00:41 < ws-client> @Jupstar ✪ i would love to see it merged finally! But I will probably not do it my self in the near future (before 2026) 00:43 < ws-client> @pathos3005 yes that is a real problem i agree! Tbh I am having a hard time seeing bots with my bare eyes do you think you can differentiate between bots and good aim? 00:44 < ws-client> @pathos3005 yea anyways i would love to turn off the kick votes but then the botters can do what they want. So having someone to help with fun votes would be amazing. Thanks for offering. Can you email me at chillerdragon@gmail.com and i send you the password 10:56 < bridge> why i cant join map with EUR? i can only join map with numbers on ping 10:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1317792354312392745/Zrzut_ekranu_2024-12-15_105507.png?ex=675ff944&is=675ea7c4&hm=f1c9647769251267bb573cf7ba23959a6f98613c6e5c7fbb92cf60476d3f4793& 11:02 < bridge> did you hear what happened in 2022 11:03 < bridge> can you join fin or ger servers though? 11:10 < bridge> ohh too bad xd 11:48 < bridge> https://everyuuid.com/ 11:55 < bridge> @tsfreddie: that has to be the smoothest website I ever opened on my phone woah! 12:03 < bridge> "The see me scrollin' they hatin'" 12:03 < bridge> they 12:06 < bridge> only ger and sometimes ukr 12:27 < bridge> wait where are you from 12:42 < bridge> I think we already discussed your issue. 12:42 < bridge> You said you have no anti-virus and no firewall & already restarted your router, so just call your internet provider and ask them. 12:42 < bridge> 12:42 < bridge> There isn't a lot we can do for you. Maybe the internet provider blocks UDP traffic for many nodes 12:56 < bridge> why i getting killed after using /tc on my local server? 13:10 < bridge> 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 13:27 < bridge> beefbeef-beef-4eaf-beef-beefbeefbeef 13:28 < bridge> Least vegan uuid 13:40 < bridge> No really, how can it be this smooth? 13:40 < bridge> ChillerDragon: Also, sending e-mail, thanks :) 13:41 < ws-client> @pathos3005 go in game 13:42 < bridge> chiller when is tw in 2024 coming out? 13:43 < bridge> do you have enough clips? 13:45 < ws-client> @teero777 i usually release these videos new years but given that i have not started cutting yet i am not sure if i will make it ._. i have made very little clips this year i will recycle some old ones <:justatest:572499997178986510> 13:45 < bridge> https://eieio.games/blog/writing-down-every-uuid/ 13:45 < ws-client> @teero777 but if you have some pls send them to chillerdragon@gmail.com and the name you want to be credited under i rly want to have a community section this year 13:46 < bridge> content warning: Claude used 13:46 < bridge> ah man i wish i could've taken some but the bar is high xD 13:47 < ws-client> nono no high bar @teero777 trust me every clip thats not from me is super valuable it adds a new perspective on how ppl play 13:47 < ws-client> just take a short clip of your daily driver setup 13:49 < ws-client> i got like 2 or 3 submissions which are only pictures no videos and they are just ppls setups at home and all of them have their own style and are interesting to look at @teero77 i am sure yours as well! 13:50 < ws-client> here one little spoiler https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1734266940.png 13:50 < bridge> XD 13:50 < bridge> I do have a funny vid put I can't post that publicly lmao 13:50 < ws-client> sad 13:50 < ws-client> make a public postable one 13:51 < ws-client> or censor it 13:52 < bridge> I can't XD 13:52 < bridge> Actually wait 13:52 < bridge> I might still have an opportunity 13:52 < bridge> Yesss 13:53 < ws-client> <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 13:54 < bridge> btw how do vc with ppl chiller? 13:54 < bridge> does matrix have the ability? 13:54 < ws-client> yea but its usually cursed 13:54 < ws-client> jupstar found some nice site once but i mostly use wire for calls its solid 13:55 < bridge> i mostly use wire for chatting with chillerdragon 13:55 < bridge> whats your house house telephone number 13:55 < ws-client> i dont have one 13:56 < bridge> ah wire is a software 13:56 < bridge> im stupid 13:56 < ws-client> oh lol yea 13:56 < bridge> landline moment 13:56 < ws-client> wire actually works wireless 13:56 < bridge> crazy 13:57 < bridge> simplex is also nice 13:57 < ws-client> never heard of it 13:57 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex_noise 13:57 < bridge> sounds noisy 13:57 < bridge> https://simplex.chat/ 13:58 < bridge> interesting concept 13:58 < bridge> :greenthing: we use simplex everywhere in our VR title 13:58 < bridge> no way there is a tui version xD 13:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1317838250336850070/image.png?ex=67602403&is=675ed283&hm=7b45336c4a0a78bcd7e96432d64d0d4971a2f9854d25618946f1727cf1ccbfe3& 13:58 < bridge> lmao 13:58 < ws-client> it does look good im so ready to ditch wire its way to corporate for my taste 13:59 < bridge> i bet 1 cny that simplex doesn't work in china 14:00 < bridge> bet 14:00 < bridge> it will i hope 14:02 < bridge> `https://simplex.chat/invitation#/?v=2-7&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fu2dS9sG8nMNURyZwqASV4yROM28Er0luVTx5X1CsMrU%3D%40smp4.simplex.im%2FsXJ_w6Qvf5Cljaz1YipCxxyIS0YJgMl0%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAkSH-lEnf_UvnleUl8qZJj4Py3ZnU2MhRZs7ADI72ZDw%253D%26k%3Ds%26srv%3Do5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion&e2e=v%3D2-3%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAuETwWvNoYY80tu1flEn9OFJfsJoK3SnwH3n-vnxCao_hxIsMWXRO-ETfZHkbTUNdz5YBctl4pZA%3D%2CMEIwBQYDK 14:02 < bridge> chiller here is my invite xd 14:03 < bridge> do `/c ` 14:03 < bridge> i can't even create invite 14:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1317839738920763524/Screenshot_20241215_210417.jpg?ex=67602566&is=675ed3e6&hm=b21cca63a92c8564d64b111af858106ced713a3c04d8fa774bfdc1cd652181d0& 14:04 < bridge> yep, not a thing 14:04 < bridge> sadge 14:04 < bridge> what does it say tho 14:05 < bridge> can't connect to 14:05 < bridge> basically 14:05 < bridge> ig thats from your side 14:05 < bridge> sadge 14:06 < bridge> def my side, no way i'm getting a connection as long as these servers are hosted. even for p2p if i can't connect to a stun or tracker it's no use. 14:06 < bridge> with no proxy btw 14:07 < bridge> i probably can use it with a proxy, but i can pretty much use anything that way anyway. 14:10 < bridge> chiller add meeee: 14:10 < bridge> `https://simplex.chat/invitation#/?v=2-7&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FUkMFNAXLXeAAe0beCa4w6X_zp18PwxSaSjY17BKUGXQ%3D%40smp12.simplex.im%2Fdl4cKxTYpSHZemUR6K8n7Kwl6wcpjHkG%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAX_d37YIpl7olhCrfMTccYAz7f_G7B5WdZAbGKerdXUg%253D%26k%3Ds%26srv%3Die42b5weq7zdkghocs3mgxdjeuycheeqqmksntj57rmejagmg4eor5yd.onion&e2e=v%3D2-3%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAUF26cSf3EMroZul0u0gYHDPk7RfhQuktFIt4FliCwYV3DU_JPdWt7vGvTN7klWaFAFovB4ordWg%3D%2CMEIwBQYD 14:18 < ws-client> @teero777 i have trouble scanning it 14:18 < bridge> scanning what? 14:18 < ws-client> the qr code 14:18 < bridge> what qr code? xd 14:19 < ws-client> your invitation showed one :D 14:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1317843667096174663/image.png?ex=6760290e&is=675ed78e&hm=e7c356e7f20113262d67795a7d2c3b14d303b042e24e6879cd2bf5562a2533b3& 14:20 < bridge> here scan this xd 14:20 < bridge> in the app 14:20 < ws-client> omg images 14:20 < bridge> `https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-7&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fhejn2gVIqNU6xjtGM3OwQeuk8ZEbDXVJXAlnSBJBWUA%3D%40smp16.simplex.im%2FpOTTvxUGlVmZoqw4pPhJDiUVuHVJxoUg%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEATt1Bh3sxTgnCHPa8mzetMKWROABpQOLpAYDw2fIZoUs%253D%26srv%3Dp3ktngodzi6qrf7w64mmde3syuzrv57y55hxabqcq3l5p6oi7yzze6qd.onion` 14:20 < bridge> or this xd 14:20 < ws-client> do i rly have to boot matrix now 14:20 < bridge> the link it is 14:21 < bridge> are u doing this on mobile or desktop? 14:26 < bridge> the length people go to just to chat with chiller 14:27 < bridge> Idk why but that's exactly the laptop I imagined you'd have 14:29 < bridge> fabfabfa-fabf-4bfa-bfab-fabfabfabfab 14:29 < bridge> what a beauty 14:31 < bridge> eeeeeeee-eeee-4eee-aeee-eeeeeeeeeeee 14:36 < ws-client> @learath2 thats Cipy's laptop i got a razer blade 14:37 < bridge> Damn, so I have misjudged you 14:38 < ws-client> @learath2 here my laptop reveal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKV18A1DluU 14:40 < bridge> didnt know that people in 2020 had tees as their head 14:40 < bridge> i missed out on something 14:44 < bridge> Side-effect of covid 14:59 < ws-client> oof i found the first catch @teero777 missing group calls https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplex-chat/issues/2398 15:00 < ws-client> the project is still young so there is hope but i can already see this being delayed forever and getting super complicated because of the high privacy goals 15:27 < bridge> yea 15:49 < bridge> Guys help for me with old TeeWorlds Client 15:49 < bridge> https://downloads.teeworlds.com/teewars/teewars-0.3.1.tar.gz 15:49 < bridge> its broken 16:06 < bridge> wdym broken 16:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1317871106555772928/image.png?ex=6760429c&is=675ef11c&hm=a2a7af6662f5270e11c6a704ba9e1caac2b798541be1a1f1c3d23e8d35d687e1& 16:17 < bridge> hey does anyone know how to program in c 16:19 < bridge> a bit, why? :o 16:23 < bridge> my internet will shot down tomorrow and i wanna learn c 16:23 < bridge> so i need some course to download 16:24 < bridge> free one 16:25 < bridge> @blaiszephyr also can i edit teeworlds code with c 16:25 < bridge> It's written in c++, not c 16:25 < bridge> isnt it same but with two plus 16:28 < bridge> C++ can do everything c can, but c can't do everything c++ clan, it's basically a newer updated and extended version of c 16:29 < bridge> The actual difference is much more than that, but I don't feel like typing it down atm 16:29 < bridge> @blaiszephyr is JavaScript the same as Java but with word script? 16:29 < bridge> Hey the question is legit, don't talk him down like that! 16:29 < bridge> 16:29 < bridge> I didn't know Javascript and typescript differ 16:30 < bridge> I thought people just did a typo when saying TS instead of JS 16:30 < bridge> TypeScript has to be transpiled to javascript 16:35 < bridge> so if i learn c++ can i write everything in c too ? 16:35 < bridge> No 😄 16:35 < bridge> Well, no 💥 16:35 < bridge> so ur liar 16:35 < bridge> :thisemoji: 16:35 < bridge> Report hi 16:35 < bridge> m 16:36 < bridge> The actual syntax and the way to do something differs 16:36 < bridge> Just learn which ever C or C++ once you start touching the ddnet source code you will see what you are still missing 16:36 < bridge> i want to play with teworlds source code and mess with some basic operating system projects 16:36 < bridge> you need to learn both c and cpp then 16:36 < bridge> Learn Rust 16:36 < bridge> "basic operating system projects" = bot ? 16:36 < bridge> :poggers2: 16:36 < bridge> bosp* 16:37 < bridge> which one i need to start 16:37 < bridge> any 16:37 < bridge> You can download this free course on teeworlds development https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhJkqAQmOh5LyYOfnMy4PJB6CSZltQyTc&si=bHbqkKgfREQgi208 16:37 < bridge> Rust mentioned :greenthing: 16:37 < bridge> shhh 16:37 < bridge> In rust, we trust 16:37 < bridge> damn chillerdragon always suprises me 16:37 < bridge> In C, we see 16:37 < bridge> :justatest: 16:38 < bridge> C detected, opinion rejected 😄 16:38 < bridge> in rust we dust 16:40 < bridge> well i still need a offline course to learn c 16:40 < bridge> or c++ if its easier to learn 16:40 < bridge> Just download the YouTube videos using yt-dlp 16:43 < bridge> Plus any of the intro to C or C++ tutorials out there like for example this one https://youtu.be/-TkoO8Z07hI 16:45 < bridge> isnt there a written course (i dont mean the books that older than my grandpa) 16:45 < bridge> the books are still mostly accurate tho 16:55 < bridge> @heinrich5991 do you remember if tw0.3.3 was running good on windows xp? 16:56 < bridge> on any windows 16:57 < bridge> server fails on map load with "wrong signature" 16:57 < bridge> seems that DATA magic word got reversed 16:59 < bridge> I think I remember teewars 0.3.2 running on XP. It could not be win7 because it didin't exist, and it could not be vista because people (at least in that community) refused to use it. 16:59 < bridge> (back in 2008) 17:00 < bridge> i wonder why it fails to load, has something to do with 32bit exe support of win10 17:00 < bridge> like it says wrong signature and prints 44 41 54 41, that's exactly DATA xd 17:01 < bridge> it can start with compatibility settings applied but misses data folder anyway 17:05 < bridge> ok seems runs fine on win7, win10 fucked up backcompat 17:06 < bridge> probably you need to boot up win7 even in order to launch it 17:43 < bridge> in germany there is "Grundkurs C" which teaches the basics 17:43 < bridge> i am not german 17:49 < bridge> which distro do u use 17:58 < bridge> hi, how to get freeze or no tee? 17:58 < bridge> i’m trying write a hud, he show freezes your teams or no 18:06 < bridge> Debian on my laptop and arch on my desktop 18:07 < bridge> why not arch or debian on both 18:07 < bridge> Search for m\_FreezeTime 18:08 < bridge> i bet 18:08 < bridge> Idk I like both I had Debian already and never had the urge to get rid of it once I switched to arch on the desktop 18:09 < bridge> Arch is nice as a daily driver for work and gaming. But Debian is nice to reproduce things. It’s Ubuntu like so that’s what everyone uses and also CIs and it’s what I use on my servers. 18:11 < bridge> understandable 18:12 < bridge> i initially started using debian but then switched to arch 18:12 < bridge> both are great 18:17 < bridge> using an old debian is also good for building binaries for the public 18:19 < bridge> Well my Debian is usually new 18:22 < bridge> i can run my rust builds on my vps, that is not true for cpp builds 18:22 < bridge> language issue 18:35 < bridge> How do I make sure that when I change the card, my tunes are not discarded on my server? 18:39 < bridge> reapply them 18:42 < bridge> $rtfm sv_tune_reset 18:42 < bridge> $rtfm sv_reset_file 18:42 < bridge> good bot 18:42 < bridge> :3 18:43 < bridge> oh :0 18:44 < bridge> bad bot 18:44 < bridge> :( 19:36 < bridge> Did we keep the option to keep IDs above the players nameplates? Because how the hell am I supposed to figure out whos who here? 19:36 < bridge> https://i.imgur.com/SPMJfoo.png 19:36 < bridge> XD 19:38 < bridge> @sollybunny 19:39 < bridge> what do i do if i getting killed after using /tc on my local server? 19:39 < bridge> just ban all 19:39 < bridge> @blaiszephyr 19:39 < bridge> hlep 19:39 < bridge> ,/tc just teleports you to your cursor, wdym "getting killed" 19:40 < bridge> when i using it i get killed 19:40 < bridge> no tp 19:40 < bridge> cl_nameplates_ids 1 19:42 < bridge> ... 19:43 < bridge> We need a bonk emote 19:43 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> :banhammer: :frozen: 19:55 < bridge> When will this be merged? https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8900 20:05 < bridge> Not in its current state, the verify URL should be derived from the connect string 20:14 < bridge> Can someone explain me this hammer in the new bounce map? 20:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1317932817635872849/Bouncy_Kingdom_.mp4?ex=67607c15&is=675f2a95&hm=c64bbecb668512a66d7ce9d632748a25c09eeeef3a30ceb6aab6624f77cdaec6& 20:15 < bridge> freeze-timer is set to 1, so you basically unfreeze for a single tick (not really, im not entirely sure how it works) 20:15 < bridge> but does that even work when fully inside freeze already? lol 20:16 < bridge> oh it does indeed 20:16 < bridge> lol 20:16 < bridge> but only weapons work, not jump 21:13 < bridge> Works in the multieasyvolvemap too 21:16 < bridge> I wanted ids to be on the same layer same as chat. As for making it visible... I don't think removing IDs makes that case any more visible. You can change the font size below 0 now 21:18 < bridge> No one said anything about removing the IDs, the IDs should ideally be kept above the nameplate, like previously 21:20 < bridge> https://i.imgur.com/S39y6hA.png 21:20 < bridge> Didn't help 21:27 < bridge> thats more readable and again moving the ids up doesnt make it much more readable 21:28 < bridge> also cute skin 21:28 < bridge> thats more readable and again moving the ids up (what i previously called removing) doesnt make it much more readable 21:28 < bridge> Is the hook symbol clearly visible to you in the screenshot? 21:30 < bridge> I'm sorry but saying moving the IDs where the hook symbol is currently located doesn't make it more readable is... just plain wrong. 😅 21:39 < bridge> @sollybunny did you change that or something 21:39 < bridge> you made the id the same place as name 22:03 < bridge> Do the IDs show all the time, or only when in debug mode? (ctrl shift D) 22:09 < bridge> I always thought that desync issues between the client and server allows you to send a request for jumping onto the server, while the client is already in the freeze. Since there isn't proper debugging built-in to check each server tick's actions in order, I cannot determine, whether the order for applying freeze functions come in before or after the Tee movement functions 22:10 < bridge> In any case, freeze should have a priority above tee movement to eliminate the one server tick freeze jump. 22:11 < bridge> We shouldn't discuss breaking existing behaviour on released maps impo. It's not breaking the game, using tunes creates edge cases all the time, and the map is actually fun that way because you get funny save encounters :greenthing: 22:25 < bridge> https://heinrich5991.github.io/blog/blog/one-tick-unfreeze 22:25 < bridge> If you care about the IDs (I assumed you didn't) then yeah OBS. But I assumed otherwise 22:26 < bridge> oh, neat 22:26 < bridge> you can fire mid-tick between being unfrozen and refrozen in the same tick 22:26 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/1922 22:26 < bridge> freeze jump is unrelated 22:26 < bridge> broken physics 22:27 < bridge> that happens because freeze is delayed by 1 tick from your current position, if you move down fast enough you can be outside the freeze 1 tick and then grounded the next tick 22:27 < bridge> i defs wanna see ddnet2.0 by superteero 22:27 < bridge> We moderators are required to see the ID of players at all times in case of any problems 22:27 < bridge> so, it is indeed the freezing function goes as last priority 22:27 < bridge> The IDs are the only way to identify a player currently on screen when it comes to in-game moderation 22:27 < bridge> what? 22:28 < bridge> Sure. As I said in GitHub I'm fine with that being added 22:28 < bridge> This command doesn't work or what? 22:29 < bridge> He had it turned on, the visibility was blocked by a different reason :nouis: 22:29 < bridge> That's why he bonked, he knew what the issue was 22:30 < bridge> imo, IDs in Teeworlds is like positions in an 64 (or any max player amount) position Array, where new players joining the server will occupy any available ID positions, while one player leaving the server will move all other IDs from that player's ID by 1 22:30 < bridge> I use version 18.7 and everything fine:greenthing: 22:31 < bridge> That would be horrible, imagine you type kick 5 stop being so damn annoying 22:31 < bridge> 22:31 < bridge> And you kick a random person because someone completly unrelated left 22:31 < bridge> fr 22:31 < bridge> Would require a full overhaul of the existing system that has been used for over a decade 22:31 < bridge> there's no reason to do it like that lol 22:31 < bridge> the current way is fine 22:31 < bridge> It will be needed to overhaul with accounts 22:32 < bridge> nah, not really 22:32 < bridge> I mean it requires change, yes. Not an overhaul tho 22:32 < bridge> because then, each account can have their unique ID, which either can be human readable, or extremely unique 22:32 < bridge> the server will know the account from the ID regardless 22:33 < bridge> guys, almost every time I'm joining a server i getting id 0, is this rare? 22:33 < bridge> if you are the first one joining 22:33 < bridge> no 22:33 < bridge> not first 22:33 < bridge> it just means there was no one in that spot 22:33 < bridge> then probably, whoever had the ID of 0 left, and then you occupied it, idk 22:33 < bridge> ik 22:34 < bridge> it gives you the lowest available so id 0 is the most common 22:34 < bridge> when ddnet 3.0? 22:35 < bridge> Do does it mean, that from an ID Array, it doesn't move all IDs by a certain amount on player leaving, but rather removes that ID in the Array, allowed to be occupied? 22:35 < bridge> Ok 22:35 < bridge> it picks the lowest empty ID 22:35 < bridge> but won't move any existing IDs in case someone leaves 22:36 < bridge> yes, because its an array 22:36 < bridge> right? 22:36 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> bruh 2.0 isnt even out 22:36 < bridge> It checks which array slot is empty 22:36 < bridge> = no player assigned to it 22:36 < bridge> when 4.0? 22:37 < bridge> i have a meme 22:37 < bridge> It makes sense, somehow I guessed the other option, where you move that position to the end of the Array and then empty it, making other IDs subtracted 22:38 < bridge> Moving costs 22:38 < bridge> around 3 instructions more, than the original, yeah 22:38 < bridge> Thats expensive 22:40 < bridge> can't IDs be tranlated into a byte array for bit shifting by the ID amount? 22:40 < bridge> :pepeW: what the hell am i reading 22:40 < bridge> there's nothing wrong with how it works already 22:40 < bridge> What are you trying to achieve? 22:41 < bridge> can't IDs be tranlated into a byte array for bit shifting ~~by~~ to get the ID amount? 22:41 < bridge> learning xd 22:41 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> why so many questions 22:41 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> cwllgen u ruined it 22:41 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> o nvm i thouvht totar was askinga qurstion too 22:41 < bridge> I just ask, you don't have to answer it 😄 22:41 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> my job is stripping my braincells away 22:42 < bridge> can't IDs (as in the Array) be tranlated into a byte array for bit shifting ~~by~~ to get the ID amount? 22:42 < bridge> can't IDs (as in the Array) be translated into a byte array for bit shifting ~~by~~ to get the ID amount? 22:44 < bridge> we are at 18,8 22:44 < bridge> we are at 18.8 22:46 < bridge> :pepeW: waiting till 19.9 22:50 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> dude remember the whole ddnet 2.0 hype