00:12 < bridge> The skin is maybe not the best for showing this xdd 00:13 < bridge> ~~The skin is maybe not the best for showing this xdd~~ 01:04 < bridge> @chillerdragon if you want to add more to your tool: https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Automapper#Tools 01:05 < bridge> @chillerdragon if you want to add more to your tool: 01:06 < bridge> I reimplemented automappers in twmap, I hope I did it right there. @k2d222 has actually tested the implementation somewhat iirc :) 01:06 < bridge> as the automapper iterates over the layer from top-to-bottom/left-to-right to apply the rules, it usually checks the rules on a copy of the layer while modifying the original one. otherwise the changes made would affect the rules that checked later in the loop. 01:06 < bridge> LAYERNOCOPY tells the automapper to not create a copy, and check the rules on the same version of the layer where the changes are made 01:09 < bridge> I thought I had fixed that 01:09 < bridge> Oops 01:10 < bridge> I am aware, I put this in the wiki above with a link to in-place operations and a warning for potential side effects 01:10 < bridge> I reverse engineered the automapper at this stage. 01:10 < bridge> thats also what I did back then ^^ 01:11 < bridge> XFLIP is switches left<->right, no? 01:11 < bridge> You don't change friend states often. I did try this but it looked wrong. Also if Id can be shown on the same line 01:12 < bridge> yes, a mirror on the *VERTICAL* Axis 01:12 < bridge> You sure you don't mean *across* 01:12 < bridge> vertical/horizontal caused quite some confusion, my 2 cents there are to say which sides it switches 01:13 < bridge> I have the same issue xD 01:13 < bridge> I sure am no english man 01:15 < bridge> i feel like itd look weird for ppl w short names 01:15 < bridge> Show 01:15 < bridge> It looks wrong for my sized names 01:15 < bridge> +1 for rhe confusion 🙂 03:46 < bridge> chillerdragon: I remembered what i wanted to ask about the protocol range limit. 03:47 < bridge> m_PlayerFlags a `NetIntRange[0,256)` I want to check if that is still varint or just a byte. 03:47 < bridge> if it is just a varint there is no reason we couldn't just.. you know, increase it to add more flags. 03:48 < bridge> 😬 04:22 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> TWWE's automapper is so jank 04:23 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i upload a .rules file and its almost like it doesnt even recognize it 04:23 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> @k2d222 ik you dont touch twwe but how do automappers work in that site 04:25 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> like i can edit them but the `config` option doesnt work 05:29 < bridge> zen browser update jump scare 05:29 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316260550820237412/image.png?ex=675a66aa&is=6759152a&hm=aa83c32e90b7f464fd4afdab7ab23b6ff40a8aeb663d81e43954b92532d35bbd& 05:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316260911693959189/image.png?ex=675a6700&is=67591580&hm=f634360db15a4068e33bb0b7999fd02a7d641b56de8cc6acd3bb93d9ade16b40& 05:31 < bridge> they just made it look like arc now 05:31 < bridge> and sidebar resize doesn't work lmao 05:32 < bridge> oh it does work, it's just the min and max range is so small there really isn't any difference 06:59 < bridge> I don’t understand what you mean by „if you want to add more to your tool“ which is my tool? 07:02 < bridge> That is a crazy idea! But yes that should work. I did not check the code it depends on if the client indexes the data buffer or calls GetInt. But usually in the tw code GetInt is used. So this will most likely work actually! 07:02 < bridge> 07:02 < bridge> Especially because ddnet does not drop but clamp it should be fully backwards compatible. But it can not be sent to 0.7 clients. 09:01 < bridge> isn't twwe from you? 09:02 < bridge> I added it as well as other tools to the automaper guide in the ddnet wiki. I assumed, that your automapper support is high quality 09:02 < bridge> others claim it's jank, I have no idea. 09:03 < bridge> We currently simply don't have a userfriendly feature complete tool for it 10:06 < bridge> Ah now it makes sense. No twwe is made by the k222d22222 French rust pro 10:06 < bridge> k2d222 11:02 < bridge> This is what happens when you don't update your gentoo machine for a while 11:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316344225914421288/lolwat.png?ex=675ab497&is=67596317&hm=3247da97f9c294957b18a042aba86c4d281fde0f5d4e0247b5eba0173710f742& 11:02 < bridge> It decided the best way to solve this conflict is to build rust 9 * 3 times 11:03 < bridge> :monkaStop: 11:15 < bridge> :poggers2: 11:36 < bridge> halloo 11:37 < bridge> automapper support was left in a broken state for a long time but I fixed it a couple weeks ago. I just updated the server with the new fixes 🙂 11:38 < bridge> @_voxeldoesart I cranked the jank levels to 20% jank hope it's enough dejanking 11:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316353511893635133/twwe_upload_automapper.mp4?ex=675abd3d&is=67596bbd&hm=63d9dee5bce5b197e55dac9c802293fa3dcaead9535c3e35fa099d5eeb67ced9& 11:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316353513537802280/twwe_edit_automapper.mp4?ex=675abd3e&is=67596bbe&hm=b2ac0e6333188ba3a80e3a7be2f439420e5d36586168196353d5834fa5325912& 11:41 < bridge> how much money does ddnet pay for internet every month? 11:42 < bridge> if you can share this information 11:46 < bridge> whar 11:48 < bridge> ddnet.org/fundin 11:48 < bridge> https://ddnet.org/funding 12:01 < bridge> im only intrested in internet subscription 12:02 < bridge> like what kind of internet subscription allows to send data so many players? and how much does it cost 12:02 < bridge> With hosting providers you often don't pay for your network traffic separately, so there's a good chance the amount they pay is simply *zero* 12:03 < bridge> oh i see 12:04 < bridge> You only pay extra for networking in the case that you use a lot of network bandwidth relative to the amount of processing and storage you pay for 12:04 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> nice! 12:04 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ill look at it when i can 12:04 < bridge> ...which honestly might be the case when it comes to DDNet since the game is so easy to run 12:07 < bridge> cries in CHN servers 12:07 < bridge> With some help from the gentoo irc we managed to get it down to just 3 rebuilds of rust :Celebrate: 12:07 < bridge> :justatest: 12:08 < bridge> i would never be able to deal with that 12:08 < bridge> eh, it happens in the background, I don't mind 12:08 < bridge> i probably would just panic and wipe the disk 12:08 < bridge> happened to me a lot when I was in middle school 12:09 < bridge> This is how I used to fix my gentoo machines back in the day 12:09 < bridge> I couldn't figure out how to fix the conflicts, so I'd just wipe it all 12:10 < bridge> i can break ubuntu back in the day and i usually give up in 5 minutes 12:10 < bridge> probably why i'm still on windows 12:11 < bridge> going to linux improves your programming skills by 70% 12:11 < bridge> it is known 12:12 < bridge> i don't need more programming skills, i need blender skills and music theory right now 12:12 < bridge> :kek: 12:13 < bridge> make a donut in blender rn 12:13 < bridge> been there done that 12:14 < bridge> i'm just figuring out animation stuff and designing cutscene workflow for godot 12:18 < bridge> make a custom shader in blender 12:18 < bridge> that makes everything look teeish 12:18 < bridge> and then send to me 12:18 < bridge> why would i do that 12:18 < bridge> Freddie if you want some fancy music hmu, I'm proficient in guitar and piano, I'll drop you some sick beats 12:18 < bridge> why would you not 12:18 < bridge> WAAAAAAAAAT 12:18 < bridge> (I also did a remote study thingie for digital music theory FyI) 12:18 < bridge> AND YOU TELL ME NOW? 12:18 < bridge> :KEKW: 12:18 < bridge> just create a shader, drag a shader to rgb, add a color ramp and set your two tone. done. 12:19 < bridge> you are welcome 12:19 < bridge> @blaiszephyr make us a new ddnet menu music pls 12:19 < bridge> yes 12:19 < bridge> https://www.fernstudiumcheck.de/fernstudium/musikproduktion/ils-1892 12:19 < bridge> 12:19 < bridge> I did this 12:19 < bridge> pro 12:19 < bridge> @blaiszephyr smth in this direction would be nice: 12:19 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1R-BVB0Il8 12:19 < bridge> I was bored during my apprenticeship :nouis: 12:19 < bridge> @blaiszephyr what do you not know 12:20 < bridge> !remindme 4h 12:20 < bridge> i've learned piano when i was a kid but i'm still really bad at sight read 12:20 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> teetow 2 12:20 < bridge> Jack of all trades, master of none. 12:20 < bridge> 12:20 < bridge> It's called having severe ADHD 12:20 < bridge> and i don't even have a piano rn 12:21 < bridge> I hyper focus on topics I'm interested in for like a year or two, most of them I just drop after a while, the only one I stuck with was gaming, coding, and machining 12:21 < bridge> do you have a soundcloud 12:22 < bridge> :monkaStop: I had yes 12:22 < bridge> Did heavy techno with like 15/16 12:22 < bridge> https://soundcloud.com/tsfreddie 12:23 < bridge> me too lmao 12:23 < bridge> I also did some dj'ing a few years ago at parties 12:23 < bridge> But never really seriously 12:23 < bridge> :justatest: @blaiszephyr where did you take all the side quests, is there like a quest board or something in german 12:23 < bridge> is it made by you? 12:23 < bridge> :justatest: @blaiszephyr where did you take all the side quests, is there like a quest board or something in germany 12:23 < bridge> these tracks 12:24 < bridge> yes 12:24 < bridge> well kinda 12:24 < bridge> mostly loops that i modified 12:24 < bridge> didn't know you such an allrounder 12:24 < bridge> ddnet should hire you 12:24 < bridge> :justatest: 12:24 < bridge> i made basically everything in that blindjump game 12:24 < bridge> my friend made a sprite and i did everything else. 12:24 < bridge> As mentioned, I read something, I think I might like it, and I hyper focus on it for a while 12:25 < bridge> I love experimenting, learning and stuff 12:25 < bridge> defs a nice idea that game 12:25 < bridge> showed it my bro, he played it for like 1-2h xD 12:25 < bridge> :poggers2: 12:25 < bridge> :justatest: bro played a 30minute game for 2 hours 12:25 < bridge> well maybe it just felt so long 12:26 < bridge> but we actually wanted to do smth else and he continued playing it xD 12:26 < bridge> it was either really easy or really hard depends on the person 12:26 < bridge> https://tsfreddie.itch.io/blind-jump 12:26 < bridge> so probably not really a general audience friendly game 12:26 < bridge> speedrun 12:26 < bridge> i start at xx:27 12:26 < bridge> so 10 seconds 12:27 < bridge> :monkaStop: 12:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316365859685535794/Screenshot_20241211-122745.png?ex=675ac8bd&is=6759773d&hm=d862446b0879bf592489126d798dbacc70d02b37d219bd596506eb5a120e1bba& 12:28 < bridge> Damn work Internet 12:32 < bridge> done 12:32 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316367059927699486/image.png?ex=675ac9dc&is=6759785c&hm=69afb5b02fb84b424d5f12c1143fd92960b8f217e8f20da0b773b9128259bd97& 12:32 < bridge> WAT 12:33 < bridge> 12:33 < bridge> :poggers2: 12:34 < bridge> cool game 👍 12:35 < bridge> if it would be teeworlds physics all first try 12:39 < bridge> 😎 12:39 < bridge> did it again 12:39 < bridge> poorly tho 12:40 < bridge> :kek: 12:40 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316368933560782889/2024-12-11_19-34-35.mp4?ex=675acb9a&is=67597a1a&hm=90b5d4617bc36c60d2bb1966412cdc94b1abfb46b941b535d6864ac4aa653bed& 12:42 < bridge> I have this same thing. The amount of unnecessary knowledge I have accumulated is actually surprising 12:43 < bridge> make games when? 12:43 < bridge> I don't get to pick what my stupid brain is hyperfocusing on on a given day 12:43 < bridge> 12:44 < bridge> Soo when brain feels like make games I'll make games 12:44 < bridge> i don't either actually, i'm kinda forcing myself to make game when i'm not focusing on anything 12:44 < bridge> For an entire month I was quite interested in drawing. Was actually getting better at it. Then suddenly woke up one day and I had 0 motivation to draw. Completely stopped doing it 12:44 < bridge> it usually doesn't work out, but at least i have a steady workflow towards something currently 12:45 < bridge> When post tee art in #showroom ? 12:45 < bridge> That's more than an hour a day I was putting towards drawing to 0 in an instant 12:46 < bridge> I'm still shit at drawing, so never 🙃 12:47 < bridge> btw does that border animation look familiar 12:47 < bridge> lmao 12:47 < bridge> did you learn any good resources? 12:48 < bridge> Such a cool idea for a game 12:49 < bridge> checkout this fucking spritesheet. the game doesn't takes much, I keep getting stuck on useless animations 12:49 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316371268387344505/StateIcons.png?ex=675acdc7&is=67597c47&hm=9e320640f278f7afe16145b9fe4c46c8774d1fb2a9376a20c48980f3175bcc95& 12:49 < bridge> I probably did. I don't remember anymore, I could check my old notes. I think I was following a youtube guy and a book 12:50 < bridge> cool. can you send me in #off-topic ? 12:50 < bridge> I'll check after work and send if I find some 12:58 < bridge> finally 12:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316373503011848293/image.png?ex=675acfdc&is=67597e5c&hm=6c8e6a1eddd381464cdfc2a825f86df8fc0cfa8c2feea3bf2077ff58fb01f06f& 12:58 < bridge> 20 minutes 12:58 < bridge> was my first run 12:58 < bridge> 30* 12:59 < bridge> is that from teeworlds or what xd 12:59 < bridge> i made it in a ddnet PR 13:00 < bridge> you asked me about it iirc 13:00 < bridge> like last week 13:00 < bridge> ah 13:00 < bridge> looks slower or smth 13:00 < bridge> dunno 13:00 < bridge> that was about on par with how long it took everyone livestreamed it beats it 13:00 < bridge> wouldn't have thought it's that 13:24 < bridge> that border animation in unity was shader tho 13:27 < bridge> ah yeah, ddnet defs isnt shader friendly 😂 13:30 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> would be nice tho 13:42 < bridge> good morning peeps from the south side of the world 13:42 < bridge> im closer as ever to Voxel kek 13:43 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> oh no 13:44 < bridge> @learath2 what u think https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/12/11/making-memcpynull-null-0-well-defined 13:44 < bridge> are u in the north our south side of na 13:44 < bridge> are u in the north or south side of na 13:46 < bridge> > The llvm.memcpy intrinsic may lower to a call to the memcpy function, which is treated as a "compiler runtime builtin" here, even though it is ultimately also provided by the C library. 13:46 < bridge> > 13:46 < bridge> > When used as a builtin, LLVM requires that both memcpy(x, x, s) and memcpy(NULL, NULL, 0) are well-defined, even though the C standard says they are UB. GCC and MSVC have similar assumptions. 13:46 < bridge> > 13:46 < bridge> > Making memcpy(NULL, NULL, 0) officially well-defined removes one of the assumptions, while the memcpy(x, x, s) case remains for now. Allowing this was originally also part of the proposal, but was later dropped, because it didn't fit well with the other changes. 13:46 < bridge> > 13:46 < bridge> > In a weird turn of events, this change to the C standard came about because Rust developers kept nagging me about the mismatch between LLVM and C semantics. 13:47 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> na? 13:47 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ohhh oh 13:47 < bridge> im in south america, argentina 13:47 < bridge> for work, for 10 days 13:48 < bridge> well now there are 7 days remaining 13:48 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> is new england east or west 13:48 < bridge> hmm 13:48 < bridge> i guess west, but i have a europe centric view xd 13:48 < bridge> i think east is more arabs 13:48 < bridge> and asia 13:49 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ah 14:13 < ws-client> @kaffeine your snap templating abstraction confuses me hard ._. 14:13 < ws-client> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/2268bf56949bff316526fa6fa46cea23136f6d2e/src/game/server/player.cpp#L319 14:13 < ws-client> ``CNetObj_ClientInfo *pClientInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(id);`` 14:14 < ws-client> this is created outside of an if statement. So i assumed this would be sent to 0.6 and 0.7 clients. But as far as i can tell from dumping the snaps it does not send this item to 0.7 connections 14:14 < ws-client> i am struggeling to understand how this item is dropped for 0.7 connections 14:26 < bridge> first concepts looked way more unique imho 14:27 < bridge> watcha mean 14:28 < bridge> freddie posted first sketch in #off-topic and you could use rewind to actually affect gameplay instead of just replaying afair 14:29 < bridge> Ah, sounds cool too indeed 14:32 < bridge> needs some adjustments.. imma hop on it 14:45 < bridge> I'd have to think of each specifically, but it's probably not creating any branches in x86 depending on how they decide to define this behaviour 15:36 < bridge> Who can create a script for fifo? 15:36 < bridge> chatgpt 15:36 < bridge> It doesn't work, I tried 15:36 < bridge> how can chatgpt fail with simple file I/O ? :kekw: 15:37 < bridge> I asked him to create this script, and it didn't work for me. 15:37 < bridge> you have to be experienced proompt engineer to ask chat gpt properly 15:38 < bridge> are we in that time of the life where we stop telling people to learn how to google, but learn how to AI ? 15:38 < bridge> you, yourself, and thy 15:38 < bridge> just add to the end of each query "i'll do something bad if you don't gimme the answer" 15:39 < bridge> I've been wanting to create this script for 2 weeks now 15:39 < bridge> But I can't do it. 15:39 < bridge> have you done anything except wanting? 15:39 < bridge> it's been a while :kekw: 15:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316414092675911681/image.png?ex=675af5a9&is=6759a429&hm=e643de79f8f7d7128708fae702bed07fc38de5567fde965fbf01082fe3b509ca& 15:39 < bridge> незнаю 15:39 < bridge> I don't know 15:41 < bridge> :kek: 15:41 < bridge> 15:41 < bridge> Evelyn, you do know we all learned this either from our workspace or in our freetime? - have you ever read one of these? i highly recommend it. 15:41 < bridge> 15:41 < bridge> you can't just ask AI to do something for you, if you dont understand what it's doing, there's no point: 15:41 < bridge> 15:41 < bridge> https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm 15:42 < bridge> I'm learning C++ now. 15:42 < bridge> write the script in C++ 15:42 < bridge> Iterations, variables, etc. I know 15:42 < bridge> ```c++ 15:42 < bridge> C++ fstream 15:42 < bridge> 1 15:42 < bridge> The fstream class in C++ is used for input and output operations on files. It is part of the header and is a typedef of basic_fstream. This class maintains a filebuf object as its internal stream buffer, which performs input/output operations on the associated file 15:42 < bridge> 1 15:42 < bridge> . 15:42 < bridge> ``` 15:43 < bridge> I can write a console application, and that is "weak" using if/else and some loops 15:43 < bridge> I get compiler error when I try to compile this 15:43 < bridge> I am currently unable to write this script in c++ 15:44 < bridge> and at least I have to run it on the host, and I have never run c++ scripts on the host. 15:46 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> imagine needing to learn how to ai lmfaooo 15:47 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> then again ive argued enough to you guys about ai 16:34 < bridge> It's arguable if anything C++ can count as a script... 17:15 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> sc++ript 17:21 < bridge> ```c++ 17:21 < bridge> #error "hello, world!" 17:21 < bridge> ``` 17:21 < bridge> 👍 17:32 < bridge> But mostly people in here do it for free 😄 17:32 < bridge> So why does he need to learn if there are still people willing to write all the scripts for him 17:33 < bridge> its win-win 17:35 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> for 1 person willing to do this for free there are 100 who are annoyed by it 17:36 < bridge> It is how it is 17:44 < bridge> In general, yes, c++ is a low-level language 17:44 < bridge> Who can create a script for fifo? 17:47 < bridge> what does your script need to do (i'm not creating it though) 17:48 < bridge> I just want my message to be displayed in the broadcast every specified time. 17:49 < bridge> this is implemented via fifo 17:49 < bridge> But I do not know how 17:49 < bridge> so you want a script, that runs a script that broadcasts stuff to your server via fifo? 17:49 < bridge> so you want a script that runs a script that broadcasts stuff to your server via fifo? 17:54 < bridge> https://chatgpt.com/share/6759c333-1c44-8007-ba0d-39b460203e07 17:54 < bridge> this looks fine to me 17:54 < bridge> not sure if fifo file requires rewrites or appends though 17:54 < bridge> not sure if fifo file wants rewrites or appends though 17:59 < bridge> ye 18:07 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> fee fifo fum 18:09 < bridge> let me cook :OMEGALUL: 18:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316451915785310269/image.png?ex=675b18e3&is=6759c763&hm=d37f7e1ecb8a9ff1114b9173f8a6aace145a7f49ac79236b0df8e06d31ac6f40& 18:10 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> 💀 18:11 < bridge> todays advent of code was fun, except for my awk pain 😅 18:11 < bridge> @kebscs we gotta stay strong ^^ 18:17 < bridge> Go Master Race 18:19 < bridge> go is so much fun ngl 18:27 < bridge> does anybody here know how to test for servers that support above 64 players? 18:28 < bridge> checkout that support 128 players commit #9274 18:28 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/9274 18:28 < bridge> ah or wdym 18:29 < bridge> i actually extended the feature that allows vanilla clients that only support 16 clients to be on 64 player servers so that clients that support 64 can be on servers with even more 18:30 < bridge> but i have to check i didn't miss something somewhere server sided or client sided, so i gotta be able to simulate a lotta players server sided 18:30 < bridge> opening up a lot of clients failed around 18 probably because of graphics contexts, didn't even get to the main menu 18:30 < bridge> i heard there might be a way add a lot of fake players to test these types of servers? 18:38 < bridge> debug dummies, server side 18:38 < bridge> there is a CONF_DEBUG 18:38 < bridge> or smth 18:38 < bridge> gdb_dummies, just found out 18:39 < bridge> dgb_dummies, just found out 18:39 < bridge> dbg_dummies, just found out 18:55 < bridge> chaiscript users: 19:23 < bridge> Ngl i did part1 in 5 min and had to look up part 2 19:24 < bridge> Had no idea how to do it 19:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316471155518869554/image.png?ex=675b2ace&is=6759d94e&hm=c0cbda088d2f7ade2daf844e693f70633cc86cc4a2caaf414a8a9350221f315f& 19:26 < bridge> fuccc 19:28 < bridge> wyd 19:29 < bridge> trying to make hooklines use prediction 19:29 < bridge> ``` 19:29 < bridge> CCharacter *p = (CCharacter *)FindFirst(ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); 19:29 < bridge> for(; p; p = (CCharacter *)p->TypeNext()) 19:29 < bridge> ``` 19:29 < bridge> please don't pr that to ddnet xd 19:29 < bridge> it doesnt look like you can get ccharacter from id 19:29 < bridge> hooklines cannot be predicted 19:29 < bridge> wdym 19:29 < bridge> whatever you do is not a prediction of hooklines 19:30 < bridge> hooklines depend on the current player movement 19:30 < bridge> so moving will invalidate the current preview of the hookline 19:30 < bridge> well sometimes when dragging the line shows no hook when it very much can hook 19:30 < bridge> yes 19:30 < bridge> and the opposite is true too 19:31 < bridge> if youre lagging enough, hook line does nothing 19:31 < bridge> i think it should be made to work best when you arent lagging 19:32 < bridge> anyway, they cannot be predicted 19:32 < bridge> not properly 19:32 < bridge> you just use predicted world instead of current world? 19:32 < bridge> ok let me rephrase 19:33 < bridge> you cannot predict if the hookline's prediction is ever correct 19:33 < bridge> also hookline itself is already a shady feature in ddnet 19:33 < bridge> it would be better if it stays as it is 19:34 < bridge> nor can you any other prediction, but its good enough most of the time and better than no prediction 19:34 < bridge> i slightly, as someone who plays with max distance 30, rely on it 19:34 < bridge> i slightly, as someone who plays with max distance 30, rely on it. dym "shady" as in slightly cheaty 19:34 < bridge> skill issue :troll: 19:34 < bridge> well then let me allow to say. skill issue 19:34 < bridge> xD 19:34 < bridge> well i cant put my cursor on tees as they are... too far away 19:35 < bridge> hookline makes that a non issue 19:35 < bridge> ye thats why its a skill issue 19:35 < bridge> 100% 19:35 < bridge> ppl play with 100k sense and do perfect flick hooks, you just need to practice 19:35 < bridge> hookline has a few legitimate uses imo none of which need prediction. yea it would be better if it worked that way but you’d probably be making it even less reliable 19:36 < bridge> the fact that its unreliable even when youre still is a problem 19:36 < bridge> wdym 19:36 < bridge> then u can fix that without touching pred right 19:36 < bridge> sometimes you can hook when the hookline says you cant and visa versa 19:36 < bridge> yea 19:37 < bridge> sometimes you can hook when the hookline says you cant and visa versa (when still) 19:37 < bridge> it has nothing to do with pred though 19:37 < bridge> i dont really care about that tho, it isnt an issue to me. the issue is being inaccurate as its using the non predicted world when im seeing the predicted one 19:37 < bridge> i dont really care about that tho, it isnt an issue to me (doesnt mean i dont want it fixed). the issue is being inaccurate as its using the non predicted world when im seeing the predicted one 19:38 < bridge> the thing is predicted hook is more unreliable than a still one 19:38 < bridge> i’d like to see it working for sure. i’d almost rather have a ghost hookline like ur tee in the debug menu 19:38 < bridge> when you arent lagging it isnt 19:38 < bridge> you can depend on still hookline and just feel the game itself 19:38 < bridge> when you arent lagging it isnt (there are lots of cases where hookline is reproducably wrong) 19:38 < bridge> also isn't it prohibited? 19:38 < bridge> not in ddrace? 19:38 < bridge> i remember there was a person who implemented it already 19:39 < bridge> and it was dropped cuz its literally da chot 19:39 < bridge> "da chot"? 19:39 < bridge> if the current hook line isnt cheating, one which is wrong less of the time isnt any more cheating 19:40 < bridge> current hookline is as debatable as dummy, too 19:40 < bridge> why is dummy cheating 19:40 < bridge> automated inputs 19:40 < bridge> (dummy hammerfly is iffy cuz thats aimbot) 19:40 < bridge> yeah but you give it every one of those inputs 19:41 < bridge> yeah but you give it every one of those inputs (again excluding hammerfly) 19:41 < bridge> you can't control two opened clients in same time as you can with dummy copy 19:41 < bridge> with two keyboard you can 19:41 < bridge> you cant focus on two windows at once lol 19:41 < bridge> (given your wm has multi keyboard focus) 19:42 < bridge> yes you can B) 19:42 < bridge> even in X, but its janky in X 19:42 < bridge> idk about windows 19:42 < bridge> yeah exception on exception, still exploitable, still a chot 19:42 < bridge> cheat*? 19:42 < bridge> whats "exception on exception" 19:42 < bridge> . 19:43 < bridge> you can just have 2 computers, same outcome 19:43 < bridge> i dont see the problem if you arent automating the inputs 19:44 < bridge> then why dummy is a feature if you can achieve it anyway 19:44 < bridge> that's exaclty why dummy is unnecessary 19:45 < bridge> because windows and most linux installs cant do multi keyboard. most people dont have multiple computers or even keyboards 19:45 < bridge> oh also alt-tab exists 19:45 < bridge> oh also alt-tab exists (completley forgot about that) 19:45 < bridge> and? you can open two clients and play like this lol 19:45 < bridge> like i did back then 19:45 < bridge> ya but like 19:45 < bridge> and dummy is just a better way of doing that 19:45 < bridge> sure ur window system can do it 19:45 < bridge> what about ur brain 19:46 < bridge> yea and it simplified gameplay too much 19:46 < bridge> you would have to move your hands quite fast 19:46 < bridge> or just learn to play w feet 19:46 < bridge> from alt-tab which you could bind to a single key 19:46 < bridge> to... a single key? 19:47 < bridge> the concept is that nobody was really double-teeing before dummies afaik so it was a paradigm shift regardless of your technical ability to do it beforehand 19:47 < bridge> so whats the problem with my approach lol, you exactly point out that it is as easy as dummy without copy and hammerfly features 19:47 < bridge> dummy copy you cant do like this, but i think its fine you are still giving all the inputs (as you could with 2 keyboards) 19:47 < bridge> hammefly is cheaty 19:47 < bridge> opening 2 clients is a pain 19:47 < bridge> not really 19:47 < bridge> you have duplicate audio 19:48 < bridge> unless you turn one off 19:48 < bridge> prediction for dummy isnt a thing 19:48 < bridge> u can mute on unfocused iorc 19:48 < bridge> thats fairly new 19:48 < bridge> u can mute on unfocused iirc 19:48 < bridge> if you mute one chat pings dont work 19:49 < bridge> the only good point, i mean current state of dummy is really debatable, i don't know why you argue with it and still say that hammerfly and copy features are literally chots 19:49 < bridge> hookline is very useful to make edgehook not fucking praying to god that you hit 19:49 < bridge> it is debatable, you just proved it once more 19:49 < bridge> if controller support existed and was decent i bet atleast someone wouldve figured out how to competently control 2 at once (as people do with other gmaes) 19:49 < bridge> it = dummy copy and hammerfly 19:50 < bridge> yeah, main dummy features lmfao 19:50 < bridge> i cant live w/o my dummy, too many novices 19:50 < bridge> find new friends 19:51 < bridge> ddnet is quite... 19:51 < bridge> a niche game 19:51 < bridge> to get people i already like into it 19:51 < bridge> Wait 19:51 < bridge> i guess i could befriend exisitng playres 19:51 < bridge> all my friends came out from teeworlds chat and forums 19:51 < bridge> i guess i could befriend exisitng players, i do 19:51 < bridge> you just have to communicate ingame 19:52 < bridge> but most of the time theres not going to be someone that i can conveen(?) with on whatever im playing 19:52 < bridge> gerdoe are u saying dummy is bad 19:52 < bridge> like its the main point of playing teeworlds :justatest: 19:52 < bridge> to have fun :D 19:52 < bridge> dummy is chot 19:52 < bridge> not 19:52 < bridge> to find good ppl in it kekeke 19:52 < bridge> prove it 19:53 < bridge> can you do the same tricks dummy players do without dummy? 19:53 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> imaging mapping without dummy 19:53 < bridge> what tricks 19:53 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> also dummy maps 19:53 < bridge> <♂S1mple♂> imagine mapping without dummy 19:53 < bridge> i don't say dummy is bad, but its indeed chot 19:54 < bridge> any dummy-only trick 19:54 < bridge> like perfect triple kinta fly 19:54 < bridge> no because i dont do it with dummy either way 19:55 < bridge> dummy chot 19:55 < bridge> u can't do horizontal deepfly without dummy 19:55 < bridge> u can't do horizontal unfrozen deepfly without dummy 19:56 < bridge> yeah, kinta fly xd 19:58 < bridge> what's chot idk 19:59 < bridge> ya true 19:59 < bridge> pinkrat definition of legalized cheat 19:59 < bridge> ah lol 20:02 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks hookline prediction would just have the same issues as any other prediction :D 20:02 < bridge> I disagree. if you play solo all prediction works fine 20:02 < bridge> But hookline would not work 20:02 < bridge> why? 20:02 < bridge> Because it would require to know your next movement 20:03 < bridge> same as other prediction 20:03 < bridge> No 20:03 < bridge> Do you see prediction errors while playing solo maps? 20:03 < bridge> usually not you're right 20:08 < bridge> (minus packet loss) 20:09 < bridge> I mean you could argue that instant input also miss predicts. 20:09 < bridge> 20:09 < bridge> So you could purposely run the whole client 3 ticks behind and have accurate hookline :lol: 20:09 < bridge> 20:09 < bridge> but would feel like even more input delay 20:09 < bridge> that would be removing prediction 20:09 < bridge> also this is mostly for dragging where the other person isnt moving 20:10 < bridge> also tees are big so if you are off by 3 ticks of movement (assuming pretty not high ping) then its fine 20:10 < bridge> what about player-only? is it not a chot to dummy users then 20:10 < bridge> (really the same as any movement, being off a few ticks of movement is only so jarring) 20:11 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316482450620289034/image.png?ex=675b3553&is=6759e3d3&hm=8d894303cb0ad50f3a271bc30ee18add926c356855f2be0e7897babf5b9de4fe& 20:11 < bridge> famous last words 20:11 < bridge> he wrote next week 20:11 < bridge> so it's next week 20:12 < bridge> and next week your read it again 20:12 < bridge> still next week 20:12 < bridge> so will the 128p servers be only for newest client? 20:14 < bridge> (is 2 weeks ago, he said next week 2 weeks ago whichis 1 week ago, and it hasnt been merged) 20:14 < bridge> I think the idea would be we release one or more client versions with 128 support (just increase `MAX_CLIENTS`) and when we switch on the server those versions don't need any translation 20:15 < bridge> and i thought it's happening xd 20:16 < bridge> @robyt3 did you improve perf since last time? 20:16 < bridge> no :justatest: it's still fine in release mode, but debug mode goes down to 50 FPS 20:17 < bridge> im wondering if max clients necessarily has to be a constant 20:17 < bridge> so 400 fps for you? 20:17 < bridge> sadly the whole game is build around static sized arrays 20:17 < bridge> sure, that's fine 20:17 < bridge> you can do runtime static things 20:18 < bridge> even with 64 clients debug mode slows down to 10fps rendering all of them 20:18 < bridge> but that also means it always iterates over MAX_CLIENTS for loops 20:18 < bridge> In release I have 2000+ FPS. In debug I also have around 1200+ when alone on a local server 20:18 < bridge> if all it's about is indexing then frankly that sounds like more of a mental blocker 20:18 < bridge> In release I have 2000+ FPS idle. In debug I also have around 1200+ when alone on a local server 20:19 < bridge> is collision done with octtrees? 20:19 < bridge> (or anything else which makes it not O(n^2)) 20:19 < bridge> no, it's O(N²) 20:19 < bridge> owch 20:19 < bridge> yeah thats... a problem 20:20 < bridge> simple fix +5000 -5000 20:20 < bridge> simple fix +5000 -3000 20:20 < bridge> lmao 20:20 < bridge> "just use octtrees, it would be easy they said" 20:21 < bridge> this is what you get for not using a game engine i guess 20:21 < bridge> no the game is just old as shit 20:21 < bridge> just saying octree solves nothing 20:21 < bridge> updating octrees isnt cheap either 20:21 < bridge> i think the best solution is to use a tile based approach 20:22 < bridge> cheaper than n^2 every collision check 20:22 < bridge> players are real, have no automation, no aimbot and no additional inputs 20:22 < bridge> "chunking" also works 20:22 < bridge> "chunking" also works, is simpler 20:22 < bridge> "chunking" also works, is simpler (and faster) (at the cost of memory) 20:22 < bridge> "chunking" also works, is simpler (and faster) (not at the cost of memory, why are octrees used?) 20:23 < bridge> "chunking" also works, is simpler (and faster) (i guess its how you impeement either?) 20:23 < bridge> "chunking" also works, is simpler 20:23 < bridge> that’s the concept behind an octree no 20:23 < bridge> some of old devs implemented quad tree collisions, @essigautomat implemented it too once afair 20:23 < bridge> that’s the concept behind an octree no? 20:23 < bridge> but 400 with 128 tees in the screen? 20:24 < bridge> oh yeah its 2d :monkalaugh: 20:24 < bridge> ye i mean 20:24 < bridge> In debug I have max 50, I don't remember release 20:24 < bridge> ye, quadtree is a chunking 20:24 < bridge> i get around 600-700 fps 20:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316485883721158688/image.png?ex=675b3885&is=6759e705&hm=0179464d822663843ec78dbfdb5364dccf17b61ed4849f3c44fe751b06e92ae6& 20:25 < bridge> with the non O(n²) physics 20:25 < bridge> does anyone have like an i5 igpu 20:25 < bridge> that should be the basis of these metrics tbh 20:25 < bridge> well you can just store chunks in a flat array 20:25 < bridge> does anyone have like an i5 w igpu 20:25 < bridge> without nameplates 1200fps xd 20:25 < bridge> guess i should optimize that at some point 20:25 < bridge> why are nameplates so expensive 20:25 < bridge> i do, but it's at home rn 20:25 < bridge> rip 20:25 < bridge> they are currently not buffered in this client you see 20:25 < bridge> it should just be rendering already made text containers (textures) (atleast since updated ones) 20:26 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> hookline ai prediction 20:26 < bridge> @sollybunny this isn't ddnet, it's a client that has almost O(n) physics 20:26 < bridge> is this jupey client? 20:26 < bridge> XDD 20:26 < bridge> yeah 20:26 < bridge> nice 20:26 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i love jupey client 20:27 < bridge> when can i use it 20:27 < bridge> dd pg 20:27 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> its like nothing rn tbh LOL 20:27 < bridge> @sollybunny https://github.com/Jupeyy/dd-pg/blob/29bc281e6301402ad9289d252dc7283ddbb75aad/game/shared-game/src/entities/character/pos.rs 20:27 < bridge> 20:27 < bridge> in case you interested, this is how i solved it, instead of a quadtree. 20:28 < bridge> tile based, so i kinda assume in the avg case 1 tile = 1 tee 20:28 < bridge> all day 20:28 < bridge> lmfao 20:28 < bridge> is it usable 20:28 < bridge> depends on what your goal is xD 20:28 < bridge> ig it’s not compatible w ddnet 20:28 < bridge> but 20:28 < bridge> you can play vanilla 20:28 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> you can only play LAN 20:29 < bridge> can i play online vanilla 20:29 < bridge> well you can play on servers, but the current ones are pretty outdated xD 20:29 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> ohh 20:29 < bridge> if you host a server yes 20:29 < bridge> ur not hosting any 20:29 < bridge> blast 20:29 < bridge> i can play dm1 1o1 theres so its alright :troll: 20:29 < bridge> i sometimes update the ones i host 20:29 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> still wanna make more sounds and textures for dd pg 20:29 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i already did itsabot 20:30 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> maybe void_tee and maybe a wooden tee next 20:30 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> or maybe weapon sounds/looks 20:31 < bridge> i was on my phone and couldn't listen to it when i saw it. could you link it again? i wanna hear 20:31 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> one src 20:31 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> @teero777 20:32 < bridge> :ooo 20:32 < bridge> sounds so cool 20:33 < bridge> are there clanking sounds for walking? 20:37 < bridge> walking sounds dont exist 20:38 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> theres clanking sounds for jumping 20:39 < bridge> we should add them 20:40 < bridge> no 20:40 < bridge> walking sounds x 10 in fat map is bad idea me thinks 20:41 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> yeah i think itd be too distracting 20:42 < bridge> tees got fast feet 20:42 < bridge> Time to pull out my 1.83GHz Celeron 20:42 < bridge> would probs sound like some machine gun 20:42 < bridge> Around 500 FPS with 128 players visible, 150 with scoreboard open 20:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316490381533249607/image.png?ex=675b3cb6&is=6759eb36&hm=334ecac85c1bf20da0f46ba53a146d9873840f0935ba9a260b7313d042ccd93e& 20:44 < bridge> is that relwithdebinfo? 20:44 < bridge> yeah 20:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i think what would also be cool is a dedicated jetpack weapon 20:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> three sounds: the activation sound, the running sound and the shutoff sound 20:44 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> the running would sorts have a crossfade sort of action so it can continuously play without it overlapping, and since you,re gonna be flying everywhere it can smoothly transition with positions since im assuming sounds cant really track a tee 20:45 < bridge> mh well tbf it also depends too much on hardware 20:45 < bridge> tee rendering is just so slow 20:46 < bridge> Somehow joystick axis reading is also pretty slow 20:46 < bridge> And we'd might benefit from the snapshot performance improvements from 0.7 20:46 < bridge> And we might benefit from the snapshot performance improvements from 0.7 20:46 < bridge> is that only done if "enable controller" is on? 20:46 < bridge> yeah defs 😄 20:46 < bridge> yeah, otherwise we shouldn't update the joystick 20:47 < bridge> I just had it enabled for testing 20:47 < bridge> was just wondering if that causes the steam versions input lags xd 20:47 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i wonder if theres a way to optimize it 20:47 < bridge> still vulkan cant visualize btw 20:48 < bridge> Controller is disabled by default though, but I guess you could ask affected users if they have joysticks enabled 20:48 < bridge> what is your hardware? 20:48 < bridge> gpu 20:48 < bridge> GeForce GTX 1650 20:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316491844883841065/image.png?ex=675b3e13&is=6759ec93&hm=20ca650d384533e60aaa2ba2d371b74f897e2455bb590a4cfdf75c2f8b17dfcb& 20:48 < bridge> Particles rendering is also slow. Kill of those 100 players would cause huge lags on a low-mid laptop. 20:48 < bridge> I checked this in renderdoc but I'm too far from gfx dev to do anything. The issue was that we reset all params for each particle, and each death emits 64 particles. 20:48 < bridge> it's harder then it sounds actually. 20:48 < bridge> 20:48 < bridge> even patigas twgpu does not really use the GPU for that 20:48 < bridge> yeah i also know why 20:49 < bridge> death particles or spawn particles change the color 20:49 < bridge> when i first wrote the updated particle rendering i didnt know that 20:49 < bridge> that would need to be part of the shaders 20:49 < bridge> check f1 there are usually some details immediately before 20:49 < bridge> which driver version? 20:50 < bridge> and this is good too 20:50 < bridge> 2024-12-12 00:49:38 I gfx: Created Vulkan 1.1 context. 20:50 < bridge> 2024-12-12 00:49:38 I vulkan: initialization failed for unknown reason. 20:50 < bridge> 2024-12-12 00:49:38 I vulkan: vulkan warning: initialization failed for unknown reason. 20:50 < bridge> above? 20:50 < bridge> or is that all 20:50 < bridge> rip 20:50 < bridge> well i am affected user xd 20:50 < bridge> 20:50 < bridge> but yeah it's disabled 20:50 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> idk why the spawn particles are gray if they're always purple in-game 20:50 < bridge> can you show a screenshot of the full console? 20:50 < bridge> I can tell you a lot of people (I know at least a dozen) would appreciate such improvement. 20:50 < bridge> starting from what you posted 20:51 < bridge> arch btw 20:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316492455943737404/image.png?ex=675b3ea4&is=6759ed24&hm=423c5da768477b6b0dbedbf69265664e585a6aeb1fd650521c755e3264d7a100& 20:51 < bridge> ah lol 20:51 < bridge> oh lol 20:51 < bridge> could have said that earlier 20:51 < bridge> was expecting windows 20:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316492524856279100/image.png?ex=675b3eb5&is=6759ed35&hm=d2378d7042d57aee66cb35fe4521d328986d21b0192355d3617d5461329585aa& 20:51 < bridge> :justatest: 20:51 < bridge> you use nvidia open source drivers 20:51 < bridge> WHAT THe 20:51 < bridge> nouveau doesnt support vulkan at all 20:51 < bridge> as much as i dislike telling you, but you better use the official nvidia ones 20:51 < bridge> the open source first-party driver does 20:52 < bridge> or you can use the proprietary one 20:52 < bridge> ok 20:52 < bridge> on arch u need nvidia-utils as well i think 20:52 < bridge> nvidia-extras 20:52 < bridge> idr 20:54 < bridge> nvidia-open has worked well for me 20:55 < bridge> same 20:55 < bridge> been using it for like 2 months no issues 20:55 < bridge> That is, the proprietary drivers with the official open kernel modules 20:55 < bridge> it is a step in the right direction 20:56 < bridge> and frankly a bold compromise considering the circumstances LMAO 20:56 < bridge> it's sad the measures u have to go thru to get ppl to open source even a portion of their shit 20:57 < bridge> yeah we have to build a new one to open source it.... great, that instills a lot of confidence :justatest: 20:57 < bridge> Actually the reason I switched from fully proprietary was that something broke with suspend 20:58 < bridge> Now it works better than ever 20:58 < bridge> oh u know. i have been having suspend issues lately 20:58 < bridge> but that is since i switched *to* the open driver 20:58 < bridge> there were issues before but different 20:58 < bridge> now it doesn't even wake up :feelsbadman: 20:58 < bridge> you can add it in normal ddnet too btw 20:59 < bridge> Yeah the funny thing is that when I looked up my issue I only saw people complaining about the open driver 20:59 < bridge> ditto 20:59 < bridge> yea 20:59 < bridge> ditto (wqell i dont use nvidia anymore) 20:59 < bridge> i would have switched back but i got into the habit of turning all the power off in my room when i sleep except for alarm clock 20:59 < bridge> ditto (wqell i dont use nvidia anymore, not a single hickup with amd x-x) 20:59 < bridge> But for me it was backwards somehow 20:59 < bridge> all the whining sounds and little lights 20:59 < bridge> i just cant 21:00 < bridge> so no need for suspend 21:00 < bridge> The issue is with some change to systemd 21:00 < bridge> someone might say the issue *is* systemd 21:00 < bridge> About storing framebuffers on suspend 21:00 < bridge> oh yeah, my issue is a little different, there are suspend hooks & kernel mod params that u can pass to mitigate those issues 21:00 < bridge> vram corruption right 21:01 < bridge> I love how well it works now 21:02 < bridge> I can actually suspend with a game open and it won't corrupt when I wake it up 21:04 < bridge> I can imagine such a low level feature would be easy to mess up 21:04 < bridge> yeah without a standard model for that kind of thing anyway 21:12 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i mean yeah but 21:12 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> where would the jetpack skins go 21:12 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> extras.png? game.png? 21:28 < bridge> is it because it has the inner and outer outlines 21:28 < bridge> yes, and also it has to change the skin textures for almost all tees 21:28 < bridge> and additionally it is mixed with other rendering like hook, weapons etc. 21:29 < bridge> so you end up rendering lot of single quads 21:29 < bridge> gpus like batching 21:30 < bridge> i wonder how much more fps if you just drop those outer lines 21:37 < bridge> xd maybe a bit 21:51 < bridge> skins? :justatest: 21:51 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> 💀 21:51 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> im talking about replacing the pistol 21:52 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> like not completely, just replacing the jetpack pistol 21:56 < bridge> could probably just solve it w particles 21:56 < bridge> jetpack gun also emits particles or something 21:57 < bridge> too bad someone already made a part with jetpack and telegun, or else we could remove the bullets as well 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> i just hate the sound the jetpack gun makes 22:00 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> and ninjajetpack feels too confusing for a map that has ninja in it 22:01 < bridge> @learath2 now types can be *kinda* inferred, and now it's not necessary to type variable's type in most obvious scenarios 😏 22:01 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1316510127120973844/image.png?ex=675b4f19&is=6759fd99&hm=cf166841883302fb6522d2d1dd9601963088f470bda6baf3cf09a69754fadacc& 22:03 < bridge> And it looks much better then before https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/meraki/blob/c04a49aef06ab81a27bf1f13beb4a2dd48fdaac1/src/passes/type_checker.rs#L232-L322 xd 22:03 < bridge> maybe there can be a different sound for rapid fire and single fire? 22:05 < bridge> <_voxeldoesart> that'd be nice 22:05 < bridge> And it looks much better than before https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/meraki/blob/c04a49aef06ab81a27bf1f13beb4a2dd48fdaac1/src/passes/type_checker.rs#L232-L322 xd 22:05 < bridge> And it looks much better than before https://github.com/MilkeeyCat/meraki/blob/c04a49aef06ab81a27bf1f13beb4a2dd48fdaac1/src/passes/type_checker.rs#L232-L322 xd 22:06 < bridge> ChillerDragon I found a bug on JsaurusRex server hosted by you 22:06 < bridge> I can't send demo here apparently though 22:45 < bridge> thats how infclass did it with mercenary, solid way imo 23:48 < bridge> On the hook line thing there is a specific github repo made by a specific cheat developer that has accurate hookline prediction via analytical solving, it wouldn't require prediction to implement 23:49 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks why is tee rendering so slow btw? 23:55 < bridge> :baked: