:42 < bridge> case sensitive 00:43 < bridge> recompile the code, restart server 03:50 < bridge> is it intended that pressing run server wont open up a console window with the password? 03:50 < bridge> steam gnome fedora 04:49 < bridge> I guess the goal is passwordless automatic authentication on servers launched from the client 06:16 < ws-client> @woidless before we do any 128 player debugging could you update your server? I pushed an update to the feature_128 branch 06:17 < ws-client> @0xdeen btw while at it i also sent you the solved conflicts for the 128 pr in case you want to save 5 minutes https://github.com/def-/ddnet/pull/3 06:18 < ws-client> somehow gh forced me to create a merge commit to be able to pr a force pushed branch ._. 06:19 < ws-client> but you can also ``git reset --hard HEAD^`` to pop off the merge commit and then force push that your self that should be a clean rebase 06:29 < bridge> better antiping smoothing algorithm I'm working on, the first 20 seconds is the old version for comparison. 06:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318812272981704794/2024-12-17_23-24-40.mp4?ex=6763af24&is=67625da4&hm=ba8427e1d35645433814a47f98d13df066443999b30be71d796728b1a9a1889f& 06:34 < bridge> ChillerDragon: i remember you stating ddnet or 0.6 clamps NetIntRange instead of dropping like in 0.7, do you remember how sure were you when you found that out? 06:35 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> YES 06:35 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> please we need a better antiping algo 06:40 < bridge> oh, i remember doing something similar when i was working on that ddnet clone for a chinese company. i found it extremely helpful to interp or smooth separate axises instead of a single vector on 2d characters given that jump is often quite violent. not sure if it is worth doing on ddnet given how often the character is in the air, but might be worth a try. we also did stuff on 3d characters where we smooth xz and y separately in our VR game, sim 06:41 < bridge> that's basically what I'm doing but I decompose the prediction vector into based on a certainty vector so it's not biased by any axis 06:41 < bridge> that's basically what I'm doing but I decompose the prediction vector based on a certainty vector so it's not biased by any axis 06:42 < bridge> it generalizes to infinite dimensions in theory 06:42 < bridge> jump and gravity usually just work on y only which where that system comes from since it behave differently than x. 06:43 < bridge> might only work how i was doing it tho, just sharing. 06:44 < bridge> I actually haven't added the "smoothing" part yet, this is just designed to give a more accurate position a higher % of the time. It still has instantaneous movements so I'll need to add another layer to smooth those. 06:44 < bridge> the smoothing reduces accuracy for smoothness 06:46 < bridge> I was thinking about doing a special case for jumping but there's too many types of actions that behave the same way as jumping so I don't feel it's worth it. 06:49 < bridge> wait you said it's a ddnet clone but you have 3d charecters? 06:49 < bridge> that's a different game 06:50 < bridge> i worked on like 3 different projects that has similar gameplays in 3 years 06:50 < bridge> so how did your 2d smoothing algorithm work? 06:50 < bridge> :pepeW: 06:53 < bridge> gather some input changes and state changes from past few ticks and get a "entropy" value, it's just how often it changes, and slowly decrease the delay as the movement gets more predictable. and that looks too floaty and we just run it twice on x and y separately and it looks better 06:56 < bridge> gather some input changes and state changes from past few ticks and get a "entropy" value, it's just how often it changes, and slowly decrease the delay as the movement gets more predictable (as in decreasing that magic entropy value). and that looks too floaty and we just run it twice on x and y separately and it looks better 06:57 < bridge> yeah that's very similar to what I did 06:57 < bridge> https://github.com/sjrc6/TaterClient-ddnet/blob/6382bfc13e2f9ebb5b9652cd4f67fa4e9193b945/src/game/client/gameclient.cpp#L2507-L2697 06:58 < bridge> i'm just saying doing whatever that we were doing and just run it twice 1-d might look better 06:59 < bridge> idk what you mean by twice 1-d 06:59 < bridge> this is once 2d 07:01 < bridge> if you are detecting changes in vel, detect changes in velx and vely separately and do the posx and posy prediction separately using the two changes info you gathered instead of treating the velocity as a 2d vector. 07:02 < bridge> like whatever you are doing, break it in to x and y and do it separately, maintain two states, and if you are doing inputs, map direction to x's changes and jump to y's changes and hooks to both. 07:02 < bridge> I used angle between prediction vectors to detect changes insead of velocity because it doesn't need any tuning 07:02 < bridge> I used angle between prediction vectors to detect changes instead of velocity because it doesn't need any tuning 07:04 < bridge> that is quite different from how i imagined it, but you could just run the angle as a 2d vector and detect changes in x and y separately. but again, just sharing. do whatever you feel like is best. 07:06 < bridge> like replace the dot with just distance delta of x and y or something, but value is definitely different. 07:06 < bridge> but if you have 2 axis then you can't measure instability along a 45 degree 07:07 < bridge> > not sure if it is worth doing on ddnet given how often the character is in the air, but might be worth a try. 07:07 < bridge> i don't have any more info to share 07:07 < bridge> i'm just saying i observed that 07:07 < bridge> i don't have mathamatical proof 07:08 < bridge> like in this case the 1d*2 system will see this as instability in all axis and won't find the stable axis 07:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318822082850848819/image.png?ex=6763b847&is=676266c7&hm=c660dbf910a727c7a7f355d42cd6e4dd5040b8b4c5fffc176eb18a58520602fd& 07:09 < bridge> we can safely put the tee at the end of the red line, but if you do 1D twice it will have to place it at the server position 07:09 < bridge> our entropy is more input driven, again, do whatever you believe is the best 07:09 < bridge> hmm 07:09 < bridge> i really don't have any proof 07:09 < bridge> well 07:09 < bridge> neither do I 07:09 < bridge> Idk what you mean by proof 07:10 < bridge> like i can't proof the thing i did is mathematically closer to ground truth 07:10 < bridge> than the way you are doing 07:10 < bridge> that's not really important 07:10 < bridge> i basically means ignores me if you don't believe that could work 07:10 < bridge> :kek: 07:11 < bridge> well idk 07:11 < bridge> i could try to implement one after i'm done with this fucking fever 07:12 < bridge> although tbh i probably won't lol 07:12 < bridge> are you talking about a system that smooths movements between prediction positions or finding a more accurate prediction position? 07:13 < bridge> oh the first. wait, does our prediction doesn't do gravity? 07:13 < bridge> oh the first. wait, does our prediction not do gravity? 07:13 < bridge> ? 07:14 < bridge> the prediction is just the physics code, nothing about the prediction code itself knows what gravity is 07:14 < bridge> ok let me rephrase, we are only doing smoothing and interp separately, because we assume without any influence and states are not changing the prediction is the truth because we can't fake reality. 07:15 < bridge> you answered my question with a completely different question 07:15 < bridge> oh 07:15 < bridge> you said the first nvm 07:15 < bridge> we are only doing smoothing and interp on separate axise 07:15 < bridge> we are only doing smoothing and interp on separate axis 07:15 < bridge> wdym smoothing and interp, aren't those the same thing? 07:16 < bridge> smoothing or interp 07:16 < bridge> jeez 07:16 < bridge> english 07:16 < bridge> I still don't understand lol 07:16 < bridge> it's the same thing 07:16 < bridge> yes 07:16 < bridge> ok 07:16 < bridge> we just call it both 07:16 < bridge> :pepeW: 07:16 < bridge> I thought you meant you have a seperate system for smoothing and interp 07:17 < bridge> I thought you meant you seperate systems for smoothing and interp 07:17 < bridge> I thought you meant you have separate systems for smoothing and interp 07:17 < bridge> i am talking about a system that smooths movements between prediction where we only do (smoothing/interp) on separate axis, because we assume without any influence and states are not changing the prediction is the truth because we can't fake reality. 07:18 < bridge> i am talking about a system that smooths movements between prediction where we only do (smoothing/interp) on separate axis, because we assume without any influence and states are not changing the prediction is the truth because we can't fake reality in our game 07:18 < bridge> I'm faking reality then 07:18 < bridge> understood, i go back and address my change requests then 07:18 < bridge> 07:18 < bridge> the positions I display are not guaranteed to physically possible 07:19 < bridge> it can be in the wall 07:19 < bridge> but that's rare 07:21 < bridge> ~~also our game is the infamous "trust the client" way, where we just send the hook target and a position and verify in server that it indeed not too crazy and just allow it to work even though it is a bit out of the range~~ 07:22 < bridge> interesting 07:22 < bridge> so we kinda focus more on looking right than actively trying to make hooking align with server physics, just a choice that we made 07:22 < bridge> also cheaper on developer 07:22 < bridge> what happens if tees do hammer fly 07:22 < bridge> since i only had 3 months to make the whole game from zero base code 07:23 < bridge> wouldn't that be weird with client authoritative positions 07:23 < bridge> what hammer fly, we don't have that, we sell items that plays and animation of that and just move you up 07:23 < bridge> it's a freaking mobile game 07:23 < bridge> ok... xd 07:23 < bridge> and i have 0 care for it 07:24 < bridge> Idk how prediction can work in that scheme so I'm gonna stop talking about this 07:24 < bridge> i can tell you how it can work 07:24 < bridge> we don't care 07:24 < bridge> our boss love jank 07:24 < bridge> he thinks jank has streamer values 07:25 < bridge> he make sure we don't fix random clipping and flying out of screen because physX decided to do so 07:25 < bridge> ~~i still did anyway cuz there is no way level testers can work like that~~ 07:26 < bridge> physX??? 07:26 < bridge> unity 07:26 < bridge> which is just physX 07:26 < bridge> for spheres? :cat_tired: 07:26 < bridge> for circles? :cat_tired: 07:26 < bridge> oh, might be box2d then 07:26 < bridge> wait let me think 07:26 < bridge> did we actually use a sphere instead of circles 07:27 < bridge> right 2d, whatever unity is using for 2d then 07:27 < bridge> unity doesn't use physx by default afaik 07:27 < bridge> might just be me working on 3d for the past two years so i just have physX PTSDed into my brain 07:28 < bridge> maybe but i still remember they updated PhysX version in the middle of a LTS version and screwed us with new bugs 07:28 < bridge> oh I guess unity does use PhysX for 3d 07:30 < bridge> we had the thing where raycast will stop working entirely randomly and player just fall through the ground from beta to ***2 month after release*** until one day we updated our player collision model 07:30 < bridge> we 07:31 < bridge> we've known the bug before a month before release but they keep telling me to stop debugging it and just add more features so we can release it on time 07:31 < bridge> and we did release it on time, with the bug fully unresolved, with 75% of the matchmaking cancelled because the bug 07:32 < bridge> i should stop ranting or my fever might kill me 07:32 < bridge> lol 09:32 < ws-client> @tsfreddie i was pretty sure about ddnet clamping and teeworlds dropping because I did check the code. But not 100% sure because I did not run and test the code. 09:32 < bridge> that's exactly what i needed, thanks 09:32 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/fc4482306006471d7bf84f055c081a59f8b66c5d/datasrc/compile.py#L155-L160 09:33 < ws-client> setting ``m_pObjFailedOn`` causes a fatal error and drops but the ClampInt only sets ``m_pObjCorrectedOn`` 09:34 < ws-client> here u can see teeworlds setting the error https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/c56fa9e6a20cfc9d7d16502e18c7d7633acdf492/datasrc/compile.py#L185-L190 09:35 < ws-client> here the bottom of ddnets generated code of the function SecureUnpackObj https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734510900.png 09:36 < ws-client> ``pUnpacker->Error()`` is only packer related stuff so wrongly packed varints or strings not looking at values being in the range only if ``m_pObjFailedOn`` is set the message is dropped 09:38 < ws-client> s/message/object/ 10:31 < bridge> so what do you want to tell me with that? 10:31 < bridge> if you have any issue, just state the issue. rn you just try to build something up. 10:34 < ws-client> @robyt3 crazy you contributed more commits to ddnet in 3 years than i did to ddnet and ddnet++ in 8 years 10:35 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734514412.png 10:37 < bridge> chiller are you a loc guy or commits guy? 10:37 < bridge> or difficulty of problem guy xd 10:37 < ws-client> github removed loc 10:37 < ws-client> so only think that counts is commits now 10:37 < bridge> they didnt remove it, it's gone bcs we have over 10000 commits 10:38 < ws-client> difficulty is hard to grind rank by 10:38 < bridge> i guess they algo is simply too shitty xD 10:38 < ws-client> git gets slow with big numbers 10:38 < bridge> you can host a local gitea instance 10:38 < bridge> and have the latest data 10:38 < ws-client> i managed to 500 gitlab with the right commits making use of git under the hood getting really slow 10:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318875873944010752/image.png?ex=6763ea5f&is=676298df&hm=e25c754ff39db8d34eec18963facbbd6dd8d720caa306ccdec0adcd8d77264ff& 10:41 < bridge> this is what i get 10:42 < ws-client> the algo is some crazy ass C code which i understood nothing about at least for gitlab idk what github does but i assume they also just launch git commands 10:42 < bridge> i guess it's missing the email mapping stuff 10:42 < bridge> but generally it looks ok. 10:42 < bridge> 10:42 < bridge> deen is in twice xD 10:42 < ws-client> average dummy player 10:43 < bridge> oy is tom adams or what? 10:43 < bridge> xD 10:43 < ws-client> leak 10:43 < ws-client> but yes he is 10:44 < ws-client> 7/10 germans in the top 10 10:45 < ws-client> ddnet development is still sponsored by giga liga live 10:46 < bridge> i found teeworlds on chip.de "best free to play games" 10:46 < bridge> somewhere top 17 or smth was teeworlds xD 10:46 < ws-client> well i through gamestar 10:46 < ws-client> actually not sure if any ddnet contributor other than hi leute fround it through giga 10:47 < ws-client> but chip and gamestar are also german gaming media interesting 10:47 < ws-client> im now curious about how everyone found out about the game 10:48 < bridge> one of my friends told me about the game 10:48 < bridge> i am interested how learath with 6 years already found the game 10:50 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ has to be tiktok 12:00 < bridge> Steam release 12:19 < bridge> <0xdeen> Saw the Gentoo ebuild being added in 2008 I think 12:30 < bridge> Very recent for me but I had it recommended by a friend who saw the game on Steam 12:38 < bridge> everytime i do ui work i just notice how much work robyte put into ddnet xd 12:38 < bridge> 12:38 < bridge> it's just never ending work 12:39 < bridge> :justatest: googled game you can play in ubuntu in 2009 12:40 < bridge> 😂 and that was like the only result 12:40 < bridge> ye 12:41 < bridge> when it was 0.5 and i don't know how to translate it with bitmap fonts so i didn't actually play it, i just downloaded it and opened up a local sever and hooked around a bit and then closed it. 12:41 < bridge> :justatest: 12:42 < bridge> I played Teeworlds for a few minutes a few years ago but it didn't run very well on my potato 12:42 < bridge> and yes, i did use linux when i was like 13 or 14 12:43 < bridge> i want bind deep triple fly 12:43 < bridge> not anymore 12:43 < bridge> And I couldn't use my Wacom tablet to aim so I got mad 12:43 < bridge> Same 12:44 < bridge> But I was a bit older than that when I first discovered TW 12:44 < bridge> it's probably around the same time when i transitioned into using colemak layout and weird chinese input methods 12:44 < bridge> couldn't do any of that after college cuz i was just tired of doing random tinkering with my setup and how i type lol 12:45 < bridge> I still can't use my Wacom tablet to aim but idk if that would be a good idea 13:06 < bridge> well i used linux when i was 4 13:19 < bridge> I saw it at a lan party xd 13:24 < bridge> I installed ubuntu and teeworlds was the only game that was in the package manager and worked 13:58 < bridge> :D 14:20 < bridge> Omg same!, my first PC was a Linux one and the game store only had teeworlds and this Mario tux penguin fake 14:20 < bridge> And teeworlds was the only multiplayer game that would function properly on Linux at that time 14:21 < bridge> > Mario tux penguin fake 14:21 < bridge> sounds fun 14:21 < bridge> It was! 14:21 < bridge> SuperTux was the name 14:21 < bridge> googling 14:22 < bridge> tuxkart is also a banger 14:22 < bridge> ok why does it have tees 14:22 < bridge> :monkaStop: 14:22 < bridge> ( 14:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318931493011193977/image.png?ex=67641e2c&is=6762ccac&hm=507f2e68fd8c8070d7fadf4cd18a57cade89fc34d47fb59a4c6317e10f869eee& 14:23 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> LOL 14:23 < bridge> Gumballs 14:23 < bridge> idk why but the game looks actually linux-ish 14:24 < bridge> ~~like terrible art by lots of metrics but looks very programmer coded~~ 14:26 < bridge> and this looks very dangerous 14:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318932349932797962/image.png?ex=67641ef8&is=6762cd78&hm=24ab71fad2e548794359f5ec6d206a2ae3cdef70171011f20bbe8d01212a9f4f& 14:26 < bridge> :justatest: 14:27 < bridge> all your favorite oss mascots are in there :D 14:27 < bridge> Oh there was also OpenArena 14:28 < bridge> and that's just a quake clone (as well as teeworlds i guess) 14:28 < bridge> As a big Quake III Arena enjoyer I loved OpenArena 14:28 < bridge> og GAMERS 14:29 < bridge> the story mode also hase really whacky/fun cutscenes 14:29 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> whos that white one 14:29 < bridge> krita 14:30 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ohhh 14:30 < bridge> i couldn't even tell if you don't tell me 14:30 < bridge> :justatest: 14:30 < bridge> i dunno the red one 14:30 < bridge> behind krita 14:31 < bridge> also dunno some of the others 14:31 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> dude this lineup is so funny 14:31 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> linux cinematic universe 14:31 < bridge> but some new maps actually have impreasive graphics 14:31 < bridge> where is the tee? 14:31 < bridge> some one pr tees in it, aren't we open source linux game too 14:31 < bridge> e.g. that one aquarium map 14:32 < bridge> maybe we could get a tee merged :D 14:33 < bridge> i hoped it was not blender, and after googling that blender character, thankfully not 14:33 < bridge> huh what even is blenders mascot 14:33 < bridge> i don't think they have one but they have animation shorts 14:33 < bridge> biggest problem of super tux kart is. 14:33 < bridge> It has super bad default controls on keyboard 14:33 < bridge> it has super annoying music 14:33 < bridge> it is simply not as fun as real mario kart, like not even the old games xD 14:34 < bridge> doesnt have one I suppose 14:34 < bridge> haven't played in a while, and I never really played mario kart ^^ 14:36 < bridge> i wanted to like dr.robotnik's ring racers, but it was so hard to get the control, maybe it's just too hardcore for me. seems like a common problem of kart racers 14:36 < bridge> Apparently the red girl is the mascot of the Pepper&Carrot project an open source webcomic 14:37 < bridge> they butchered our girl 14:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318935218631213158/image.png?ex=676421a4&is=6762d024&hm=1666c2ebed4ae6afb87f150a5cc6b547fdccf37480c93303bd6bf499aae5761e& 14:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318935218974883860/image.png?ex=676421a4&is=6762d024&hm=8d740f22329e3e80b6c8adcf21cb0df6b806b44567248349ac3ff66cf987b05d& 14:38 < bridge> Left to right, Kiki (Krita), Pepper (Pepper&Carrot), Gnu, Tux, Sara (OpenGameArt), Adiumy (Adium), Hexley (Darwin) 14:39 < bridge> I should get a drawing tablet again 14:39 < bridge> I had a lot of fun but I just didn't get better so I race quitted 14:39 < bridge> I had a lot of fun but I just didn't get better so I ragequitted 14:39 < bridge> i did have one and i didn't learn anything when i had it 14:39 < bridge> :justatest: 14:39 < bridge> The red/pink in the eyes is making her look like a druggie 14:39 < bridge> stop hobby creeping 14:39 < bridge> :justatest: 14:40 < bridge> @gerdoe what do you say, isn't she one for you? 14:41 < bridge> Quit your job, draw fulltime until you get better 14:59 < bridge> :justatest: 15:05 < bridge> What is your opinion about a new tuning allowing for wind in ddnet? 15:05 < bridge> so a tuning, which constantly pushes you right or left 15:07 < bridge> basically the same as gravity, but in x direction 15:07 < bridge> so basically speedups 15:08 < bridge> yes but without bugs and you don't need to paint it over everything 15:09 < bridge> IMO it would be only cool if it has some proper logic and not a tune zone. 15:09 < bridge> 15:09 < bridge> e.g. wind every 10 seconds or similar. 15:09 < bridge> 15:10 < bridge> I dunno if you know these super mario games where there is wind 15:10 < bridge> I know exactly what you mean 15:10 < bridge> like "swooshing" from left to right 15:10 < bridge> yeah 😄 15:12 < bridge> hmm is there any other physics related stuff linked to envelops? 15:12 < bridge> afaik sadly no 15:14 < bridge> tune_envelope 15:14 < bridge> tune_zone_envelope 15:14 < bridge> 15:14 < bridge> commands: gravity, wind, ... 15:14 < bridge> hmm could be a cool idea 15:15 < bridge> and the timing in envelops can already be synced 15:16 < bridge> I already hear the voices, "what about backwards compatability, what about prediction ... " 15:17 < bridge> backwards compatibility you can probably get away with, but I doubt you can ship a feature predictionless in 2024 15:18 < bridge> xd 15:18 < bridge> i already hear the voices: "dd-pg would solve these issues" 15:18 < bridge> dd-pg? does pg stand for patiga? 15:19 < bridge> yes 15:19 < bridge> ddnet-@patiga 15:19 < bridge> well it's just a random bad name, but the pg stands for playground 15:19 < bridge> bcs the idea first was to play around with breaking random stuff 15:19 < bridge> I already believe in our great lord and savior @patiga 15:19 < bridge> until it become a full rewrite 15:20 < bridge> I wrote to heinrich already, all features I am missing are breaking something existing 15:23 < bridge> yeah sadly we also lack tests etc. my monthly _please contribute to twgame to change it_ is done with that too. 15:23 < bridge> tests for the ddnet mod makes sense to allow easier additions for other physics. 15:23 < bridge> 15:23 < bridge> the question is whether ddnet should hosts some kind of alternate physics seasons. 15:23 < bridge> keep the whole ddnet as is, 15:23 < bridge> and but allow different physics in a separate game mode with other maps etc. 15:23 < bridge> 15:23 < bridge> or if it should be simply completely new servers unrelated to ddnet 15:25 < bridge> Is there ever a reason to "break" old physics while adding new stuff? 15:26 < bridge> Most of the things we really want to break are just badly coded legacy stuff that should realistically be fixed once 15:26 < bridge> ^this 15:26 < bridge> also, these things would mostly break with teeworlds, not ddnet necessarily 15:27 < bridge> do you have any example? 15:27 < bridge> then we wouldn't need to talk so theoretically 15:27 < bridge> I have an example for both cases: 15:27 < bridge> The skipping behaviours I would unify, the stoppers I'd also remove all the edgecases from, you shouldn't be able to get into a stopper ever 15:27 < bridge> The Post-Tick-Tile-Hit calculations, which I already made a workaround PR. This is 20 years old legacy code which is just "wrong" 15:27 < bridge> imagine pulling a cs2 15:30 < bridge> The materials layer, in the end, break on two-material interactions. Standing with one leg on ice and with another on sand can have some interesting physics, but this breaks prediction of older clients, even if emulated with tunings 15:31 < bridge> A lot of stuff, that is calculated in a tick, should be actually put into a subtick, you can skip tune zones by being too fast, because your tick ends on the ground or after the tune zone 15:31 < bridge> yes is defs cool if done properly 15:32 < bridge> i mean we should not forget that the ddnet 2.0 hype was pretty real 15:33 < bridge> it's always a question of how much you break physics. 15:33 < bridge> 15:33 < bridge> e.g. what learath said, that stoppers will behave different (better) would maybe break current maps, but would defs not break the game 15:34 < bridge> the core physics + the freeze physics of ddnet are basically unchangeable 15:34 < bridge> 15:34 < bridge> that already includes most interesting gameplay 15:34 < bridge> 15:34 < bridge> xd 15:34 < bridge> I would if I could 15:34 < bridge> Had to clean CNC for 8 hours, and It might take another 8 tomorrow 15:34 < bridge> :monkaStop: 15:35 < bridge> yet another thing I'd change: edgejumps are also tick dependend, but not subtick, this should be a well though of mechanik, currently it's a "side-effect" or bug 15:35 < bridge> Discussions about changing behaviour of these things usually get closed down pretty quickly :cat_woah: 15:35 < bridge> yet other things i can think of: slopes, rounded corners, other shapes of hitbox 15:36 < bridge> ^this would break everything 15:37 < bridge> also Patiga implemented water at some point, with harpoons and floating projectiles, bending lasers and stuff 15:37 < bridge> oh that was patiga? 15:37 < bridge> didnt know 15:38 < bridge> no, looked it up, it was Stiopa 15:38 < bridge> i wish rendering wouldn't be so unsafe 15:39 < bridge> else i'd also allow the server to host rendering modules 15:39 < bridge> That's at least an interesting read: 15:42 < bridge> And what's the point of a pointer if the link can immediately take the address as a variable, and I can change the value of the variable directly through the link 15:43 < bridge> i also found out we have dyncam settings when dyncam was off which is kinda weird 15:44 < bridge> and i even use them xD 15:44 < bridge> it's the legacy variables 15:44 < bridge> they also have different bounds and different naming scheme 15:44 < bridge> :justatest: 15:45 < bridge> he's probably talking about reference 15:45 < bridge> for the same settings for dyncam when dyncam is off oof 15:46 < bridge> tja 15:46 < bridge> you often don't want to copy an object, as this can be very expensive and maybe want to have multiple pointers to the same object, also proper deletion, also take a look at smart pointers 15:46 < bridge> 屑 15:47 < bridge> ~~i wouldn't mind if we just start to collect things to adjust before new features and just start working on 2.0 in a branch or something at some point :greenthing: ~~ 15:47 < bridge> now that im unemployed 15:47 < bridge> you often don't want to copy an object, as this can be very expensive and maybe want to have multiple pointers to the same object, also proper deletion, also take a look at smart pointers, dynamic_cast, reinterprete_cast, ... 15:48 < bridge> i also just learned that reinterprete_cast is mostly ub :justatest: 15:50 < bridge> Don't you teach? Order the students to clean the machine 15:51 < bridge> me who worked with `void*` ... :justatest: 15:51 < bridge> which is kinda weird but i do wonder if it is just a non protable thing or is it truly a that compiler might just decides to stop giving you the representation 15:51 < bridge> Webgpu but for ddnet 15:51 < bridge> Yeah it's almost always ub 15:52 < bridge> like i can accept it is ub because different machine behave differently. not nessaserily a compiler thing that might just do random conversions 15:52 < bridge> he's probably talking about references 15:53 < bridge> I think it's just a machine thing 15:53 < bridge> which is also why i kinda feel like the youtube videos that just tells you never c style cast because it is ub is misleading a bit 15:53 < bridge> ive seen one last night that just says it is ub but not giving any more explanations 15:54 < bridge> but is it defined in the compiler standard? If all compilers you are working with define this, it may be ub by the language, but not in practice 15:55 < bridge> I'm officially CEO of dd-pg now 😎 15:56 < bridge> I don't think any compilers try to tame reinterpret cast 15:56 < bridge> i think it is defined by c++ as ub with a few exception (which are basically just recasting them back or to a similar representation, which screams portablility) 15:56 < bridge> We have bit_cast that has better semantics for most things 15:57 < bridge> I have so bad experiences with bit_cast, with little/big endian 15:58 < bridge> mass layoff time 15:58 < bridge> its the hot trend 15:58 < bridge> every CEO and their mothers are doing it 15:58 < bridge> I need to mostly clean with the machine running 15:58 < bridge> 15:58 < bridge> Can't have a student be crushed by a spindle 15:59 < bridge> I don't see the issue. The next stusent can clean up the crushed one 15:59 < bridge> I don't see the issue. The next student can clean up the crushed one 15:59 < bridge> what's a spindle 16:00 < bridge> also why does it sound like it has happened before 16:01 < bridge> Lmao 16:01 < bridge> Not at my firm but yes it happened 16:03 < bridge> i think almost every cautionary step is build upon experience 16:03 < bridge> Murphys Law is strong with this one 16:06 < bridge> guangzhou metro has this, and ive heard they switch to a screen that loops the warning because it is too long to fit on a sticker now 16:06 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318957593892487259/2fe85694096d440fa1cf9090d8b2ed9b.jpg?ex=6764367b&is=6762e4fb&hm=5c7f360cfd21cf9066e93de566de840f6dccc90ab6b850328edd5bc80304d85a& 16:08 < bridge> Spindle is the rotatey piece 16:08 < bridge> let me guess, a spinning handle 16:10 < bridge> Mh, you don't hold it though. It holds either your tool (in a cnc machine, or a mill or a drill) or it holds your work piece (in a lathe) 16:10 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/accident-workplace-workplace-accident-gif-13655676427118804708 16:11 < bridge> Here is what happens if you let students do it 16:11 < bridge> this is unrealistic, not gorey enough 💀 16:14 < bridge> Actually technically spindle is what you attach the chuck to which does the holding, but whatever 16:29 < bridge> I had a student wear gloves at a lathe 16:29 < bridge> First time I screamed at someone 16:33 < bridge> First time I screamed at someone - like properly 16:33 < bridge> 16:33 < bridge> if a glove gets caught in a lathe, you're lucky if you only loose your hand 16:38 < bridge> Yeah no gloves with rotary tools 16:41 < bridge> It's very counterintuitive 17:19 < bridge> screamed in german right? 17:19 < bridge> :justatest: 17:19 < bridge> im sorry i can only imagine it one way kek 17:19 < bridge> :justatest: im down bad 17:20 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> german scream + balkan sitting + still water 17:20 < bridge> today i woke up at 5 am 17:20 < bridge> ``` 17:20 < bridge> SAG MAL WILLSTE DIR EIGENSTÄNDIG DIE HAND ABHACKEN DU IDIOT?, SEIT ZWEI JAHREN HASTE NE DRECKS SICHERHEITSUNTERWEISUNG, UNTERSCHREIBST DEN ZETTEL DA UND MACHST DEN SCHEIß TROTZDEM 17:20 < bridge> GEH NACH HAUSE WENN DU DICH NICHT KONZENTRIEREN KANNST, DER SCHEIß BRINGT DICH UM 17:20 < bridge> ``` 17:20 < bridge> have fun translating 17:20 < bridge> got a 14h flight in like 9h 17:20 < bridge> and my body said, wake up now, u gotta be nervous for no reason 17:21 < bridge> wen discord builtin chatgpt translator 17:21 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> $deepl 17:21 < bridge> ok joking but a builtin translator would be nice 17:21 < bridge> Hi! Most of us communicate in English. If you’re having trouble with English, use to help you out. 17:21 < bridge> перекиньте пж дднет 17:22 < bridge> i would if i could.. i would if i could... 17:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318976655456342176/image.png?ex=6764483c&is=6762f6bc&hm=df28a620307afba4cdfbcc18afa9f9cb8a04f4ffb204428f663795a43ecaa213& 17:32 < bridge> and then there is my work, where I am not even allowed to manually switch defect hardware, while doing the same at home. Beware of using a ladder, it might kill you 17:34 < bridge> screams like DIN VDE 0105-100 to me 17:34 < bridge> melon is such a german guy 17:35 < bridge> DIN-ignore 17:35 < bridge> :nouis: 17:35 < bridge> is this huion's tablets mascot? 17:35 < bridge> go visit r/dingore, it's amazing 17:35 < bridge> deengore 17:36 < bridge> deen in gores 17:36 < bridge> deenin in gores 17:37 < bridge> impossible 17:37 < bridge> i have seen deen ingame twice 17:37 < bridge> and both times it was someone on a novice server pretending to be him 17:38 < bridge> teero took that personal 17:38 < bridge> i've seen him play in 2016, he played a dummy map and failed miserabely 17:38 < bridge> 💥 17:39 < bridge> 14h flights are good to sleep on atleast 17:39 < bridge> don't forget your noise cancelling headphones 17:41 < bridge> Greatest investment I ever made 17:41 < bridge> My Sonys make flying 100% more enjoyable 17:44 < bridge> > Each field of an object is classified recursively so that always two fields 18 are con- 17:44 < bridge> > sidered. The resulting class is calculated according to the classes of the fields in the 17:44 < bridge> > eightbyte: 17:44 < bridge> > (a) If both classes are equal, this is the resulting class. 17:44 < bridge> > (b) If one of the classes is NO_CLASS, the resulting class is the other class. 17:44 < bridge> > (c) If one of the classes is MEMORY, the result is the MEMORY class. 17:44 < bridge> > (d) If one of the classes is INTEGER, the result is the INTEGER. 17:44 < bridge> > (e) If one of the classes is X87, X87UP, COMPLEX_X87 class, MEMORY is used as class. 17:44 < bridge> > (f) Otherwise class SSE is used. 17:44 < bridge> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/hjl-tools/x86-psABI/x86-64-psABI-1.0.pdf page 21 17:44 < bridge> 17:44 < bridge> @learath2 can one eightbyte have three different classes? 17:48 < bridge> Not really. You go two by two, you coalesce into one class 17:49 < bridge> I mean three fields of different classes which fit into one eightbyte 17:54 < bridge> You go recursively. Initially the eightbyte has no class, then you analyze the first fields class, after you determine that, you use the rules you wrote above to reduce to one class. Then repeat 17:55 < bridge> Ah ok 17:56 < bridge> I read 17:56 < bridge> > The resulting class is calculated according to the classes of the fields in the eightbyte 17:56 < bridge> and was confused :\ 18:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318987319172403310/IMG_20241218_220415_713.jpg?ex=6764522a&is=676300aa&hm=7ba5dd8261725d096807709042005c9b27566be5d4166e795000d8bc9275fb13& 18:04 < bridge> Who knows what to do 18:07 < bridge> fix your `ssh_config` file 18:07 < bridge> Obviously depends on how you broke it in the first place 18:08 < bridge> Well, how do I open it in Mobaxterm 18:15 < bridge> `sudoedit /etc/ssh_config` will open the default editor on your remote, which most likely will be nano or vim 18:34 < bridge> ssh_config, not sshd_config, so this is for the client configuration 18:34 < bridge> unless the names are different based on distribution idk 18:36 < bridge> i took the filepath off the screenshot sent ^^ 18:37 < bridge> kitra 18:37 < bridge> yes, I'm saying that the configuration problem is local, not on the remote 18:38 < bridge> 🎂 19:05 < ws-client> freddie birthday reveal? 19:06 < bridge> happy birthday 19:06 < bridge> i'd not celebrate getting older, but everyone as they like 19:09 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ how deep are you in german youtube? 19:09 < bridge> german not so much, at least not recent years 19:09 < bridge> but just ask your question 19:09 < bridge> or whatever u want tos ay 19:09 < bridge> or whatever u want to say 19:10 < ws-client> omg impatient lemme do epic buildup 19:10 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734545403.png 19:10 < ws-client> you know him? 19:10 < bridge> yeah 19:10 < bridge> xD 19:10 < bridge> but not wuzzup 19:10 < bridge> only that guy 19:10 < ws-client> i met him irl 19:10 < ws-client> but not the point 19:11 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734545451.png 19:11 < ws-client> him? 19:11 < ws-client> ok tbh that one is a bit random but i actually watched that like decades ago https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734545485.png 19:12 < bridge> yes 19:12 < bridge> i know both xD 19:12 < ws-client> pro 19:12 < ws-client> but did you know all 3 are teeworlds gamers? 19:12 < ws-client> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZTWRf_KpKo 19:12 < bridge> yeah wow, 11 years ago 19:13 < bridge> that is also basically when i knew them 19:14 < bridge> how did u find that video btw 19:14 < bridge> it has pretty few views 19:15 < bridge> was it before they were fame? XD 19:16 < bridge> so where did you meet mrtrashpack 19:16 < bridge> in your holidays? 19:16 < bridge> is he chillin on the same beach 19:16 < ws-client> he was in munich 19:16 < bridge> :poggers2: 19:16 < ws-client> back when he was relevant 19:16 < bridge> idk who they are but pog 19:17 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ its 2am for me rn i am so confused 19:17 < ws-client> i have no idea how i found that video 19:17 < ws-client> so i checked my browsing history.. 19:17 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734545773.png 19:17 < bridge> considering teeworlds had so many famous players it's impressive that it was never as fame as ddnet is today 19:18 < ws-client> i was atching some amv and then searched for "applewarpictures teeworlds" thats how you find it <:greenthing:623706333677617203> 19:18 < ws-client> wtf just happend? 19:19 < bridge> ? 19:19 < ws-client> what made me search that? 19:20 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ yea teeworlds actually had a lot of exposure but its mostly shallow and casual 19:20 < ws-client> the game really shines when you go tryhard and that stuff was never really shown to the public 19:21 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks look at this https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/WSL/pull/2021#issuecomment-2546627586 19:21 < bridge> > Thanks for the contribution here and appreciate your attention to detail. We have decided to keep as-is.. part of that decision is that more and more folks are using AI chat to access guidance and tables don't always translate well in that context. 19:22 < bridge> image (yes heinrich a image) 19:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1319006933159641139/image.png?ex=6764646e&is=676312ee&hm=82e4e696494108a07358c90c0eff479243f88fefc9f8c0fa98a8b11b9ae830b2& 19:23 < ws-client> LLMs are the new internte search 19:23 < ws-client> so LLM friendly is the new SEO 19:24 < ws-client> @ryozuki windows user confirmed browsing WSL repo 19:24 < bridge> xd 19:24 < bridge> ??!? 19:24 < bridge> i don't understand 19:24 < bridge> 1:531 is crazy 19:24 < bridge> i dont use winshit 19:24 < bridge> i’ve never seen such a ratio pn github 19:24 < bridge> i’ve never seen such a ratio on github 19:25 < bridge> my company SSO denies windows btw 19:25 < bridge> xd 19:25 < bridge> Based 19:25 < bridge> indeed 19:26 < bridge> https://wiki.alopex.li/SurveyOfSystemLanguages2024 19:26 < bridge> chatgpt is better in tables than me 😂 19:26 < bridge> i have never heard of jai before 19:27 < bridge> Jonathan blow is a legend tho 19:27 < bridge> C++: nah 19:28 < bridge> https://readyset.io/blog/bounds-checks 19:29 < bridge> i swear the new nvidia driver webpage is also the worst shit ever 19:29 < bridge> https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/ 19:29 < bridge> select a driver for gtx 1060 19:29 < bridge> and don't go mad 19:30 < ws-client> nvidia lost me at the cookie popup 19:30 < bridge> > Jai stands out from the pack by kinda being significant before it was cool, mainly because it is the pet project of game dev Jonathan Blow. Apparently he made Braid and The Witness, made a shitload of money in 2016 at the peak of the indie game renaissance, and proceeded to spend the next eight years dicking around with programming language development. I could try to criticize that, but it would only be out of jealousy ’cause he’s basically 19:30 < bridge> so true 19:30 < bridge> thats my dream 19:30 < bridge> get rich to do more programming in stuff that doesnt matter 19:30 < bridge> i swear, how can a driver lookup not be done in under 1 second 19:31 < bridge> silicon valley 19:31 < bridge> only AIs developing there at this point 20:01 < bridge> so I should start using more tables huh 20:23 < bridge> Temporal safety: 10/10 – This is the real good shit, here. This is what the borrow checker gets you. You know what, forget about preventing use-after-free or any of that basic shit; none of the other languages in this list even come remotely close to Rust’s ability to save you from fucking up multithreading. In safe Rust, you simply can’t access multithreaded data without some sort of mutex or other synchronization; it’s a compile-time erro 20:23 < bridge> https://ciechanow.ski/moon/ 20:28 < bridge> Lmao it's like such a small change 20:46 < bridge> when humans become second rate citizens 20:47 < bridge> i am team AI 20:48 < bridge> but not the ones we have today xd 20:50 < bridge> first thing i'll ask an AGI is, which programming language invented by humans is the best 20:51 < bridge> why ask wen answer is rust 20:52 < bridge> deep in our hearts, we know.. true 😏 21:26 < bridge> ah krita