00:35 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ wake? 00:43 < bridge> Hi chiller 00:43 < ws-client> ur still here? 00:44 < bridge> I'm in bed 00:44 < ws-client> me too! 00:44 < ws-client> time to wake up and find some coffee 00:44 < bridge> xdd 00:44 < bridge> Where tf do you live xd 00:44 < bridge> what time is it? 00:44 < ws-client> 7:44 bali 00:45 < ws-client> dox 00:49 < bridge> wow 00:49 < bridge> 0:50 in german 00:49 < bridge> dox 01:00 < bridge> hi 01:00 < bridge> 5:00 pm colorado 01:00 < bridge> dox 02:32 < bridge> Is it possible to got server uptime atm? 03:26 < bridge> $ddos 03:26 < bridge> This command was not found. 03:26 < bridge> !ddos 03:26 < bridge> type /ddos 03:26 < bridge> that doesn't even show uptime actually 03:26 < bridge> i feel like it did :< 03:26 < bridge> idk in that case 04:46 < ws-client> I sometimes add commands to the server that either do not work or crash the server when put into a config or passed as a cli argument. 04:47 < ws-client> That makes sense and is fair because the console should execute these commands early so that configs can affect the initialization process. But sometimes i want to run something on server start that depends on initialization. 04:47 < ws-client> After running into that problem multiple times and having to come up with some weird workaround every time i finally solved it once and for all in ddnet++ introducing the rcon comamnd ``defer s[command]`` which allows the user to delay commands until the server is intitialized. 04:49 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734320958.png 04:49 < ws-client> if this has a chance of getting merged into ddnet ill gladly open a pr if not i rather not waste my time on discussions 04:50 < bridge> that's sadge ;c 05:56 < bridge> Maybe commands could always be executed after init? 06:11 < bridge> /login HenTai pideras 06:23 < ws-client> @fokkonaut yea i also thought about that. Configs in the beginning and commands in the end. But ``defer`` is more flexible because i also had config chains that would crash on server start. Which of course should never happen but sometimes i just cba while testing. 07:02 < bridge> what EUR? 07:42 < bridge> Ope 09:12 < bridge> !ping 10:02 < bridge> pong 10:42 < bridge> 64 bytes from chillerdragon: time=3,000,000 ms 10:49 < ws-client> had a look at the ddnet protocol today. Am I seeing this right? DDNet did remove the null bytes for the reflection attack protection that teeworlds has? 10:50 < ws-client> yo @teero777 go check simplex 10:50 < bridge> I can't on phone xd 10:51 < bridge> I don't have it connected to the same db 10:51 < bridge> I'm home in 4hrs 10:51 < ws-client> yea tragic i have it phone only clearly we both suck at using simplex 10:51 < bridge> xd 10:52 < bridge> All the data is stored on a local db right? So copy pasting that onto the other platform should work 10:52 < bridge> Will check later xd 11:01 < ws-client> its probably a matter of scanning one qr code 11:09 < bridge> <.mogant841> вступайте в клан [KBK]и блокайте всех на 4nubs с ракеткой 11:15 < bridge> I hope so 11:48 < bridge> yeah 11:48 < bridge> wazzup 11:53 < bridge> chiller wtf do you live near git git?! 11:58 < bridge> No not near :D but same island 12:01 < bridge> what language do you speak there? 12:01 < bridge> Rust 12:05 < bridge> English like a proper tourist 12:07 < bridge> Btw do you see emojis and/or reactions to messages? :owo: 12:07 < bridge> Not in irc 12:07 < bridge> so what's the matter 12:08 < bridge> chiller do pidgeons exist in bali? 12:08 < bridge> :feelsbadman: 12:08 < bridge> In matrix I see this 12:08 < bridge> Oh wait I can’t send images from matrix … 12:08 < bridge> At least they are decently named hehe 12:08 < bridge> lov u chiller :iubwibfasibfi2141ahs: 12:09 < bridge> :hsisgejssvssjey_rust_Xd: 12:09 < bridge> in 5seconds i despawn again, then you need to resummon me 12:09 < bridge> Damn these new ddnet emojis 12:09 < bridge> Ah 12:09 < bridge> I was wondering why u didn’t merge the pr 12:09 < bridge> SVG 12:09 < bridge> i didnt know if he fixed your stuff 12:10 < bridge> I didn’t understand that the reply to (null) was for me ^^ 12:14 < bridge> I don’t recall seeing any why? 12:15 < bridge> nothing I was just imagining a city without pidgeons 12:15 < bridge> weird 12:16 < bridge> We got lots of stray dogs 12:22 < bridge> Chiller when invite me over for beach? 12:22 < bridge> I just follow you after Munich meetup 12:24 < bridge> Sure I know a cool beach in Munich 12:26 < bridge> :poggers: 12:27 < bridge> can the dogs fly tho 12:32 < bridge> Flughunde 12:32 < bridge> chiller will your subs get a 2024 recap this year? 12:34 < bridge> with you programming on the beach you went ever day 13:44 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ I will try 13:44 < ws-client> Okay after looking at 0.6 a bit i have finally found my new favorite network protocol! Its not 0.7 and its not ddnet! Its 0.6.5! 13:46 < ws-client> The flag packet flag shifts in 0.7 were totally random and unecessary. The ddnet token extension with magic bytes and bytes slapped at the end of the packet are random adn unecsssary. Everything was solved in a clean and backwards compatible way in 0.6.5 13:47 < bridge> i gave up on understanding how the protocol works 13:47 < bridge> :cammo: 13:48 < ws-client> i recommend implementing it from scratch in a different programming language every 2 month it helps getting to know it 13:49 < ws-client> understanding it bit by bit is important if you want to boost your gores gaming skill 13:50 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ i would really like to have a community submissions part in the video this year. Want to contribute a recording of your setup? 13:51 < bridge> you mean my hardware, or my desktop? 13:52 < bridge> @chillerdragon "T = flag token (0.6.5 only not supported by ddnet)" but "0.6.5: ORNCT-AA" has T? 14:09 < ws-client> @kebscs yes ddnet is not 0.6.5 14:10 < ws-client> its using dinosaur 0.6.4 technology 14:12 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ just take some short clip where we can see some tees and something behind the screen 14:13 < ws-client> like this https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734266940.png 14:14 < bridge> ah the english is just weird then "only not supported by ddnet" hard to understand what means 14:14 < bridge> ah the english is just weird then "only not supported by ddnet" hard to understand what it means 14:14 < bridge> thought T is not supported by 0.6.5 and its atypo 14:14 < ws-client> yes my english is not the yellow from the egg 14:36 < bridge> chiller i still have a north korea whiteboard magnet that i could put into the back lmao 14:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318210196836847686/image.png?ex=67617e6a&is=67602cea&hm=2bbe5d5f32643652b72a98d9ea2899476cf5c92a05caf6902830e1e3eef5409b& 14:38 < bridge> but yeah i could think about smth 14:53 < bridge> just in case korea attacks this is your get out of jail card 15:01 < ws-client> lol 15:27 < bridge> chillerdragon: i hope this suffices 15:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318222912704086026/5404575881244042018.jpg?ex=67618a41&is=676038c1&hm=35f9d2fa7a90c3a6d76ef96b66bb5b8f35b56827542d68d4dfc99bddb54c7511& 15:28 < bridge> <0xdeen> nice magnet 15:31 < bridge> Oh no it's an official Rubik's brand 15:31 < bridge> (and a Quest 3 but I can't complain about that wholeheartedly because I know other things are expensive) 15:32 < bridge> i also have a speedcube, but it's missing faces 15:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318224238993215500/image.png?ex=67618b7d&is=676039fd&hm=f1b2dc9755dbc7e2e50916dd6140899f4fe42c5fa805d688a7075d8875312378& 15:32 < bridge> the rubiks is untouched since like 12 years 😄 15:42 < bridge> If you care at all you should get a new one, they've come really far and are a joy to use 15:43 < bridge> I stopped doing speed cubing 12 years ago xd 15:43 < bridge> that is probably also the age of this cube 15:44 < bridge> I don't really practice at all anymore but I still often pick up my cube and solve it, using it kinda like a fidget toy 15:45 < bridge> i think i cannot solve it with the fast algos anymore xD 15:45 < bridge> how old r you @inv41idu53rn4m3 ? 15:45 < bridge> 25 15:46 < bridge> make video of how you solve it 😬 15:46 < bridge> oh no... 15:46 < bridge> not very fast 15:56 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks best lighting submission so far but also only an image .\_. 15:57 < bridge> could you make it a short video? 15:59 < ws-client> also which name would you like to be credited under? 16:01 < bridge> wtf what kind of video do you expect 16:01 < ws-client> just some slight movement of the same thing 16:01 < bridge> i dunno just credit me as jupstar xd 16:01 < ws-client> to make it more dynamic than just a picture 16:01 < bridge> use ai 16:01 < bridge> xdd 16:02 < bridge> i can do that tomorrow or smth. the light isnt good enough in germany anymore 16:03 < bridge> its a beautiful day today wdym 16:06 < bridge> it's getting dark already in north of germany 16:11 < ws-client> dark side of germany 16:47 < bridge> пенис 16:48 < bridge> сус 16:48 < bridge> гойда 18:15 < bridge> ChillerDragon: if i wanna implement a teeworlds server, does that mean that i have support both 0.6 protocol (even partially) and 0.7? 19:07 < bridge> If you wanna implement a server for Teeworlds players (with DDNet client considered secondary) then you support 0.7 19:07 < bridge> if you wanna implement a server for DDNet players then you support 0.6 19:07 < bridge> Only if you wanna be especially nice to all clients do you support both 19:07 < bridge> at least this is my opinion 19:11 < bridge> непонятно кстате 19:11 < bridge> а я семга 19:14 < bridge> $deepl 19:14 < bridge> Hi! Most of us communicate in English. If you’re having trouble with English, use to help you out. 19:20 < bridge> ok then i do 0.6 so it works for both 19:20 < bridge> thank you smart man 19:20 < bridge> 0.7 works for both 19:20 < bridge> hmmmm 19:20 < bridge> the problem is 19:20 < bridge> i cant distinguish the packets 19:21 < bridge> like connless exists only in 0.6? 19:21 < bridge> 0.6 only works for DDNet and old versions of Teeworlds 19:24 < bridge> the only problem i have is connless 19:24 < bridge> im not sure how to parse the packet header correctly 19:24 < bridge> and then send a correct reply 19:25 < bridge> for some reason the connless id and response token are mixed 19:28 < bridge> no 19:28 < bridge> afair the have some difference in their header 19:34 < bridge> hi, my game crashing when i’m connecting to the game, i’m debugged, this occurs due to variable that contains it: 19:34 < bridge> vec2 localpos = m_pClient->m_PredictedChar.m_Pos 19:34 < bridge> i think he does not containing anything at that moment(due to not having time to load) 19:42 < bridge> what client do you use though? 19:44 < bridge> default ddnet client(sources from ddnet github) 19:52 < bridge> master branch with last commit crashes too? 20:05 < bridge> Does db.ddstats.org/graphql work for anyone, or am i just dumb? because every query i try fails. and is that an official source or not? 20:20 < bridge> @learath2 type inference, WOOO 20:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1318296651571400804/image.png?ex=6761ceee&is=67607d6e&hm=f4be56a68d0d575fb89774ed83b43bee0bf8273cf57a8f9cfaa5722358bf4d35& 20:30 < bridge> 1 победитель 42 лузера 21:24 < bridge> What is the inferred type of a, b, c? 21:24 < bridge> `u8` 21:25 < bridge> u8 * u8 overflows u8, do you truncate like C? 21:26 < bridge> in my mafs `u8` * `u8` = `u8` 22:08 < bridge> h